Rachel Lowe

Rachel Lowe has been a PhD student at the University of Exeter since October 2007 and is based 
in the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics. Her current research focuses on assessing 
the viability of using seasonal climate forecasts to predict disease risk in Brazil, funded by the 
Leverhulme network project EUROBRISA. She is supervised by Professor David Stephenson, Met Office 
Chair in Statistical Analysis of Weather and Climate.
Rachel graduated from the University of East Anglia with a First Class Honours BSc in Meteorology 
and Oceanography with a year in Europe. She spent one year at the University of Granada in Spain 
reading Environmental Science. In 2006-07 she completed an MSc with distinction in Geophysical 
Hazards at University College London where she received a Graduate Masters Award. 


Página do projeto EUROBRISA: http://www6.cptec.inpe.br/eurobrisa/