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te::da Namespace Reference

Namespace for the DataAccess API of TerraLib. More...


class  AbstractConnectionPool
 This class defines the basic interface for a connection pool. More...
class  Add
 The addition operator. More...
class  And
 Boolean logic operator: AND. More...
class  AttributeConverterManager
 A singleton to keep all the registered Attribute Converters. More...
struct  AttributeRestriction
 A struct that represents an attribute restriction. More...
class  AttributeRestrictionVisitor
 A visitor that retrieves attribute restrictions from a Query hierarchy. More...
class  Avg
 Avg statistical function. More...
class  BatchExecutor
 A class that models an object that submits commands in batch to the data source. More...
class  BinaryFunction
 A base class for binary functions. More...
class  BinaryOp
 A base class for binary operations. More...
class  BinaryOpEncoder
 A query encoder for binary operations. More...
class  CheckConstraint
 A class that describes a check constraint. More...
class  ConnectionPoolManager
 A singleton for managing the connection pools available in the system. More...
class  Constraint
class  Count
 Count statistical function. More...
class  DataSet
 A dataset is the unit of information manipulated by the data access module of TerraLib. More...
class  DataSetAdapter
 An adapter for DataSet. More...
class  DataSetCapabilities
 A class that informs what the dataset implementation of a given data source can perform. More...
class  DataSetName
 A class that models the name of a dataset used in a From clause. More...
class  DataSetType
 A class that models the description of a dataset. More...
class  DataSetTypeCapabilities
 A class that informs what kind of constraint and index is supported by a given data source. More...
class  DataSetTypeConverter
 An converter for DataSetType. More...
class  DataSource
 An abstract class for data providers like a DBMS, Web Services or a regular file. More...
class  DataSourceCapabilities
 A class that represents the known capabilities of a specific data source, i.e. this class informs all information about what the data source can perform. Here you will find if the data source implementation supports primary keys, foreign keys, if it can be used in a thread environment and much more information. More...
class  DataSourceCatalog
 It represents the system catalog of a DataSource. More...
class  DataSourceCatalogManager
 This is a singleton for managing all the data source catalog instances available in the system. More...
class  DataSourceFactory
 A factory for data sources. More...
class  DataSourceInfo
 A class that represents a data source component. More...
class  DataSourceInfoManager
 A singleton to keep all the registered data sources. More...
class  DataSourceManager
 This is a singleton for managing all data source instances available in the system. More...
class  DataSourceTransactor
 A DataSourceTransactor can be viewed as a connection to the data source for reading/writing things into it. More...
class  DataTypeCapabilities
 A class that represents the supported data types of a specific data source. More...
class  Div
 The division operator. More...
class  EqualTo
 It models the comparison operator. More...
class  Expression
 This is an abstract class that models a query expression. More...
class  Field
 The Field class can be used to model an expression that takes part of the output items of a SELECT. More...
class  FilteredDataSet
 This class represents a filtered data set. More...
class  ForeignKey
 It models a foreign key constraint for a DataSetType. More...
class  FromFunctionCall
 A Select can be used as a source of information in another query. More...
class  FromItem
 An abstract class that models a source of data in a query. More...
class  Function
 A class that models a Function expression. More...
class  FunctionCatalog
 A FunctionCatalog can be used to keep track of registered functions. More...
class  FunctionCatalogManager
 A FunctionCatalogManager is a singleton that can be used to manage function catalogs of data source implementations. More...
class  FunctionDefn
 The definition of a function that can be used in a query object. More...
class  FunctionEncoder
 An SQL encoder for general function expressions. More...
class  FunctionNames
 A static class with global function name definitions. More...
class  FunctionNoArgsEncoder
 An SQL encoder for functions with no arguments that is invoked just by its name. More...
class  FunctionParameter
 A FunctionParameter models the parameter of a function definition. More...
class  GreaterThan
 It models the inequality operator greater than (>). More...
class  GreaterThanOrEqualTo
 It models the inequality operator greater than or equal to (>=). More...
class  GroupByItem
 A class that can be used in a GROUP BY clause. More...
class  Having
 A class that can be used to model a filter expression that can be applied to a query. More...
class  In
 A class that represents the IN operator. More...
class  Index
 It describes an index associated to a DataSetType. More...
