Table of Contents

RP → Segmenter

Image segmentation covers techniques for splitting one image into its components as homogeneous regions.



The available method in TerraLib is:

The following methods will be implemented in TerraLib:

Dependencies: Raster, Geometry

Region Growing

Creates regions by merging similar neighboring pixels. To reduce processing time, the raster is divided into pieces, and such pieces are segmented individually.

Algorithm parameters:


Example of use

To make a segmentation using Region Growing algorithm, the following parameters are necessary:

// ... (set input data)
// link specific parameters with chosen implementation
te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingStrategy::Parameters segparameters;
segparameters.m_minSegmentSize = 50;
segparameters.m_segmentsSimilarityThreshold = 30;
algoInputParameters.m_strategyName = "regiongrowing";
// ... (set output data and start algorithm)

Based on Baatz and Shape, 2000

Creates regions by merging similar neighboring pixels. The resultant regions must fit a predefined scale and compactness, provided by the user.

Algorithm parameters:


Example of use

To make a segmentation using Baatz and Shape algorithm, the following parameters are necessary:

// ... (set input data)
// link specific parameters with chosen implementation
te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingStrategy::Parameters segparameters;
segparameters.m_compactness = 0.5;
segparameters.m_color = 0.3;
segparameters.m_scale = 60;
algoInputParameters.m_strategyName = "baatz";
// ... (set output data and start algorithm)

<color red>Code under development!!!</color>

Based on Self Organizing Maps

This algorithm performs pixel-based classification using a geographic approach of the Self-Organizing Maps algorithm. Then neighboring pixels of the same class define the regions.


Example of use

To make a segmentation using Self Organizing Maps algorithm, the following parameters are necessary:

// ... (set input data)
// link specific parameters with chosen implementation
te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingStrategy::Parameters segparameters;
segparameters.m_mapHeight = 3;
segparameters.m_mapWidth = 4;
segparameters.m_radius = 20;
segparameters.m_alpha = 50;
segparameters.m_K = 30;
algoInputParameters.m_strategyName = "som";
// ... (set output data and start algorithm)

<color red>Code under development!!!</color>

From theory to practice

The following code shows how to perform a segmentation using Region Growing method.

// open input raster
std::map<std::string, std::string> rinfo;
rinfo["URI"] = "input.tif";
te::rst::Raster* rin = te::rst::RasterFactory::open(rinfo);
// define segmentation parameters
// input parameters
te::rp::Segmenter::InputParameters algoInputParameters;
algoInputParameters.m_inputRasterPtr = rin;
// link specific parameters with chosen implementation
te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingStrategy::Parameters segparameters;
segparameters.m_minSegmentSize = 50;
segparameters.m_segmentsSimilarityThreshold = 30;
algoInputParameters.m_strategyName = "regiongrowing";
// output parameters
te::rp::Segmenter::OutputParameters algoOutputParameters;
std::map<std::string, std::string> orinfo;
orinfo["URI"] = "output-segmentation.tif";
algoOutputParameters.m_rInfo = orinfo;
algoOutputParameters.m_rType = "GDAL";
// execute the algorithm
te::rp::Segmenter seginstance;
bool initok = seginstance.initialize(algoInputParameters);
// clean up
delete rin;