spsample {sp}R Documentation

sample point locations within a spatial region


sample point locations within a square area, a ring, or on a spatial line, using regular or random sampling


spsample(x, n, type, ...)
sample.Spatial(x, n, type, bb = bbox(x), offset = runif(2), cellsize, ...)
sample.Line(x, n, type, offset = runif(1), proj4string=CRS(as.character(NA)), ...)
sample.Polygon(x, n, type = "random", bb = bbox(x), offset = runif(2), proj4string=CRS(as.character(NA)), ...)
sample.Polygons(x, n, type = "random", bb = bbox(x), offset = runif(2), proj4string=CRS(as.character(NA)), ...)
sample.Sgrid(x, n, type = "random", bb = bbox(x), offset = runif(2), ...)
makegrid(x, n = 10000, nsig = 2, cellsize, offset = c(0.5,0.5), 
        type = "regular", ...)


x Spatial object; spsample(x,...) is a generic method for the existing sample.Xxx fumctions
... optional arguments, passed to the appropriate sample.Xxx functions
n (approximate) sample size
type character; "random" for completely spatial random; "regular" for regular (systematically aligned) sampling; "stratified" for stratified random (one single random location in each "cell"); or "nonaligned" for nonaligned systematic sampling (nx random y coordinates, ny random x coordinates)
bb bounding box of the sampled domain; setting this to a smaller value leads to sub-region sampling
offset for regular sampling only: the offset (position) of the regular grid; the default for spsample methods is a random location in the unit cell $[0,1] times [0,1]$, leading to a different grid after each call; if this is set to c(0.5,0.5), the returned grid is not random (but, in Ripley's wording, "centric systematic")
cellsize if missing, a cell size is derived from the sample size n; otherwise, this cell size is used for all sampling methods except "random"
proj4string Object of class "CRS"; holding a valid proj4 string
nsig for "pretty" coordinates; spsample do not result in pretty grids


an object of class SpatialPoints-class. The number of points is only guaranteed to equal n when sampling is done in a square box, i.e. (sample.Spatial). Otherwise, the obtained number of points will have expected value n.
When x is of a class deriving from Spatial-class for which no spsample-methods exists, sampling is done in the bounding box of the object, using spsample.Spatial. An overlay may be necessary to select afterwards.
Sampling type "nonaligned" is not implemented for line objects.


If an Polygon-class object has zero area (i.e. is a line), samples on this line element are returned. If the area is very close to zero, the algorithm taken here (generating points in a square area, selecting those inside the polygon) may be very resource intensive


Edzer J. Pebesma, e.pebesma@geo.uu.nl


Chapter 3 in B.D. Ripley, 1981. Spatial Statistics, Wiley

See Also

overlay-methods, point.in.polygon, sample


meuse.sr = SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(meuse.riv)), "x")))

points(spsample(meuse.sr, n = 1000, "regular"), pch = 3)

points(spsample(meuse.sr, n = 1000, "random"), pch = 3)

points(spsample(meuse.sr, n = 1000, "stratified"), pch = 3)

points(spsample(meuse.sr, n = 1000, "nonaligned"), pch = 3)

points(spsample(meuse.sr@polygons[[1]], n = 100, "stratified"), pch = 3, cex=.5)

gridded(meuse.grid) = ~x+y
points(spsample(meuse.grid,n=1000,type="random"), pch=3, cex=.5)
points(spsample(meuse.grid,n=1000,type="stratified"), pch=3, cex=.5)
points(spsample(meuse.grid,n=1000,type="regular"), pch=3, cex=.5)
points(spsample(meuse.grid,n=1000,type="nonaligned"), pch=3, cex=.5)

fullgrid(meuse.grid) = TRUE
points(spsample(meuse.grid,n=1000,type="stratified"), pch=3,cex=.5)

[Package sp version 0.7-12 Index]