class  IsNull
 Tells if a value is NULL. More...
class  Join
 A Join clause combines two FromItems. More...
class  JoinCondition
 A condition to be used in a Join clause. More...
class  JoinConditionOn
 JoinConditionOn is a boolean expression and it specifies which items in a join are considered to match. More...
class  JoinConditionUsing
 JoinConditionUsing class can be used to model a USING clause in a Join. More...
class  LessThan
 It models the inequality operator less than (<). More...
class  LessThanOrEqualTo
 It models the inequality operator less than or equal to (<=). More...
class  Like
 It is intended to encode a character string comparison operator with pattern matching. More...
class  Literal
 This class models a literal value. More...
class  LiteralByteArray
 A class that models a literal for ByteArray values. More...
class  LiteralDateTime
 A class that models a literal for Date and Time values. More...
class  LiteralDouble
 A class that models a literal for double values. More...
class  LiteralEnvelope
 A class that models a literal for Envelope values. More...
class  LiteralGeom
 A class that models a literal for Geometry values. More...
class  LiteralInt16
class  LiteralInt32
class  LiteralInt64
class  LiteralString
 This class models a string Literal value. More...
class  Max
 Max statistical function. More...
class  Min
 Min statistical function. More...
class  Module
 This singleton defines the TerraLib Data Access module entry. More...
class  Mul
 The multiply operator. More...
class  Not
 Boolean NOT operator. More...
class  NotEqualTo
 Tells if two values are not equal. More...
class  ObjectId
 This class represents an unique id for a data set element. More...
class  ObjectIdSet
 This class represents a set of unique ids created in the same context. i.e. from the same data set. More...
class  Or
class  OrderByItem
 A class that can be used in an ORDER BY clause to sort the items of a resulting query. More...
class  PreparedQuery
 A class that model a prepared query. More...
class  PrimaryKey
 It describes a primary key (pk) constraint. More...
class  PropertyName
 A class that models the name of any property of an object. More...
class  Query
 A Query is independent from the data source language/dialect. More...
class  QueryCapabilities
 A class that informs the query support of a given data source. More...
class  QueryVisitor
 A visitor interface for the Query hierarchy. More...
class  ScopedTransaction
 An utility class to coordinate transactions. More...
class  Select
 A Select models a query to be used when retrieving data from a DataSource. More...
class  Sequence
 It describes a sequence (a number generator). More...
class  SpatialQueryProcessor
 A basic query processor for spatial restrictions. More...
struct  SpatialRestriction
 A struct that represents a spatial restriction. More...
class  SpatialRestrictionVisitor
 A visitor for retrieves spatial restrictions from a Query hierarchy. More...
class  SQLDialect
 It represents the SQL query dialect accepted by a given data source. More...
class  SQLFunctionEncoder
 A base class for encoders of SQL function expressions. More...
class  SQLVisitor
 A visitor for building an SQL statement from a given Query hierarchy. More...
class  ST_Beyond
 Spatial Distance Buffer Beyond operator. More...
class  ST_Buffer
 Spatial Buffer operator. More...
class  ST_Contains
 Spatial contains operator. More...
class  ST_Crosses
 Spatial crosses operator. More...
class  ST_Difference
 Spatial difference operator. More...
class  ST_Disjoint
 Spatial Disjoint operator. More...
class  ST_DistanceBuffer
 Spatial Distance Buffer operator. More...
class  ST_DWithin
 Spatial Distance Buffer Within operator. More...
class  ST_EnvelopeIntersects
 An operator that considers the intersection among approximations or envelopes of geometries. More...
class  ST_Equals
 Spatial equals operator. More...
class  ST_Intersection
 Spatial intersection operator. More...
class  ST_Intersects
 Spatial intersects operator. More...
class  ST_Overlaps
 Spatial overlaps operator. More...
class  ST_Relate
 Spatial relation function. More...
class  ST_Touches
 Spatial touches operator. More...
class  ST_Transform
class  ST_Union
 ST_Union statistical function. More...
class  ST_Within
 Spatial within operator. More...
class  StdDev
 StdDev statistical function. More...
class  Sub
 The subtraction operator. More...
class  SubSelect
 A Select can be used as a source of information in another query. More...
class  Substring
 Allows the extraction of substrings. More...
class  Sum
 Sum aggregate operator. More...
class  TemplateEncoder
 A query encoder for binary operator expressions. More...
class  UnaryFunction
 A base class for unary functions. More...
class  UnaryOp
 A base class for unary operators. More...
class  UnaryOpEncoder
 A query encoder for unary operator expressions. More...
class  UniqueKey
 It describes a unique key (uk) constraint. More...
class  Variance
 Variance statistical function. More...
class  Where
 A class that can be used to model a filter expression that can be applied to a query. More...


