===== TerraView 5.0 - Main concepts ===== The new concepts adopted in TerraLib/TerraView 5.0 are summarized here in a way users of TerraView 4.2.2 will quickly understand the main changes. |**From: TerraView 4.2.2**| **To: terraView 5.0**| **Rationale**| | |DataSource |Data Source is a location where to find data (Postgis Database, Microsoft Access Database, Directory of vector files, Directory of raster files and URL)| | |Connector|It is used to registry an existing datasource (or to create an empty one) into a file called ''datasource.xml'' | | |Project File (*.tview) |For each Layer, the ''Project'' file keep a reference to a dataset, SRID and style of visualization (point/line/polygon) of visualization| | |Layer Explorer |It lists all Layers referenced in a Project| |Projection|SRID| It is a code given by EPSG to each known projection | |Infolayer-Vector|Vector Dataset |It is a dataset stored into the datasource defined by the user| |Infolayer-Raster|Raster Dataset |It is a raster file stored in a Directory defined by the user (outside the database)| |Tabular Layer|Tabular|It is a dataset stored into the datasource defined by the user| |External Tables|Tabular|It is a dataset stored as a tabular layer into the datasource defined by the user| |View|Map Display|A ''View'' can be compared to the ''Map Display'' (the view projection is the Map Display SRID adopted to visualize all layers)| |Theme|Layer|Layer showed in a Map Display (reprojected to the Map Display SRID)| |Theme Visual|Layer Style|The Visual concept is the Layer Style stored inside the Project file| The figure bellow shows the main concepts adopted and the relationship between them.