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TerraLib Common Runtime → Exception

The class Exception is designed to declare objects to be thrown by TerraLib when something goes wrong.

What is an Exception?

TerraLib Exception class is a subclass of std::exception. All TerraLib exception classes are subclasses of te::common::Exception. For instance: te::gm::Exception, te::rst::Exception and te::dt::Exception are subclasses of te::common::Exception.


The Exception class diagrama is showned below:

Base Exception Classes

The LoggedException is a specialized class that makes automatic logging of the exception message. You must assure that a LoggedException is never thrown in an statically initialized code because the logger may not be ready for logging.

The CompoundException allows one to concatenate several exceptions.

Please, consult the module documentation guide to know if you can wait for more specific exceptions for a given module.


Each TerraLib module can have its own subclass of Exception. There is a pair of macros that can be used to introduce new exception classes: TE_DECLARE_EXCEPTION_CLASS and TE_DEFINE_EXCEPTION_CLASS.

From Theory to Practice

The TE_DECLARE_EXCEPTION_CLASS can be used to create a .h file with the new exception class declaration.

// TerraLib
#include "../common/Exception.h"
#include "Config.h"
namespace te
  namespace dt
    TE_DECLARE_EXCEPTION_CLASS(TEDATATYPEEXPORT, Exception, te::common::Exception)
  } // end namespace dt
}   // end namespace te

The TE_DEFINE_EXCEPTION_CLASS can be used to create the excpetion class implemention in a source file (.cpp).

// TerraLib
#include "Exception.h"
namespace te
  namespace dt
    TE_DEFINE_EXCEPTION_CLASS(Exception, te::common::Exception, "te::dt::Exception")
  } // end namespace dt
}   // end namespace te

Final Remarks
