====== Pre-Release Tests Guide ====== The minimum set of tests to be executed over an installed version of TerraView are described bellow. The idea is to execute all of then just before releasing a new version of TerraView. All data are stored at http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5-devel/data_teste/. Other data are available at http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5-devel/data.zip and are used by executable examples and unittests. ^Dir^Datasource description^ |AMZ_shapes |Big shapes of Amazonia | |Animation.zip |data used to test the Spatial Temporal | |mdb_TView4.2.2_to_convert |TView4.2.2 datasources to test the converter| |ESRIDATA |data of North America | |PARA_STATE |big shapes of Pará State | |PA_E_TAPAJOS | Postgis datasources of Tapajos | |attr_fill | data used to test attribute fill function| |data_pedro| data used to test attribute fill function| |dados_queimada| some data of Queimada project| |images| images| |KML | some KML files| |Postgis_bkps | Postgis datasources | |rasters\rasters_t| some rasters files (new)| |rasters| some rasters files| |shps| some shapefiles and other vector format like KML, mid/mif files| |shps/| several zip files to be used in tests| Each test must have: ^Test Case ^description^ |Access Through|Menu option used to access the functionality | |Input data| one or more datasources or a databases in a datasource| |Interface(s) Name(s)| specific options chosen in a interface| |Expected behavior| what should be the behavior| |Output Data| what should be the output - a new datasource, a new layer, etc| |Output Test Report| write in a test report comments| |Output Error Report| write in a error report all misbehavior| |Known Issues| write the known issues | Optional rules for output names saved in your working directory 'test_report': ^What to name^Rule^Example^description^ |Project name| p__|p_df_conv |Converting Database Distrito Federal (df)| |Database name| db__|db_df_conv|Database generated by converting DF| |Figures| f__|f_conv_df1 |Print screen of some problems| |Raster_dir| rst__|rst_conv_df1 |Raster directory generated by converting| |Output Layer name| t_| t_aggr_mesoregiao_para | Test of Aggregation function, using attr mesoregiao do Pará| ===== Plugins | Terralib4 Converter... | ===== ^Input^ Output Data^ Main Interface Options^^^ Results ^^^ ^Select Database from mdb_TView4.2.2_to_convert dir^ Target DataSource(type/name) / Target Raster Folder ^ Layer Creation ^ [MSG] ^ Theme Creation ^ Results(Layer Explorer)^ Known issues to be solved from 5.1.4 ^ [Save Project]^ |DF_MODELO_DADOS.mdb| Microsoft Access + /db_conv_df1 + none |Select All | Warning with all raster layers| Deselect All | 7 vector,2 tabular| Mapa Pedol?gico|p_conv_df1| |DF_MODELO_DADOS.mdb| Microsoft Access + /db_conv_df2 + /rst_df2|Select All | none | Select All | 16 rasters, 2 tabulares, 7 shapes|Mapa Pedol?gico |p_conv_df2| |BD_RioJaneiro_Original_4_2.mdb| Microsoft Access + /db_conv_rj1 + /rst_rj1 | Select All| msg(1)| Select All | 1 rasters, 3 vector|'Bairros' não será convertido - poligonos com centroides no mesmo layer- aviso será dado |p_conv_rj1| |BH_422.mdb| Postgis |Select All| msg(3)-> OK| Deselect All | 24 layers| | | |BH_422.mdb| Postgis |Select All| none| Deselect All | 30 layers |used connection CP1252| | |para_422.mdb|MAccess+ /db_conv_para |Select All| none| Deselect All | 1 Layer 143 pol|Verificar se municipios formados por mais de um polígono são convertidos:munic VISEU,AUGUSTO CORREA,CURUÇÁ, SENADOR JOSÉ PORFÍRIO. Importar shape original para_shp_compare.zip (143 pol)and comparar |p_conv_para_munic| |AmazL_FILO.mdb|MAccess+ /db_conv_Amz |Select All| none| Deselect All |? Layer, ?Tabular, ?Raster,? CelularSpace| |p_conv_Amz512| |Pratica_celulas.mdb e export_pratica_celulas_setores_censit2000.zip|MAccess+ /db_conv_pratica_cell |Select All| none| Deselect All |6 Layer,2 Raster, 7 layers(temas) same celular| Poligonos com furos estão com links duplos ao selecioná-los pelo mapa - ver object id 29,30,44 - exportar o layer 'Setores_Censitarios_2000' do TV4.2.2 e adicioná-lo no TV5.2.x - ocorre o mesmo problema|p_conv_Pratica_cel520 | msg(1): ImagTM543_RJ: D:/BD_Geograficos/TView_DATABASES/BDRJaneiro/Shapes/ImagTM543_RJ.tif Voronoi: Layer invalid: table without attributes! Msg(3) >resolvido Bairros: Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação "UTF8": 0xc3 0x4f . CompanhiasPM: Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação "UTF8": 0xaa . Favelas: Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação "UTF8": 0xf3 0x73 0x69 0x74 . test_cell_2000: Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação "UTF8": 0xe3 0x6f 0x20 test_exchange_br_munic_shp: Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação "UTF8": 0xed UP: Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação "UTF8": 0xed 0x6c 0x69 . ^Known issues ^What do to?^ |Char encoding like 'Mapa Pedol?gico' |From 5.1.4 Layer will be converted with other name"Pedologico", otherwise change layer-name before convert. | |Vector Conflit name | Remove the target datasource before trying again the conversion | |Raster Conflit name | Remove the raster directory before trying again the conversion | |Char encoding like"sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação "UTF8": 0xe3 0x6f 0x20" 5.1.x | create/update database connection with Client Encoding as CP1252 or LATIN1 to be able to convert the database to Postgis| |Char encoding nos TView 5.2.0 foi resolvido para valores| layer-name será retirado a acentuação| |Dados do TView4.2.2 com mais de uma representação (polig/pontos/lines) somente uma delas será convertida na ordem pol/lin/points| outra solução é exportar o dado via TView4.2.2 e adicionar os shapes correspondentes a poligonos/pontos/linhas || ===== Project | Add Layer ===== === Tabular File... ==== ^ Select from dir 'shps' ^ Main Interface Options^^ Results ^^^ ^ Input Layer / see Preview ^ Properties/Geometry/SRID ^ [MSG] ^ Layer Explorer^ Known issues ^ [Save Project]^ | Concentracao_CR2010.csv |do not change [OK] | none|1 Tabular Layer| |p_add_layer| | Concentracao_CR2010.csv |Change Property type String to Int [OK] | none|1 Tabular Layer| | | | fire_spot_sp.csv.csv |Change LAT and LONG to Double,click Geometry, choose LONG LAT [OK] | |1 Vector Layer POINT| Changing "Encoding" to "Latin1" does not work. Before adding this cvs file, open it at Notepad++ and Format, use Convert to UTF-8 (without BOM) | | === Vector File... === ^Select from dir 'shps' or 'kml' ^ Results ^^^ ^ Input Layer ^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ Known Issues^ | br_uf_2010.SHP |br_uf_2010| p_add_layer| | 15MUE250GC_SIR.shp |15MUE250GC_SIR| p_add_layer | | PA_15-PA.kmz|One layer for each municipio of 'Pará' state and one called 'Municipios'| p_add_layer |1) if the kmz file is added in a 'Folder layer', all files will be under the folder (from 5.3.0 on); 2) a layer called 'Municípios' is not visible because has zero geometry; 3) use Drag and Drop kmz files ou use ADD Layer, Vector Files (*.*) | | SP35_SP_capital.kml |Layers: 'Municípios' and SÃO PAULO| p_add_layer |same comment above | === Raster File... === ^Select from dir 'rasters_t' ^ Results ^^ ^ Input Layer ^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ |CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif |CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif|p_add_layer| |MCD12Q1.A2001001.h13v10.051.2014287162609.hdf (unzip)|several layers (subdatasets with diferent names) |p_add_layer| ===== Project | Add Layer | From Data Source... (Local Directory of Vector or Raster files) ===== ^Data Source Selector ^^^ Dataset Selection ^^ Results ^^^ ^ Type ^ Available Data Sources^ Select^Check box all/some ^ Select^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ Known Issues^ | Vector Files | C:/data_TL/SHPs or RSTs | Select| BR_UF_2010 |Select| BR_UF_2010 |p_add_layer| | | Vector Files | (+) Define OGR Connector C:/data_TL/SHPs + Open|Select|br_uf_2010|Select |br_uf_2010|p_add_layer| | | Raster Files | (+) Define GDAL Connector C:/data_TL/RSTs + Open|Select|raster file|Select |raster file|p_add_layer| Only raster format allowed at this directory ?? if some shapes or other things CAI| ===== Project | Add Layer | From Data Source... (From Microsoft