Converts to Palette Raster

This tool converts an image with color composition to a palette image, uses the layer style for palette color generation, including contrast parameters, if applied to the image.  It is applied to the active layer.

Click on the layer in the layer explorer and select PROCESSING → RASTER PROCESSING → Converts to palette raster ... in the main menu.

  1. Select the number of colors of the palette (between 2 and 65536). Images with palette up to 256 colors are generated as 8 bits, 257 to 65536 will be generated with 16 bits.
  2. Repository - Select one type of repository by  clicking on the   button to save the output layer as a file or on the     button to save it in the database.
  3. Layer Name - inform the raster name.
  4. Press the OK button to save the resulting raster.