====== TerraView FAQ ====== **1.** Where are the configuration files for TerraView on Mac OS X? **Answer:** * The TerraView INI file, such as TerraView-5.1.0.ini, can be found under the **user folder** in the directory **.config/INPE**. * By default, the file containing the list of data sources available for a given user (**datasources.xml**) can be found under the **user folder** in the **Library/Application Support/TerraView** directory. * The record of logs generated by TerraView can be found in the folder **Library/Application Support/TerraView/log**. ---- **2.** Where are the configuration files for TerraView on Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS? **Answer:** * The TerraView INI file, such as TerraView-5.1.0.ini, can be found under the **user folder** in the directory **.config/INPE**. * By default, the file containing the list of data sources available for a given user (**datasources.xml**) can be found under the **user folder** in the **.local/terraview** directory. * The record of logs generated by TerraView can be found in the folder **.local/share/terraview/log**. ---- **3.** Where are the configuration files for TerraView on Microsoft Windows 7 or 10? **Answer:** * The TerraView INI file, such as TerraView-5.1.0.ini, can be found under the **user folder** in the directory **C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\INPE**. * By default, the file containing the list of data sources available for a given user (**datasources.xml**) can be found under the **user folder** in the **C:\Users\\AppData\Local\terraview** directory. * The record of logs generated by TerraView can be found in the folder **C:\Users\\AppData\Local\terraview\log**. ---- **4.** Why some Plugins listed at **C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\INPE\TerraView-5.x.x.ini ** are not been loaded when running as release or debug? **Answer:** * Check if there is an installed version (usually at C:/Program Files/Terralib5.x.x) of TerraView-5.x.x and uninstall it. * Also it is advisable to remove the *.ini file. * If **C:\Users\\AppData\Local\terraview\datasources.xml** is removed, some problems might occur if try to open old projects. See next item. ---- **5.** Why some layers appear with red "X"? [[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5/wiki/doku.php?id=wiki:documentation:mini_curso_tview:disconnected_layers|here]] ---- **6**. Problemas com abertura de layers no DELL\\ * Segundo reportado no fórum da Dell, há um conflito do software de backup da Dell (Dell Backup & Recovery) com diversos componentes do Qt5, dentre eles, a janela de seleção de arquivos (QFileDialog). Dessa forma, efetuando-se a desinstalação deste software (Dell Backup & Recovery), o componente volta a funcionar normalmente. *Pelo que foi reportado no fórum, é um problema crônico, que há vários desenvolvedores reportando, e ainda não possui uma solução. Segue o link do fórum onde o problema foi reportado: ​http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/software-os/f/3526/t/19634253 ---- **7.** In Ubuntu, the main menu of the application is not displayed, a message appears on the terminal log where the application runs: "**appmenu-qt: handleReparent 133 The given QMenuBar is already registered by appmenu-qt5, skipping**" **Source**: * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appmenu-qt5/+bug/1307619 * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appmenu-qt5/+bug/1307619 **Answer:** In your terminal type: $ QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="" ./terraview or: $ export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="" $ ./terraview If the code above doesn't work, you can uninstall the appmenu-qt5: * Use the command **sudo apt-get remove appmenu-qt5**. * If terraView 5 is open, close and open again.