Access or PostGIS) ===== ^Data Source Selector ^^^ Dataset Selection ^^ Results ^^^ ^ Type ^ Available Data Sources^ Select^Check box all/some ^ Select^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ Known Issues^ | PostGIS | (+) Define PostGIS Connector((Example: Title/Description are optional; Server: localhost/goes.dpi.inpe.br, Port:5432, User: amazon, Password: xxxx, Database: mydatabase - goes.dpi.inpe.br@pratica_celulas@amazon or localhost@pratica_celulas@amazon)) + Open|Select|br_uf_2010|Select |br_uf_2010|p_add_layer| You must have a PostGIS datasource (local / Server) | | M Access| (+) Define Access Connector((Example: Title/Description are optional; Provider: Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; File/URL: C:/data_TL/pratica_celulas.accdb)) + Open|Select|br_uf_2010|Select |br_uf_2010|p_add_layer|You must have a Access Datasource | ===== Project | Add Layer | From Data Source... (WCS/WFS/WMS) ===== ^Data Source Selector ^^^ Dataset Selection ^^ Results ^^^ ^ Type ^ Available Data Sources^ Select^Check box all/some ^ Select^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ Known Issues^ | WCS| (+) Define WCS Connector((Example: Title: TerraBrasilis_WCS; Description: TerraBrasilis Data for tests; Service: http://terrabrasilis.dpi.inpe.br/geoserver/ows)) + Test/Open |Select|click one/some of then|Select |layers selected|p_add_layer| Time out might occur | | WFS| (+) Define WFS Connector((Example: Title/Description are optional; http://www.geoservicos.ibge.gov.br:80/geoserver/wfs))+ Test/Open|Select|click one/some of then|Select |layers selected|p_add_layer|Time out might occur | | WMS| (+) Define WMS Connector((Example: Title/Description are optional; http://terrabrasilis.dpi.inpe.br/geoserver/ows ))+ Test/Open|Select|click one/some of then|Select |layers selected|p_add_layer|Time out might occur | ===== Project | Add Layer | Query Dataset... ===== ===== Processing | Raster Processing ===== === Mosaic... === ^Select from dir 'rasters_t'^ Main Interface Options^^ Results ^^^ ^ Layer Search ^ Mosaic Type and Specific Params ^ Output name ^Layer Explorer^ Known issues ^ [Save Project]^ | Path150_RGB765.tif & Path151_RGB765.tif &... |Geo Mosaic & Euclidian Distance |m_150_151.tif |m_150_151.tif with SRID=32724| === Arithmetic Operations... === ^Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^^^ Results ^^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Band ^ Operation ^ Layer (...) ^ Band ^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | 1 + | / | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | 2 + | t_arithmetic.tif | Keep //Normalize// option checked, the original green circles will result in white circles | === Clipping... === ^Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^^ Results ^^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Type ^ Option ^ Operation ^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Region of interest | Unique Image | Select region in canvas, creating 1 ROI | t_clipping.tif | - | === Compose/Decompose Bands... === ^Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^^ Results ^^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Operation ^ Options ^ Band ^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Compose Bands | 3x button (+) | 1, 2, 0 | t_compose.tif | The resultant image will have a //reddish// aspect. | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Decompose Bands | Check all bands | - | t_decompose.tif | The result will be 3 files, namely //t_decompose_0.tif//, //t_decompose_1.tif// and //t_decompose_2.tif//. | === Mixture Model... === ^Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^^^ Results ^^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Type ^ Options ^ Bands ^ Components ^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Linear | //None selected.// | 0 -> CBERS4_PAN_RED, 1 -> CBERS4_PAN_NIR, 2 -> CBERS4_PAN_GREEN | vegetation -> //green color// (point selection in //tools// and select a point in the image), shadow -> //yellow color//, bare_soil -> //red color// (or //import// t_mixturemode.json) | t_mixturemodel_linear.tif | Observe each output band individually, the brightest pixels in the //bare_soil// band will be related to pixels similar to bare soil, and so on for the other 2 classes. | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | PCA | //None selected.