typedef boost::function3
< te::dt::AbstractData
*, DataSet *, const
std::vector< std::size_t >
&, int > 
 The type of attribute converter functions. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DataSet
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DataSetType
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DataSourceCatalog
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DataSourceInfo
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DataSource
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DataSourceTransactor
typedef boost::ptr_vector
< Expression
 A class that models a Distinct clause on a query. More...
typedef boost::ptr_vector< FieldFields
 Fields is just a boost::ptr_vector of Field pointers. More...
typedef boost::ptr_vector
< FromItem
 It models the FROM clause for a query. More...
typedef boost::ptr_vector
< GroupByItem
 A class that can be used to model a GROUP BY clause. More...
typedef boost::ptr_vector
< OrderByItem
 A class that can be used to model an ORDER BY clause. More...


enum  {
 An anonymous enum with the type of datasets retrieved from data sources. More...
enum  ConstraintType {
 A ConstraintType can have one of the following types: More...
enum  FKActionType {
 Type of action performed on the foreign key data. More...
 Index type. More...
enum  JoinType {
 The type of join in a query. More...
enum  SortOrder { DESC, ASC }
 Sort order type: asc or desc. More...


std::auto_ptr< Fields
BuildFields (const std::vector< std::string > &properties)
std::auto_ptr< Select
BuildSelect (const std::string &dsname)
std::auto_ptr< Select
BuildSelect (const std::string &dsname, const std::string &propertyName)
std::auto_ptr< Select
BuildSelect (const std::string &dsname, const std::vector< std::string > &properties)
std::auto_ptr< Select
BuildSelect (const std::string &dsname, const std::vector< std::string > &properties, const std::string &geometryProperty, const te::gm::Envelope *e, int srid, te::gm::SpatialRelation r)
std::auto_ptr< Select
BuildSelect (const std::string &dsname, const std::vector< std::string > &properties, const std::string &geometryProperty, te::gm::Geometry *g, te::gm::SpatialRelation r)
std::auto_ptr< Select
BuildSelect (const std::string &dsname, const std::vector< std::string > &properties, const ObjectIdSet *oids)
std::auto_ptr< Expression
BuildSpatialOp (Expression *e1, Expression *e2, te::gm::SpatialRelation r)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void Create (DataSource *ds, DataSetType *dt, DataSet *d, std::size_t limit=0)
 It creates the dataset definition in a data source and then fill it with data from the input dataset. More...
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void Create (DataSource *ds, DataSetType *dt, DataSet *d, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, std::size_t limit=0)
 It creates the dataset definition in a data source and then fill it with data from the input dataset. More...
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT DataSetAdapterCreateAdapter (DataSet *ds, DataSetTypeConverter *converter, bool isOwner=false)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT ObjectIdGenerateOID (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::string > &names)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT ObjectIdSetGenerateOIDSet (DataSet *dataset, const DataSetType *type)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT ObjectIdSetGenerateOIDSet (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::string > &names)
GenericAttributeConverter (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &indexes, int dstType)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT DataSetGetDataSet (const std::string &name, const std::string &datasourceId)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT std::string GetDataSetCategoryName (int category)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void GetDataSetNames (std::vector< std::string > &datasetNames, const std::string &datasourceId)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT DataSetTypeGetDataSetType (const std::string &name, const std::string &datasourceId)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT DataSourcePtr GetDataSource (const std::string &datasourceId, const bool opened=true)
 Search for a data source with the informed id in the DataSourceManager. More...
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void GetEmptyOIDSet (const DataSetType *type, ObjectIdSet *&set)
 Returns an empty ObjectIdSet, with the definitions of fields that compose it. More...
GetExtent (const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &datasourceId)
