--[[-- Use this file to specify System preferences. Review [examples](+/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/cfg/user-sample.lua) or check [online documentation](http://studio.zerobrane.com/documentation.html) for details. --]]-- -- Style preferences local G = ... styles = G.loadfile('cfg/tomorrow.lua')('Palleton') stylesoutshell = styles -- also apply the same scheme to Output/Console windows -- Editor preferences editor.fontsize = 22 -- this is mapped to ide.config.editor.fontsize editor.fontname = "Consolas" -- to disable indicators (underlining) on function calls -- styles.indicator.fncall = nil -- to change the type of the indicator used for function calls -- styles.indicator.fncall.st = wxstc.wxSTC_INDIC_HIDDEN styles.indicator = {} filehistorylength = 20 -- this is mapped to ide.config.filehistorylength -- Output preferences outputshell.fontname = "Consolas"-- set font name. outputshell.fontsize = 20 -- set font size (the default value is 11 on OSX). -- Project/Filetree window filetree.fontname = "Consolas" -- set font name filetree.fontsize = 16 -- set font size -- to have 4 spaces when TAB is used in the editor editor.tabwidth = 4 -- to specify language to use in the IDE (requires a file in cfg/i18n folder) language = "en" -- path to TerraME path.terrame_install = os.getenv("TME_PATH") -- hack in Mac OS X if (path.terrame_install == nil) then path.terrame_install = "/Applications/terrame.app/Contents/bin/terrame" end