This is the complete list of members for te::pgis::Transactor, including all inherited members.
add(const std::string &datasetName, te::da::DataSet *d, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, std::size_t limit=0, bool enableProgress=true) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
addCheckConstraint(const std::string &datasetName, te::da::CheckConstraint *cc) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
addForeignKey(const std::string &datasetName, te::da::ForeignKey *fk) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
addIndex(const std::string &datasetName, te::da::Index *idx, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
addPrimaryKey(const std::string &datasetName, te::da::PrimaryKey *pk) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
addProperty(const std::string &datasetName, te::dt::Property *p) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
addSequence(te::da::Sequence *sequence) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
addUniqueKey(const std::string &datasetName, te::da::UniqueKey *uk) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
begin() | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
cancel() | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
changePropertyDefinition(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &propName, te::dt::Property *newProp) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
checkConstraintExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
cloneDataSet(const std::string &name, const std::string &cloneName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
commit() | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
createDataSet(te::da::DataSetType *dt, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
dataSetExists(const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
DataSourceTransactor() | te::da::DataSourceTransactor | |
dropCheckConstraint(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
dropDataSet(const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
dropForeignKey(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &fkName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
dropIndex(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &idxName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
dropPrimaryKey(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
dropProperty(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
dropSequence(const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
dropUniqueKey(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
escape(const std::string &value) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
execute(const te::da::Query &command) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
execute(const std::string &command) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
foreignKeyExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getBatchExecutor() | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getCapabilities(const std::string &name) | te::da::DataSourceTransactor | virtual |
getCheckConstraint(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getCheckConstraintNames(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getConnection() const | te::pgis::Transactor | |
getConstraints(const std::string &datasetName, char conType= '\0') | te::pgis::Transactor | protected |
getConstraints(te::da::DataSetType *dt) | te::pgis::Transactor | protected |
getDatabaseInfo(std::string ¤tSchema) | te::pgis::Transactor | |
getDataSet(const std::string &name, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, bool isConnected=false, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getDataSet(const std::string &name, const std::string &propertyName, const te::gm::Envelope *e, te::gm::SpatialRelation r, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, bool isConnected=false, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getDataSet(const std::string &name, const std::string &propertyName, const te::gm::Geometry *g, te::gm::SpatialRelation r, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, bool isConnected=false, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
te::da::DataSourceTransactor::getDataSet(const std::string &name, const ObjectIdSet *oids, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, bool connected=false, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess) | te::da::DataSourceTransactor | |
getDataSetId(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | protected |
getDataSetName(unsigned int id) | te::pgis::Transactor | protected |
getDataSetNames() | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getDataSetType(const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getDataSource() const | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getExtent(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &propertyName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getExtent(const std::string &datasetName, std::size_t propertyPos) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getForeignKey(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getForeignKeyNames(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getFullName(const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | |
getGeometryInfo(const std::string &datasetName, te::gm::GeometryProperty *gp) | te::pgis::Transactor | |
getGeomTypeId() | te::pgis::Transactor | |
getIndex(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getIndexes(te::da::DataSetType *dt) | te::pgis::Transactor | protected |
getIndexNames(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getLastGeneratedId() | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getNumberOfDataSets() | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getNumberOfItems(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getNumberOfProperties(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getPrepared(const std::string &qName=std::string("")) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getPrimaryKey(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getProperties(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getPropertiesInfo(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | protected |
getProperty(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getProperty(const std::string &datasetName, std::size_t propertyPos) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getProperty(unsigned int pid, const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | protected |
getPropertyId(te::dt::Property *p) | te::pgis::Transactor | protected |
getPropertyNames(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getRasterInfo(const std::string &datasetName, te::rst::RasterProperty *rp) | te::pgis::Transactor | |
getRasterTypeId() | te::pgis::Transactor | |
getSequence(const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getSequenceNames() | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getSequences() | te::pgis::Transactor | protected |
getUniqueKey(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
getUniqueKeyNames(const std::string &datasetName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
hasDataSets() | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
indexExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
isDataSetNameValid(const std::string &datasetName) | te::da::DataSourceTransactor | virtual |
isInTransaction() const | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
isPropertyNameValid(const std::string &propertyName) | te::da::DataSourceTransactor | virtual |
m_conn | te::pgis::Transactor | private |
m_ds | te::pgis::Transactor | private |
m_fetchSize | te::pgis::Transactor | private |
m_getConstraints | te::pgis::Transactor | private |
m_isInTransaction | te::pgis::Transactor | private |
optimize(const std::map< std::string, std::string > &opInfo) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
primaryKeyExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
propertyExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
query(const te::da::Select &q, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, bool connected=false, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
query(const std::string &query, te::common::TraverseType travType=te::common::FORWARDONLY, bool connected=false, const te::common::AccessPolicy accessPolicy=te::common::RAccess) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
remove(const std::string &datasetName, const te::da::ObjectIdSet *oids=0) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
renameDataSet(const std::string &name, const std::string &newName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
renameProperty(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &newPropertyName) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
rollBack() | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
sequenceExists(const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
Transactor(DataSource *ds, Connection *conn) | te::pgis::Transactor | |
uniqueKeyExists(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &name) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
update(const std::string &datasetName, te::da::DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &properties, const te::da::ObjectIdSet *oids, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, std::size_t limit=0) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
update(const std::string &datasetName, te::da::DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::set< int > > &properties, const std::vector< size_t > &ids) | te::pgis::Transactor | virtual |
~DataSourceTransactor() | te::da::DataSourceTransactor | virtual |
~Transactor() | te::pgis::Transactor |