// | 0 -> CBERS4_PAN_RED, 1 -> CBERS4_PAN_NIR, 2 -> CBERS4_PAN_GREEN | vegetation -> //green color// (point selection in //tools// and select a point in the image), shadow -> //yellow color//, bare_soil -> //red color// (or //import// t_mixturemode.json) | t_mixturemodel_pca.tif | The same as previous (//Linear type//). | === Color transform... === ^ Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^^ Results ^^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Type ^ Operation -> Bands ^ Decompose Bands ^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | FIXME CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | RGB - IHS | Red (0), Green (1), Blue (2) | uncheck | t_colortransform_rgbihs.tif | Even with or without applying contrast, no result is shown (although reverse transform is now ok) | | t_colortransform_rgbihs.tif | IHS - RGB | Intensity (0), Hue (1), Saturation (2) | uncheck | t_colortransform_ihsrgb.tif | - | === Rasterization... === ^ Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^^^ Results ^^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Feature ^ Precision ^ Res X ^ Res Y ^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | t_vectorization.shp (obtained from vectorization, which was obtained by segmentation) | FID | 6 | 50 | 50 | t_rasterization.tif | Output image with 225 columns and 151 lines. Some polygons were not rasterized in this resolution (and also with Res X = Res Y = 25). | === Segmentation... === ^ Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^^^^ Results ^^^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Type ^ Minimum size ^ Threshold ^ Other options ^ Bands ^ Advanced Options ^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_114_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Region Growing (mean) | 100 | 0,030 | //none// | 0, 1, 2 | Check //block processing//, and //allow threads// | t_segmentation_mean.tif | - | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_114_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Region Growing (Baatz) | 100 | 0,030 | color 0,90 and compacity 0,50 | 0, 1, 2 (//0,333 for all weights//) | Check //block processing//, and //allow threads// | t_segmentation_baatz.tif | - | === Vectorization... === ^ Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^ Results ^^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Parameters ^ Maximum geometries ^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | t_segmentation_mean.tif (//obtained from segmentation test//) | Band 0 (parameter //Layer// is useless here) | unchecked | t_vectorization.shp | Output shapefile with 271 geometries | === Raster Slicing... === ^ Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^ Slices ^^^^ Results ^^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Band ^ Minimum ^ Maximum ^ Step ^ Precision^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | 0 | 50 | 150 | 25 | 1 | t_rasterslicing.tif | The 'slices Number' option does not reflect in the results, only in the Histogram (other tab). Option 'Equalize histogram' did not result in modifications on the output. | === Contrast... === ^ Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^^ Results- Check report [[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5-devel/data_teste/rasters/rasters_t/r_histogram.txt|r_histogram.txt]] ^^ ^ Layer to select ^ Type ^ Histogram Area ^ Min/Max ^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Linear | Use All Image | Band 0 -> 34, 174 (//select values in histogram//) | t_contrast_linear.tif | The resultant image get a reddish aspect (//contrast was applied mainly in R band//) | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Histogram Equalization | Use All Image | - | t_contrast_histogram_equalization.tif | The resultant image get a saturated aspect (//contrast was applied automatically on the 3 bands//) | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Square