Raste Statistics

The Raster Statistics operation allows the calcule of raster data pixel values statistics.

It is accessible through:

   Raster Processing > Raster Statistics... (list of all raster layers will be available) 

This wizard consists of the following steps:

    Wizard Page 1 - Selection of the layer to execute the operation (Layer Search)

  1. On the List of Layers select the raster layer to apply the operation. 

  2. Optionally use Filter By Name field giving part of the layer name to help find the layer in the list.

  3. Press Next  to go to next step or Cancel to close the dialog. 

    Wizard Page 2 – Raster Statistics

  1. Select the desired input raster bands using the Bands selection box.

  2. Load ROIs (Regions of Interest) if the calcule must be done only over user defined areas instead of using the entire raster data. This can be done by pressing the “Select ROIs” button.

  3. Define the data Domain to be used (Real or Imaginary).

  4. Choose one of the available statistics visualization options:

    1. To create a histogram graphic at least one band must be selected. A a target ROI label also must be selected if ROIs where loaded.

    2. To create a scatter graphic at least two bands must be selected. A a target ROI label also must be selected if ROIs where loaded.

    3. To display basic statistics at least one band must be selected. A a target ROI label also must be selected if ROIs where loaded or, it must be left blank to get statistics from all ROIs.

    4. To display multi-band co-statistics at least two bands must be selected. A a target ROI label also must be selected if ROIs where loaded or, it must be left blank to get statistics from all ROIs.