
The Contrast operation is used to enhance the visual quality of the image represented by a raster file. The available methods in TerraLib are:

Click on the layer in the layer explorer and select PROCESSING → RASTER PROCESSING → CONTRAST in the main menu.
  1. Select the type of contrast to be used, for instance: Linear.
  2. In Raster Bands check the desired bands and set the specific parameters which will varies depending on the contrast type chosen. Double click over the cell of each parameter to make the cell editable and then change the value and press enter:
    1. If Linear, Square, Square Root or Log: set the new value for Minimum and/or Maximum,
    2. If Histogram Equalization: set the new value for  Maximum,
    3. If Mean and Standard Deviation: set the new value for Mean and/or Std Dev.
    4. If Decorrelation Enhancement: none extra parameters will be necessary.
  3. Check the Preview box to have a preview of the contrast with the parameters informed in the visualization area.
  4. The Histogram tab presents the histogram to help in the contrast operation.
  5. Histogram Area: select which area will be used as reference to do the contrast: Use all image, use visible area showed in the visualization area or a new region of interest created by the user (click on the New ROI button to mark the region on the visualization area).
  6. Repository - Select one type of repository by  clicking on the   button to save the output layer as a file or on the     button to save it in the database.
  7. Layer Name - inform the raster name.
  8. Press the OK button to save the resulting contrasted raster.
Hint: The contrasted image will be added as a new layer at the TerraView project.