contrast | Use All Image | Band 1 -> 65, 206 (//select values in histogram//) | t_contrast_square.tif | The resultant image get a greenish aspect (//contrast was applied mainly in G band//) | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Square root contrast | Use All Image | Use detected values | t_contrast_square_root.tif | The resultant image gets a foggy aspect. | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Log | Use All Image | Use detected values | t_contrast_log.tif | The resultant image gets a //very// foggy aspect, with good contrast in dark areas. | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Mean and Std | Use All Image | Band 0, 1, 2 -> Mean (127), Std (50) | t_contrast_mean_std.tif | Result presents a saturated aspect. | | LO82190762017351CUB00_B5_crop.tif | Linear| Use All Image | band 0 | t_contrast_linear16bits.tif | Problem: Vertical scale differ from Layer RightMouse->Histogram | | LO82190762017351CUB00_B5.tif | Linear| Use All Image | band 0 | t_contrast_linear16bits_noDummyDefined.tif | Problem: No histogram. If dummy is defined to 0 - the graphic appear| | CBERS_4_MUX_20150524_153_125_L4_BAND5.zip and band 6,7,8 | Linear| Use All Image | band 5 | t_contrast_mux.tif | Unsigned char ->OK| | CBERS_4_AWFI_20180102_173_123_L4_BAND13.zip and band 14,15,16 | Linear| Use All Image | band 13 | t_contrast_cbersawfi.tif |Problem: No histogram. To see graphic, use CTRL + SCROLL mouse to repositioning and SCROLL mouse to zoom| === Classification... === ^Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^^ Results ^^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Type ^ Bands ^ Parameters ^ Output name ^ Known issues ^ | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | ISOSeg | 0, 1, 2 | t_vectorization.shp (obtained from vectorization, which was obtained by segmentation), Threshold = 75%, Distance = Mahalanobis | t_classification_isoseg.tif | | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | K-Means | 0, 1, 2 | Number of clusters = 5, other parameters //default// | t_classification_kmeans.tif | | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | MAP | 0, 1, 2 | //None// | t_classification_map.tif | Import SHP with samples, //t_rois.shp// | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | EM | 0, 1, 2 | Number of clusters = 5, other parameters //default// | t_classification_em.tif | | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | SAM | 0, 1, 2 | //None// | t_classification_sam.tif | Import SHP with samples, //t_rois.shp// | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | ED | 0, 1, 2 | //None// | t_classification_ed.tif | Import SHP with samples, //t_rois.shp//, the validity of the result should be checked | === Filter... === ^Select from dir 'rasters_t'^^^^ Results ^ ^ Layer (...) ^ Type ^ Iterations ^ Output Bands ^ Known issues ^ | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Sobel | 2 (//only to highlight the results//) | 0, 1, 2 | Check //Preview// and draw ROI (//don't need to save the results in this test case//). | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Roberts | 5 (//only to highlight the results//) | 0, 1, 2 | Check //Preview// and draw ROI (//don't need to save the results in this test case//). | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Mean | 5 (//only to highlight the results//) | 0, 1, 2 | Check //Preview// and draw ROI (//don't need to save the results in this test case//). Blur effect in the preview. | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Mode | 5 (//only to highlight the results//) | 0, 1, 2 | Check //Preview// and draw ROI (//don't need to save the results in this test case//). Crispy edges in the preview. | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Median | 5 (//only to highlight the results//) | 0, 1, 2 | Check //Preview// and draw ROI (//don't need to save the results in this test case//). Blur effect, more controled then Mean filter. | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Dilation | 5 (//only to highlight the results//) | 0, 1, 2 | Check //Preview// and draw ROI (//don't need to save the results in this test case//). Big and