WHERE clause

The WHERE clause Interface is used to define the restriction used to generate a new dataset. The restriction can involve one or more attributes. The list of operators supported is adjusted to the type of database (the database capabilities can be different).
The most common operators <,>,<=,>=,<>,=, LIKE, NOT are used with standard attributes comparison.

To define a restriction based on Attributes follow the steps:

    AttributeNames               Operators         Attribute Values
  1. Select an Attribute from the list.
  2. Select the binary operator (>, >=, <, <=, =, <>, LIKE) .
  3. Click on/off lupa to show/hide the values of the attribute.
  4. Choose one of the attribute values showed or edit the field with a specific value (click off lupa to be able to edit))
  5. SQL Result: the sql generated with the example above would be: (SIGLA = 'SP')
  6. Press add restriction (or remove_clause) to add (or remove) clauses to the restriction using logical operators AND or OR.
query 2 attributes
      SQL result: ((SIGLA = 'SP') AND (SHAPE_AREA > 9.9526699999999995))

  1. The attribute value to the LIKE operator is a pattern against which the value string is matched. In this pattern percent (%) matches any number of characters, and underscore ( _ ) matches any one character. q4like 
  2. The logic behind this interface comes from https://redquerybuilder.appspot.com/.