GetFirstGeomProperty (const DataSetType *dt)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT std::size_t GetFirstPropertyPos (const te::da::DataSet *dataset, int datatype)
GetFirstRasterProperty (const DataSetType *dt)
GetFirstSpatialProperty (const DataSetType *dt)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT std::size_t GetFirstSpatialPropertyPos (const te::da::DataSet *dataset)
 It returns the first dataset spatial property or NULL if none is found. More...
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void GetOIDPropertyNames (const DataSetType *type, std::vector< std::string > &pnames)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void GetOIDPropertyPos (const DataSetType *type, std::vector< std::size_t > &ppos)
< int > 
GetPropertyDataTypes (const te::da::DataSet *dataset)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT int GetPropertyIndex (te::da::DataSet *dataSet, const std::string propName)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void GetPropertyInfo (const DataSetType *const dt, std::vector< std::string > &pnames, std::vector< int > &ptypes)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void GetPropertyInfo (const DataSet *const dataset, std::vector< std::string > &pnames, std::vector< int > &ptypes)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT std::size_t GetPropertyPos (const DataSet *dataset, const std::string &name)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT std::size_t GetPropertyPos (const DataSetType *dt, const std::string &name)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT std::string GetSQLValueNames (const DataSetType *dt)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT std::string GetSQLValueNames (const DataSet *dataset)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT bool HasDataSet (const std::string &datasourceId)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void LoadFull (te::da::DataSetType *dataset, const std::string &datasourceId)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void LoadProperties (te::da::DataSetType *dataset, const std::string &datasourceId)
JoinConditionnew_clone (const JoinCondition &a)
 For use with boost conteiners. More...
Querynew_clone (const Query &a)
 For use with boost conteiners. More...
Expressionnew_clone (const Expression &a)
 For use with boost conteiners. More...
FromItemnew_clone (const FromItem &a)
 For use with boost conteiners. More...
PointToMConverter (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &indexes, int dstType)
PointToXConverter (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &indexes, int dstType)
PointToYConverter (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &indexes, int dstType)
PointToZConverter (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &indexes, int dstType)
TupleToStringConverter (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &indexes, int dstType)
XYMToPointConverter (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &indexes, int dstType)
XYToPointConverter (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &indexes, int dstType)
XYZMToPointConverter (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &indexes, int dstType)
XYZToPointConverter (DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::size_t > &indexes, int dstType)

Detailed Description

Namespace for the DataAccess API of TerraLib.

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::function3<te::dt::AbstractData*, DataSet*, const std::vector<std::size_t>&, int> te::da::AttributeConverter

The type of attribute converter functions.

The functions following the typedef signature have:

type: e::dt::AbstractData*

input parameter: input data set (DataSet*)

input parameter: the position list of adapted properties in the input dataset (const std::vector<std::size_t>&)

input parameter: destination data type (int)

Definition at line 49 of file AttributeConverters.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DataSet> te::da::DataSetPtr

Definition at line 667 of file DataSet.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< DataSetType > te::da::DataSetTypePtr

Definition at line 653 of file DataSetType.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DataSourceCatalog> te::da::DataSourceCatalogPtr

Definition at line 493 of file DataSourceCatalog.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DataSourceInfo> te::da::DataSourceInfoPtr

Definition at line 103 of file DataSourceInfo.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DataSource> te::da::DataSourcePtr

Definition at line 1395 of file DataSource.h.