white edges. | | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Erosion | 5 (//only to highlight the results//) | 0, 1, 2 | Check //Preview// and draw ROI (//don't need to save the results in this test case//). Dark circles grow, and clear circles shrink. | | FIXME CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | User defined | 5 (//only to highlight the results//) | 0, 1, 2 | Check //Preview// and draw ROI (//don't need to save the results in this test case//). Use default values to get a equivalent result to //Mean filter//. Actual results are a white window. | ===== Processing| Attribute Fill| Vector to Vector... ===== Check the presence and count how many points occur inside each cell. Check the output layer and the 2 new columns generated. ^#Test^Select from dir 'shps' ^ Main Interface Options^^ Results - Check report [[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5-devel/data_teste/shps/r_attrfill_vp1_2017.txt|r_attrfill_vp1_2017.txt]]^^ ^ Verify?^Input Layers ^ Output name ^ Operations ^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ |Test1| localidades_pt.shp & cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | t_af_vv_localid_cells12x12_Presence_TotnofValue | attr "localidade:Presence" & "localidade:Total number of values"|t_af_vv_localid_cells12x12_Presence_TotnofValue |p_attfill_vp1_2017test.tview| |Test2| localidades_pt.shp & Setores_Censitarios_2000_pol.shp | t_af_vv_localid_SetCensit_Presence_TotnofValue | attr "localidade:Presence" & "localidade:Total number of values"|t_af_vv_localid_SetCensit_Presence_TotnofValue |p_attfill_vp1_2017test.tview| ===== Processing| Attribute Fill | Vector to Vector... ===== ^#Test^Select from dir 'shps' ^ Main Interface Options^^ Results - Check report [[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5-devel/data_teste/shps/r_attrfill_vp2_2017.txt|r_attrfill_vp2_2017.txt]] ^^ ^ Verify?^Input Layers ^ Output name ^ Operations ^ Layer Explorer^ [Save Project]^ |Test1| cells6000x6000_setor_censit.shp & cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | t_af_vv_op6prim|attr "class" & the first 6 operations|t_af_vv_op6prim |p_attfill_vp2_2017test.tview| |Test2| cells6000x6000_setor_censit.shp & cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | t_af_vv_op12|attr "class":"Percentage of Tot Area"|t_af_vv_op12potarea |p_attfill_vp2_2017test.tview| |Test3| cells6000x6000_setor_censit.shp & cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | t_af_vv_op7|attr "class":"Total Not Null Values"|t_af_vv_op7p |p_attfill_vp2_2017test.tview| |Test4| cells6000x6000_setor_censit.shp & cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | t_af_vv_op8|attr "class":"Percentage of each Class by Area"|t_af_vv_op8 |p_attfill_vp2_2017test.tview| ===== Processing| Attribute Fill | Raster to Vector... ===== ^#Test^Select from dir 'shps' & 'rasters_t'^^ Main Interface Options^^ Results - Check report [[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5-devel/data_teste/shps/r_attrfill_rv1_2022.txt|r_attrfill_rv1_2022.txt]] ^^^ ^ Verify?^Input Layers^ Only Selected ^ Bands/Statistics ^ Output name (...) ^ Layer Explorer^ [Save Project]^ Status^ |Test1| MDE_ESP_v2.tif & PalmsSP.shp | | 0 / Value |t_af_rv_value |t_af_rv_value |p_attrfill_rp1_2022.tview| OK| |Test2| ESP.img & br_munic_2001.shp | | 0,1 / Min,Max,Mean|t_af_rv_3op |t_af_rv_3op |p_attrfill_rp1_2022.tview |OK| |Test3| ESP.img & br_munic_2001.shp |Previous Selection of SP at br_munic2001 ON MAP Display | 0,1 / Min,Max,Mean|t_af_rv_3op |t_af_rv_3op |p_attrfill_rp1_2022.tview |OK| |Test4| ESP.img & onlySP.shp | | 0 / Min,Mean|t_af_rv_op2 |t_af_rv_op2 |p_attrfill_rp1_2022.tview |ok| ===== Processing| Attribute Fill| Vector to Raster... ===== ^#Test^Select from dir 'shps'^ Main Interface Options^^^ Results - Check report [[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5-devel/data_teste/shps/r_attrfill_vr1_2017.txt|r_attrfill_vr1_2017.txt]]^^ ^ Verify?