Data Exchanger

The Data Exchanger is a tool used to exchange data between data sources. It is viewed as a generic exporter. For each dataset it is possible to choose which attributes to export. It is also possible to change the attribute type if the default conversion is not supported by the the datasources involved.

It is accessible through:

    Tools > Data Exchanger > Advanced...
and follow the wizard interface pressing Next after each step.
  1. Select the data source where the data is stored.
  2. Select the datasets you want to transfer to another data source.
  3. Select the target data source.
  4. Transfer Options step
    1. On Selected datasets frame there is a list of datasets to be exported. For each dataset selected you can change or provide more information on how the datasets will be transferred and mapped to the target data source as explained in Properties and Constraints frame).
    2. On Properties frame the Status column of each property shows if the default conversion is supported  between the data sources involved. 
      1.    default conversion is supported.
      2.  conflict  conversion must be adapted by the user.
      3. Click on   to  access  the Property Converter Interface and adapt each property changing its name and or type.
      4. It is also possible to remove  attributes from the list.
    3. On the Constraints/Indexes frame it is possible to add  constraints and indexes to the new dataset. The existing ones are listed  and can be removed . See Constraints and Indexes Interface  for more details.
    4. Name, Title and SRID (changing this will not cause data reprojection ).
  1. After all click on Commit to export the dataset to the target data source.
  2. Check the Data exchange summary  that will report the success or failure of the whole process.