Definition at line 1207 of file DataSourceTransactor.h.

typedef boost::ptr_vector<Expression> te::da::Distinct

A class that models a Distinct clause on a query.

Definition at line 37 of file Distinct.h.

typedef boost::ptr_vector<Field> te::da::Fields

Fields is just a boost::ptr_vector of Field pointers.

Definition at line 37 of file Fields.h.

typedef boost::ptr_vector<FromItem> te::da::From

It models the FROM clause for a query.

Definition at line 37 of file From.h.

typedef boost::ptr_vector<GroupByItem> te::da::GroupBy

A class that can be used to model a GROUP BY clause.

Definition at line 37 of file GroupBy.h.

typedef boost::ptr_vector<OrderByItem> te::da::OrderBy

A class that can be used to model an ORDER BY clause.

Definition at line 37 of file OrderBy.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

An anonymous enum with the type of datasets retrieved from data sources.


Definition at line 75 of file Enums.h.

A ConstraintType can have one of the following types:


Used when the constraint type is unknown.


Primary key constraint.


Foreign key constraint.


Unique key constraint.


Check constraint.

Definition at line 65 of file Enums.h.

Type of action performed on the foreign key data.


Indicates that the deletion or update would create a foreign key constraint violation.


Indicates that the deletion or update would create a foreign key constraint violation.


Delete any rows referencing the deleted row, or update the value of the referencing column to the new value of the referenced column, respectively.


Set the referencing column(s) to null.


Set the referencing column(s) to their default values.

Definition at line 93 of file Enums.h.

Index type.


Btree index type.


RTree index type.


QuadTree index type.


Hash index type.

Definition at line 107 of file Enums.h.

The type of join in a query.















Definition at line 49 of file Enums.h.

Sort order type: asc or desc.


Descendent order type.


Ascendent order type.

Definition at line 38 of file Enums.h.

Function Documentation

std::auto_ptr< te::da::Fields > te::da::BuildFields ( const std::vector< std::string > &  properties)

Definition at line 716 of file Utils.cpp.

Referenced by BuildSelect().

std::auto_ptr< te::da::Select > te::da::BuildSelect ( const std::string &  dsname)

Definition at line 726 of file Utils.cpp.

Referenced by BuildSelect().

std::auto_ptr< te::da::Select > te::da::BuildSelect ( const std::string &  dsname,
const std::string &  propertyName 

Definition at line 731 of file Utils.cpp.

References BuildSelect().

std::auto_ptr< te::da::Select > te::da::BuildSelect ( const std::string &  dsname,
const std::vector< std::string > &  properties 

Definition at line 739 of file Utils.cpp.

References BuildFields().

std::auto_ptr< te::da::Select > te::da::BuildSelect ( const std::string &  dsname,
const std::vector< std::string > &  properties,
const std::string &  geometryProperty,
const te::gm::Envelope e,
int  srid,
te::gm::SpatialRelation  r 

Definition at line 755 of file Utils.cpp.

References BuildFields(), and BuildSpatialOp().

std::auto_ptr< te::da::Select > te::da::BuildSelect ( const std::string &  dsname,
const std::vector< std::string > &  properties,
const std::string &  geometryProperty,
te::gm::Geometry g,
te::gm::SpatialRelation  r 

Definition at line 788 of file Utils.cpp.

References BuildFields(), and BuildSpatialOp().

std::auto_ptr< te::da::Select > te::da::BuildSelect ( const std::string &  dsname,
const std::vector< std::string > &  properties,
const ObjectIdSet *  oids 
std::auto_ptr< te::da::Expression > te::da::BuildSpatialOp ( Expression *  e1,
Expression *  e2,
te::gm::SpatialRelation  r 
void te::da::Create ( DataSource *  ds,
DataSetType *  dt,
DataSet *  d,
std::size_t  limit = 0 

It creates the dataset definition in a data source and then fill it with data from the input dataset.