^Input Layer ^ Attribute ^ Raster Resolution X/Y^ Output name ^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ |Test1| cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | numeric attr | X=10; Y=10 |t_af_vr_xxxx |t_af_vr_xxxx | p_attfil_vr1_2017test.tview| ===== Processing| Vector Processing | Geometric Operations... (Convex Hull, Centroid, MBR, Area, Perimeter)| ===== ^#Test^Select from dir 'shps' ^ Main Interface Options^^^ Results ^^ ^ Verify?^Input Layer ^ Output Attributes ^ Operations ^Output Repository/Layer^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ |Test1| cells6000x6000_setor_censit.shp |Move all attr from left to right|Area , Perimeter |t_vp_geoOp_area_perim|t_vp_geoOp_area_perim((check the two new attr with area e perimeter))|p_r_vp_geoOp2017.tview| |Test2| setores_centitarios_2000_pol.shp |Move all attr from left to right|area, perim,Convex Hull, Centroid, Minimum Bounding Box|Output Repository/t_vp_geoOp| t_vp_geoOp_conver_hull, t_vp_geoOp_centroid, t_vp_geoOp__mbr ((check the two new attr with area e perimeter))|p_r_vp_geoOp2017.tview| ===== Processing| Vector Processing | ===== === Polygon to Line... === ^Select from dir 'shps' & 'rasters_t'^ Main Interface Options^^ Results ^^^^ ^Input Layer ^ Only Selected ^ Output Repository/Layer^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ Know Issues^ Status^ | br_uf_2010.shp (AMAZONIA selected on Map Display) | Check |t_poly2line_only_amaz|t_poly2line_only_amaz|p_poly2line.tview|only Amz lines| OK| |br_uf_2010.shp| |t_poly2line_br_uf2010|t_poly2line_br_uf2010|p_poly2line.tview|Click over a line to select something| ok| === Line to Polygon... === ^Select from dir 'shps' ^ Main Interface Options^^ Results ^^^^ ^Input Layer ^ Only Selected ^ Output Repository/Layer^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ Know Issues^ Status^ | only_amz.shp or t_poly2line_only_amaz.shp | |t_line2poly_amaz|t_line2poly_amaz|p_poly2line.tview||OK| === Identity... === ^Select from dir 'shps'^ Main Interface Options^^ Results ^^^ ^Input Layer/Intersection ^ Output Attributes ^Output Repository/Layer^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ Know Issues^ | br_uf_2010.shp & only_amaz.shp |Move all/some attr from left to right|t_identity1|t_identity1|p_identity.tview|All Brasil| | only_amaz.shp & br_uf_2010.shp |Move all/some attr from left to right|t_identity2|t_identity2|p_identity.tview|Only Amz| === Intersection... === ^Select from dir 'shps'^^^^ Main Interface Options^^ Results ^^^ ^Input Layer^Only Selected ^ Overlay Layer^Only Selected ^ Attribute Selection ^Output Repository/Layer^ Layer Explorer ^ [Save Project]^ Know Issues^ | br_munic_2001.shp | |onlySP.shp | | Move all/some attr from left to right|t_inters1|t_inters1|p_inters.tview|Only SP| | br_munic_2001.shp | |onlySP.shp | | Move all/some attr from left to right|t_inters1|t_inters1|p_inters.tview|Only SP| ===== Layer Explorer| Right Button ===== === Link... (over layers from PGIS public.pa_15dse250gc_s and public.basic_pa_conv_sendom)- Postgis user:amazon Host:goes.dpi.inpe.br Port:5432 Passw:**** === ^ Dataset 1 & Linked Column (select)^ DataSet 2 & Linked Column (choose tabular file) ^ Output Linked layer ^ [Save Project]^ Know Issues^ Status^ |public.pa_15dse250gc_s & pa_15dse250gc_s.cd_geocodd| basic_pa_conv_sendom & cod_distrit|lk_pa_basic| p_link | The second layer must be tabular| OK| |public.basic_pa_conv_sendom & cod_municipio| public.concentracao_cr2010 & geocodm|lk_tabular2| p_link | The first and second layers are tabular| OK| |public.mapa_distritos_sp & mapal_deno| public.HOSPITAIS_SP & distrito|lk_tabular4| p_link |1:N - link works if DATASOURCE PGIS is used | OK| === Link... (over layers stored in a Directory shp/link_table.zip ) === | mapa_distritos_sp & mapal_deno| HOSPITAIS & distrito|lk_tabular3| p_link | Both files should be at the same DIR, and a datasource should be defined before adding both files to TView. ((define a Datasource as Directory; add From Datasource->Vector Files-> select DIR and add both files, otherwise - msg of error)). If 1:N link, it will be transformed in 1:1 | OK| === Link... (over layer stored in a ACCESS datasource ) === |mapa_distritos_sp & mapal_deno| HOSPITAIS_SP & distrito|lk_tabular4| p_link |it is not working: (("No tabular data available to be linked in the selected Data Source.")) | error MSG|