A Susceptible-Infected Model for Exploring the Effects of Neighborhood Structures on Epidemic Processes - A Segregation Analysis


Leonardo Bacelar Lima Santos (santoslbl@dpi.inpe.br)
Raian Vargas Maretto (raian@dpi.inpe.br)
Líliam César de Castro Medeiros (lccastro@dpi.inpe.br)
Flávia da Fonseca Feitosa (flavia@dpi.inpe.br)
Antônio Miguel V. Monteiro (miguel@dpi.inpe.br)


This work explores and analyzes the effects of neighborhood structures on disease spreading in a compartmental epidemic CA-model. The main goal is to investigate how different neighborhood configurations are able to affect the spatial and temporal distribution of infected and susceptible individuals and the chance of having members from these different groups interacting with each other. It uses the idea of “activity-space neighborhood”, which extends traditional contiguity-based neighborhoods to capture interactions beyond those established in a residential environment. To depict the spatial distribution of infected and susceptible individuals along the simulation steps, we introduce the use of spatial segregation indices, traditionally adopted in urban studies, to an epidemiological context.

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