stack {sp}R Documentation

rearrange data in SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialGridDataFrame for plotting with spplot (levelplot/xyplot wrapper)


rearrange SpatialPointsDataFrame for plotting with spplot or levelplot

Usage, zcol = 1:n, n = 2, names.attr)
stack.SpatialPointsDataFrame(x, select, ...)


data object of class (or extending) SpatialDataFrame
zcol z-coordinate column name(s), or a column number (range) (after removing the spatial coordinate columns: 1 refers to the first non-coordinate column, etc. )
names.attr names of the set of z-columns (these names will appear in the plot); if omitted, column names of zcol
n number of columns to be stacked
x same as data
select same as zcol
... ignored

Value returns a data frame with the following elements:

x x-coordinate for each row
y y-coordinate for each row
z column vector with each of the elements in columns zcol of data stacked
name factor; name of each of the stacked z columns

stack is an S3 method: it return a data.frame with a column values that has the stacked coordinates and attributes, and a column ind that indicates the variable stacked; it also replicates the coordinates.

See Also

spplot, levelplot in package lattice, and stack


data(meuse.grid) # data frame
coordinates(meuse.grid) = c("x", "y") # promotes to SpatialDataFrame
meuse.grid[["idist"]] = 1 - meuse.grid[["dist"]] # add variable
# the following is made much easier by spplot:
levelplot(z~x+y|name,, z=c("dist","idist"), names.attr =
        c("distance", "inverse of distance")), aspect = "iso")
levelplot(values~x+y|ind,,aspect = "iso")
gridded(meuse.grid) = TRUE
levelplot(z~x+y|name,, z=c("dist","idist"), names.attr =
        c("distance", "inverse of distance")), aspect = "iso")
levelplot(values~x+y|ind,, asp = "iso")

[Package sp version 0.7-12 Index]