====== TerraLib 5.0 and TerraView 5.0 - Macintosh Environment ====== ==== Tools ==== The basic tools you have to install in your environment to work with TerraLib and TerraView are: ^Software^Version^Website^ |Git |​ Latest |http://git-scm.com/| |CMake |​ 2.8.12| http://www.cmake.org/cmake| The following tools are optional, and their use is described below: ^Software^Website^Function^ |Git-Cola |http://git-cola.github.io/downloads.html| General User Interface that makes it easier to use GIT on Unix platforms | |Doxygen |​http://sourceforge.net/projects/doxygen/| used to generate the documentation | ==== Dependencies ==== The Terralib library is split into several modules providing different functionalities, therefore, each have a particular set of dependencies. The following tables show the libraries required to compile the Terralib modules, however the most updated list is under DEPENDENCIES file located under the terralib root directory. * terralib_common * terralib_classification * terralib_color * terralib_datatype * terralib_plugin * terralib_xlink * terralib_xsd * terralib_xml ^Library^Version^Website^ |Boost | 1.57 |[[http://www.boost.org/| Boost]] | |DL | - | - | |Log4cxx |0.10.0 |[[http://logging.apache.org/log4cxx| Log4cxx]]| * terralib_srs ^Library^Version^Website^ |Proj4 |4.8.0 |[[http://trac.osgeo.org/proj| Proj4]]| * terralib_xerces ^Library^Version^Website^ |Xerces | 3.1.1 | [[http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-c| Xerces-C++]] | * terralib_geometry * terralib_annotationtext * terralib_filter * terralib_gml * terralib_raster * terralib_memory * terralib_symbology ^Library^Version^Website^ |Geos | 3.2.3 |[[http://trac.osgeo.org/geos| Geos]]| * terralib_maptools * terralib_ogr * terralib_gdal ^Library^Version^Website^ |Gdal |1.10.0 |[[http://www.gdal.org | Gdal]] | * terralib_statistic * terralib_rp * terralb_qt_widgets * terralib_serialization * terralib_qt_af * terralib_vp * terralib_qtplugins * TerraView; ^Library^Version^Website^ |QT |4.8.5 |[[https://qt-project.org/downloads| Qt]] | |QWT |6.1.0 | [[http://qwt.sourceforge.net| QWT]] | Once the environment is ready you can download the source code. Follow the instructions at: [[wiki:terralib50_download| Download]] Note: To compile TL5, set the C++ flag -ftemplate-depth=1024 for the srs and geometry modules. ==== Useful Tips ==== === Downloading and installing dependencies using brew === 1) Install brew $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go/install)" $ brew doctor 2) Install XQuartz from http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki/X112.7.5 3) Install log4cxx $ brew install -v log4cxx Note: It will install the dependencies: autoconf, automake, and libtool. 4) Install PostGIS latest version $ brew install -v postgis --with-gui Note: It will install the dependencies: postgresql, proj, geos, json-c, gdal 5) Install xerces-c $ brew install xerces-c 6) Install boost $ brew install -v boost 7) Install qt5 $ brew install -v qt5 --developer --with-docs --HEAD 8) Install qwt download qwt6.1.0 qmake === Downloading and installing dependencies using MacPorts === If you are using MAC OSX 10.9 - Mavericks make sure to update your libraries before installing the third-party libraries: $ sudo port selfupdate $ sudo port upgrade outdated