TerraLib → Geometry → Supported Libraries

Supported Libraries

TerraLib spatial operations are developed over some spatial libraries. It is possible to build the geometry module without dependencies from SRS, GEOS, CGAL …

Boost Basic Linear Algebra Library (uBLAS) → transformações geométricas

Geometry Engine, Open Source (GEOS)

The GEOSReader and GEOSWriter classes implements a data converter between TerraLib and GEOS. When a spatial operation (like a topological relation) is called in a TerraLib geometry, the implementation converts the TerraLib internal representation to GEOS and them invoke the appropriated routines. Although this could impose some overhead in the conversion, it is expected that spatial operations dominate the execution time.

GEOS Wrapper Classes

The GEOS support can be turned on/off through the macro TE_USE_GEOS. If set to 0 this macro disable all GEOS support, otherwise it is embedded in the TerraLib geometry model.



From Theory to Practice

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