Microsoft Access (ADO) Creator
Creating a
new Microsoft Access (ADO) database as a Data Source

To create a new, empty Microsoft Access (*.mdb or *.accdb) database as a data source in your application it is necessary to inform where it will be created, its name and optionally a password.

It is accessed through:

  Project > Add Layer > From Data Source... > Microsoft Access > create datasource icon
  Tools >  Data Source Explorer... > Microsoft Access > create datasource icon

To create a empty Microsoft Access  database named "my_new_ado_db" as data source it is necessary to inform:
  1.  Server information
    • Provider =Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
  2. Creation Information
    • New Database Name = C:/my_new_ado_db.accdb  (or .mdb)   (or click on  ...)
    • Password = *****   (optional)
  3. Optionally click on Create OGC metadata tables  to create the OGC metadata tables.
  4. Press Apply.
Note: After that a new Microsoft Access connector will be available with a title formed by the database name at Data Source Selector > Microsoft Access interface where the title can be changed using the Edit option. In this example the connection title would be  C:/my_new_ado_db.accdb.