TerraLib 4.x Converter

The TerraLib 4.x Converter is a tool that enable convert data from TerraLib 4.x model to the TerraLib 5 model. This tool support all TerraLib database version over TerraLib 4.1.2.

It is accessible through:

    Tools > TerraLib4Converter... 

The tool follows a wizard standard to assist the conversion operation configurations. The steps are:

  1. Connect to a TerraLib4 Database

    Database Connector

  2. Select the TarraLib 4.x Layer that will be converted to Terralib 5.

    Layer Selection

  3. Select the target Data Source where the converted TerraLib 4.x layer will be stored.

    Target Data Source

  4. If there is a Terralib 4.x layer that has Raster, select the folder that the rasters will be stored as TIFF.

    Raster Folder Selection

  5. The case of a dataset already exists on the target with the same name as the source dataset may occur. In this case an error mark (Conflict mark) will be showed and a new name may be assigned by editing the target name column in the table. This page can be used to change all target names too.

    Name Conflict

  6. Select the converted layer that will be inserted in the layer explorer.

    Layer Creation