This function will create the dataset schema definition and will save all the dataset data.

tThe data source transactor.
dtThe source dataset definition.
dThe source dataset data.
limitThe number of items to be used from the input dataset. If set to 0 (default) all items are used.
All parameters must be valid pointers.
It is the caller responsability to release the dataset 'd' pointer.
ExceptionIt throws an exception if the dataset can not be created.
DataSetPersistence will start reading the dataset 'd' in the current position. So, keep in mind that it is the caller responsability to inform the dataset 'd' in the right position (and a valid one) to start processing it.

Definition at line 573 of file Utils.cpp.

Referenced by te::qt::plugins::terralib4::TL4ConverterWizard::commit().

void te::da::Create ( DataSource *  ds,
DataSetType *  dt,
DataSet *  d,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  options,
std::size_t  limit = 0 

It creates the dataset definition in a data source and then fill it with data from the input dataset.

This method will create the dataset schema definition and will save all the dataset data.

dtThe source dataset definition.
dThe source dataset data.
optionsA list of optional modifiers. It is driver specific.
limitThe number of items to be used from the input dataset. If set to 0 (default) all items are used.
All parameters must be valid pointers.
ExceptionIt throws an exception if the dataset can not be created.
It is the caller responsability to release the dataset 'd' pointer.
DataSetPersistence will start reading the dataset 'd' in the current position. So, keep in mind that it is the caller responsability to inform the dataset 'd' in the right position (and a valid one) to start processing it.

Definition at line 580 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::da::DataSource::add(), te::da::DataSource::createDataSet(), and te::dt::Property::getName().

te::da::ObjectIdSet * te::da::GenerateOIDSet ( DataSet *  dataset,
const DataSetType *  type 
te::da::ObjectIdSet * te::da::GenerateOIDSet ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::string > &  names 
te::dt::AbstractData * te::da::GenericAttributeConverter ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indexes,
int  dstType 
te::da::DataSet * te::da::GetDataSet ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  datasourceId 
std::string te::da::GetDataSetCategoryName ( int  category)
void te::da::GetDataSetNames ( std::vector< std::string > &  datasetNames,
const std::string &  datasourceId 
te::da::DataSetType * te::da::GetDataSetType ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  datasourceId 
te::da::DataSourcePtr te::da::GetDataSource ( const std::string &  datasourceId,
const bool  opened = true 

Search for a data source with the informed id in the DataSourceManager.

If the data source is not found in that manager it will try to get some information in the DataSourceInfoManager and will create a new data source instance, storing a reference to the new data source in the manager.

datasourceIdThe data source to look for.
openedAutomatically open the data source.
A data source with the informed id.
ExceptionIt throws an exception if the informed data source could not be retrieved.

Definition at line 258 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::common::Singleton< DataSourceManager >::getInstance(), te::common::Singleton< DataSourceInfoManager >::getInstance(), and TR_DATAACCESS.

Referenced by te::map::QueryLayer::computeExtent(), DataSetAdapterLayerReader(), DataSetLayerReader(), DataSetLayerWriter(), te::map::DataSetLayerRenderer::draw(), te::map::DataSetLayer::getData(), te::map::DataSetAdapterLayer::getData(), te::map::QueryLayer::getData(), te::st::STDataLoaderFromDS::getDataSet(), te::map::GetRaster(), te::map::GetRasterProperty(), te::map::DataSetLayer::getSchema(), te::map::QueryLayer::getSchema(), te::st::STDataLoaderFromDS::getSpatialExtent(), te::map::DataSetLayer::isValid(), te::map::DataSetAdapterLayer::isValid(), te::map::QueryLayer::isValid(), te::qt::widgets::QueryDialog::onInputLayerActivated(), te::vp::BufferDialog::onLayerComboBoxChanged(), te::vp::IntersectionDialog::onOkPushButtonClicked(), te::vp::BufferDialog::onOkPushButtonClicked(), te::vp::AggregationDialog::onOkPushButtonClicked(), te::map::DataSetAdapterLayer::setConverter(), te::vp::AggregationDialog::setFunctionsByLayer(), te::qt::widgets::SHP2ADODialog::setLayers(), te::qt::widgets::SHP2PostGISDialog::setLayers(), te::qt::widgets::PostGIS2SHPDialog::setLayers(), and te::qt::plugins::ogr::Plugin::showWindow().

