====== Vector Processing ====== This module implements several processing algorithms applied to vector data. The code is organized in two sub-modules: //core// and //Qt GUI components//. The //vector processing core sub-module// contains the algorithms for data processing and it isn't Qt dependent. The implementation detail of each processing algorithm is detailed below: * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:intersection|Map Intersection]]: Under Development!!! * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:aggregation|Map Aggregation]]: Under Development!!! * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:diff|Map Difference]]: Under Development!!! * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:symdiff|Map Symetric Difference]]: Under Development!!! * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:merge|Map Merge]]: Under Development!!! * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:overlay|Map Overlay]]: Under Development!!! * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:ptintersection|Map Intersection Points]]: Under Development!!! * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:buffer|Map Distance (Buffering/Offset)]]: Under Development!!! * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:coll2single|Geometry Collection to Single Part]]: Under Development!!! * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:summary|Data Summary]]: Under Development!!! * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:calc|Geometric Calculations]]: Under Development!!! * Área * Comprimento Linha * Perímetro de Polígonos * [[:wiki:designimplementation:vp:core:newgeoms|Geometric Columns Generator]]: Under Development!!! * Convex Hull * Controid * Bounding Rectangle The //Qt GUI sub-module// contains some widgets and dialogs for calling the core algorithms. ===== From Theory to Practice ===== Under Development ===== Module Summary ===== Under Development ===== Final Remarks ===== Under Development * Correções do arquivo de configuração do plugin: * A tag '''' deve ser: Vector Processing * A tag '''' * Category * Data Source Selector: ficar o primeiro item ativo quando houver. * Agenda: * 06/05 17:00 * 08/05 17:00 * 10/05 17:00 ===== References ===== Under Development