====== Tutorial TerraView ====== ===== Installing ===== Go to [[http://www.terralib.org | TerraView]] and Download the last version. After installing it, double-click over TerraView icon to start it. There are some data (*.zip) available for download from: [[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5-devel/TL5_tutorial_data| vector and raster files]] Unzip the * .zip files to a local directory ("C: \ TL5_data") before using them. You can also use your own data. ===== Starting TerraView ===== After starting TerraView, check the main window and key concepts before adding layers to your project. ===== Adding Vector and Raster files ===== **Project->Add Layer->Vector Files** and browse to the directory "C:\TL5_data\shps". Select at least one *.shp (click on **shift** to select more) and click on **Open**. **Project->Add Layer->Raster Files** and browse to the directory "C:\TL5_data\rasters". Select one *.tiff (click on **shift** to select more) and click on **Open**. Alternatively, open the **File Explorer** and browse to the desired directory, select one or more files and **drag and drop** into the **Layer Explorer**. ''''Monospaced Text''''===== Visualizing vector/attributes and raster files ===== In the **Layer Explorer** check the box beside the layer name and click on the draw button. The visualization order is bottom-up. To see ''munic_2001'' and ''Focos_Queimada_2008'', they should be in this order from bottom to up in the layer tree. To change the layer position in the Layer Explorer, **righ-click->hold** over the layer name and drag it up or down. To see the **Attribute Table** associated with a vector file (polygons, lines or points), **righ-click->Show Table** over layer name. ===== Changing the Style of Polygons/Line/Point/Text or raster ===== In the **Layer Explorer** click on the right arrow "**>**" to access the default Layer' Style defined. Then double-click over **Style** to open Style Explorer interface with the current style. Change the color, opacity, fill type, etc and draw again the layer. The details can be found at Help->View Help... > TerraView GUI -> Style Explorer ===== Saving the context in a Project ===== To save the context of your work in a TerraView Project, click on: **File->Save Project**, browse to any local directory and type a project name. The Project File records only the main information about each layer added to the project, such as data source, visualization style, spatial reference system (SRS). ===== Layer Properties ==== To check basic information about a layer, **right-click** on the name and choose **Properties** to see: title, srid, connection, number of items, **bounding box** coordinates, and **Data Properties** containing all attributes / type, including type geometry ((To check the Data Properties values **righ-click->Show Table** over layer name)). The most important information are also available as Tool Tip ((To check it, move the mouse over the layer name at the Layer Explorer and wait a bit to see the message)). ===== Main Concepts ===== ==== Datasources ==== Data sources can be understood as places where you can find one or more data sets to use in one or more TerraView projects. To add a data source to a TerraView application, go to: Tools-> Datasource Manager -> [On the Left choose one of the Datasources types ((PostGIS, Raster Files, Vector files, WCS, WFC, WMS))] -> (+) and enter a Title for the data source and its connection parameters. Examples: ^Datasources((Connection parameters))^Title((if title is empty, it assumes the Datasources))^Description^ ^C:/myshapes/BR_munic.shp ^ br_munic^ one shape file ^ ^C:/myshapes ^ my_shp_dir^Local Directory of shapes^ ^\\other-pc\shapes^ Other_pc_shps_dir^Directory of shapes in another PC accessible^ ^C:/myrasters/cbers4/CBERS4_153.tif^cbers153^One raster file^ ^C:/myrasters/cbers4^my_raster_dir^Local Directory of rasters file^ ^goes.dpi.inpe.br@pratica_celulas@amazon^Conn_PGIS_db_pratica_celulas^ Connection parameters needed to connect to a POSTGIS datasource((Ex:Host: goes.dpi.inpe.br or localhost (if your database is local);Port: 5432;User: xxxx ; PassW: xxxx;Database name: pratica_celulas ))^ ^http://www.geoservicos.ibge.gov.br/geoserver/wfs ^Conn_wfs_geoserver ^WFS service Address^ ^http://terrabrasilis.info/terraamazon/ows ^Conn_WCS_tbrasilis ^WCS Service Address^ ^http://terrabrasilis.info/terraamazon/ows ^Conn_WMS_tbrasilis ^WMS service Address^ You can now reference any dataset from the registered data sources. An internal file named ''datasources.xml'' holds all this information. Note that every time a layer is added to the project, its location is recorded in ''datasources.xml'', if it is not already there. However when a layer is removed, its location is not removed from ''datasources.xml'', as other projects may refer to it. To access the registered Data Sources, go to: Project-> Add Layer-> From Data Source-> [On the Left choose one of the Datasources types] ->[On the Right select one of the available data sources] -> Select ==== Project ==== A TerraView project can be seen as the user's working environment. A project organizes all layers used so far and keeps only relevant information in a file with ''.tview'' extension. Each time a project is saved, the ''datasources.xml'' file is also saved to register any new data sources that may have been added