

A TerraView plugin to compute global and local indices of spatial segregation among population groups.

Reference article:
Feitosa, FF ; Camara, G ; Monteiro, AMV ; Koschitzk, T ; Silva, MPS (2007). Global and local spatial indices of urban segregation . International Journal of Geographical Information Science, v. 21. p. 299-323.

Install Instructions

  1. Download and install the TerraView 4.1.0
  2. Download the TerraSegreg 1.0.0 installer here
  3. Run "TerraSegreg1.0.0.exe" and when prompted for the destination folder, select where the TerraView 4.1.0 is installed. (e.g.: C:\Program Files (x86)\TerraView 4.1.0)
  4. InstallFolder

  5. Start TerraView. TerraSegreg will be accessible on "Plugins" menu
  6. InstallFolder


Flavia Feitosa - flavia (at) dpi.inpe.br
Douglas Uba - douglas (at) dpi.inpe.br
TerraLib Site TerraView Site