Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (C) 2008 National Institute For Space Research (INPE) - Brazil.
3  This file is part of the TerraLib - a Framework for building GIS enabled applications.
5  TerraLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
8  or (at your option) any later version.
10  TerraLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  along with TerraLib. See COPYING. If not, write to
17  TerraLib Team at <>.
18  */
20 /*!
21  \file terralib/postgis/Globals.cpp
23  \brief An static class with global definitions.
24 */
26 // TerraLib
27 #include "Globals.h"
32 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_unknownTypeName("UNKNOWN");
33 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_charTypeName("\"char\"");
34 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_int2TypeName("INT2");
35 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_intTypeName("INT");
36 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_int8TypeName("INT8");
37 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_numericTypeName("NUMERIC");
38 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_dateTypeName("DATE");
39 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_timeTypeName("TIME");
40 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_timeTZTypeName("TIMETZ");
41 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_timeStampTypeName("TIMESTAMP");
42 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_timeStampTZTypeName("TIMESTAMPTZ");
43 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_intervalTypeName("INTERVAL");
44 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_floatTypeName("FLOAT4");
45 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_doubleTypeName("FLOAT8");
46 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_booleanTypeName("BOOL");
47 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_fixedcharTypeName("CHAR");
48 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_varcharTypeName("VARCHAR");
49 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_stringTypeName("TEXT");
50 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_byteArrayTypeName("BYTEA");
51 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_pointTypeName("POINT");
52 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_pointMTypeName("POINTM");
53 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_lineStringTypeName("LINESTRING");
54 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_lineStringMTypeName("LINESTRINGM");
55 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_polygonTypeName("POLYGON");
56 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_polygonMTypeName("POLYGONM");
57 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_geometryCollectionTypeName("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION");
58 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_geometryCollectionMTypeName("GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONM");
59 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_multiPointTypeName("MULTIPOINT");
60 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_multiPointMTypeName("MULTIPOINTM");
61 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_multiLineStringTypeName("MULTILINESTRING");
62 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_multiLineStringMTypeName("MULTILINESTRINGM");
63 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_multiPolygonTypeName("MULTIPOLYGON");
64 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_multiPolygonMTypeName("MULTIPOLYGONM");
65 const std::string te::pgis::Globals::sm_geometryTypeName("GEOMETRY");
static const std::string sm_intTypeName
The string literal representation for the int type.
Definition: Globals.h:60
static const std::string sm_doubleTypeName
The string literal representation for the double type.
Definition: Globals.h:70
static const std::string sm_pointTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS point geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:76
static const std::string sm_unknownTypeName
The string literal representation for the unknown type.
Definition: Globals.h:57
static const std::string sm_byteArrayTypeName
The string literal representation for the byte array type.
Definition: Globals.h:75
static te::da::DataSourceCapabilities * sm_capabilities
The query dialect supported by PostGIS driver.
Definition: Globals.h:95
static const std::string sm_timeTZTypeName
The string literal representation for the time type.
Definition: Globals.h:65
static const std::string sm_driverIdentifier
The PostGIS driver identifier.
Definition: Globals.h:92
An static class with global definitions.
It represents the SQL query dialect accepted by a given data source.
Definition: SQLDialect.h:55
static const std::string sm_dateTypeName
The string literal representation for the date type.
Definition: Globals.h:63
static const std::string sm_timeTypeName
The string literal representation for the time type.
Definition: Globals.h:64
static const std::string sm_pointMTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS point geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:77
A class that represents the known capabilities of a specific data source, i.e. this class informs all...
static const std::string sm_lineStringTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS line string geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:78
static te::da::SQLDialect * sm_queryDialect
The query dialect supported by PostGIS driver.
Definition: Globals.h:94
static const std::string sm_fixedcharTypeName
The string literal representation for the char type.
Definition: Globals.h:72
static const std::string sm_lineStringMTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS line string with m geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:79
static const std::string sm_stringTypeName
The string literal representation for the string type.
Definition: Globals.h:74
static const std::string sm_int2TypeName
The string literal representation for the int2 type.
Definition: Globals.h:59
static const std::string sm_geometryTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS base geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:90
static const std::string sm_geometryCollectionMTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS geometry collection with m geometry type...
Definition: Globals.h:83
static const std::string sm_floatTypeName
The string literal representation for the float type.
Definition: Globals.h:69
static const std::string sm_multiLineStringTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS multi-linestring geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:86
static const std::string sm_multiPointTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS multi-point geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:84
static const std::string sm_multiLineStringMTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS multi-linestring with m geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:87
static const std::string sm_numericTypeName
The string literal representation for the numeric type.
Definition: Globals.h:62
static const std::string sm_charTypeName
The string literal representation for the 1-byte character type.
Definition: Globals.h:58
static const std::string sm_timeStampTZTypeName
The string literal representation for the time stamp with time zone type.
Definition: Globals.h:67
static const std::string sm_geometryCollectionTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS geometry collection geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:82
static const std::string sm_multiPolygonTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS multi-polygon geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:88
static const std::string sm_multiPointMTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS multi-point with m geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:85
static const std::string sm_polygonTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS polygon geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:80
static const std::string sm_intervalTypeName
The string literal representation for the interval.
Definition: Globals.h:68
static const std::string sm_polygonMTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS polygon with m geometry type.
Definition: Globals.h:81
static const std::string sm_multiPolygonMTypeName
The string literal representation for PostGIS multi-polygon with m geometry type. ...
Definition: Globals.h:89
The PostGIS driver identifier string.
Definition: Config.h:88
static const std::string sm_varcharTypeName
The string literal representation for the varchar type.
Definition: Globals.h:73
static const std::string sm_timeStampTypeName
The string literal representation for the time stamp type.
Definition: Globals.h:66
static const std::string sm_booleanTypeName
The string literal representation for the boolean type.
Definition: Globals.h:71
static const std::string sm_int8TypeName
The string literal representation for the int8 type.
Definition: Globals.h:61