void te::da::GetEmptyOIDSet ( const DataSetType *  type,
ObjectIdSet *&  set 

Returns an empty ObjectIdSet, with the definitions of fields that compose it.

type[in]A pointer to a valid data set type. Do not pass null.
set[out]The ObjectIdSet containing only the the fields definitions. This pointer will be instantiated inside the method.
The caller WILL TAKE the ownership of set.

Definition at line 282 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::da::ObjectIdSet::addProperty(), te::dt::Property::getName(), GetOIDPropertyPos(), te::dt::CompositeProperty::getProperty(), and te::dt::Property::getType().

Referenced by te::qt::widgets::Selection::executeSelection(), te::da::SpatialQueryProcessor::getOIDSet(), and te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableView::setLayerSchema().

te::gm::Envelope * te::da::GetExtent ( const std::string &  datasetName,
const std::string &  propertyName,
const std::string &  datasourceId 
The data extent considering the informed property. The caller will take the ownership of the returned box.
ExceptionIt throws an exception if the extent can not be determined.

Definition at line 132 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::common::Singleton< DataSourceManager >::getInstance(), and TR_DATAACCESS.

Referenced by te::qt::widgets::DataSetDisplay::draw(), te::map::GetExtent(), te::qt::widgets::DataPropertiesDialog::onOkPushButtonClicked(), and te::qt::widgets::DataSet2Layer::operator()().

te::gm::GeometryProperty * te::da::GetFirstGeomProperty ( const DataSetType *  dt)
std::size_t te::da::GetFirstPropertyPos ( const te::da::DataSet dataset,
int  datatype 

Definition at line 428 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getNumProperties(), and te::da::DataSet::getPropertyDataType().

Referenced by te::qt::widgets::TiePointLocatorWidget::adjCoordPicked(), te::map::QueryLayer::computeExtent(), te::qt::widgets::createHistogram(), te::qt::widgets::createScatter(), te::qt::widgets::DataSetDisplay::draw(), te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::draw(), te::qt::af::MapDisplay::drawDataSet(), te::map::QueryLayerRenderer::drawGeometries(), te::map::DrawGeometries(), te::map::DataSetLayerRenderer::drawGrouping(), te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::drawLayerGeometries(), te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::drawLayerGrouping(), te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::drawLayerGroupingMem(), te::qt::widgets::DataFrame::drawLayerSelection(), te::map::DrawRaster(), te::qt::widgets::TiePointLocatorWidget::drawTiePoints(), te::qt::widgets::RegisterWizard::execute(), te::qt::widgets::ClassifierWizard::execute(), te::qt::widgets::ContrastWizard::execute(), te::qt::widgets::MixtureModelWizard::execute(), te::qt::widgets::RasterNavigatorWidget::getExtentRaster(), te::qt::widgets::Info::getGeometryInfo(), te::map::GetGeomType(), te::qt::widgets::HistogramDataWidget::getHistogram(), te::qt::widgets::Info::getInfo(), te::qt::widgets::SegmenterWizardPage::getInputParams(), te::map::GetRaster(), te::qt::widgets::ScatterDataWidget::getScatter(), te::qt::widgets::TiePointLocatorWidget::getTiePoints(), te::qt::widgets::HistogramDataWidget::HistogramDataWidget(), te::qt::widgets::ContrastWizardPage::listBands(), te::qt::widgets::SegmenterWizardPage::listBands(), te::qt::widgets::ClassifierWizardPage::listBands(), te::qt::widgets::MixtureModelWizardPage::listBands(), te::qt::widgets::RasterNavigatorWidget::listBands(), te::qt::widgets::ReadPixelTool::mouseReleaseEvent(), te::qt::widgets::TiePointLocatorWidget::onAutoAcquireTiePointsToolButtonClicked(), te::qt::widgets::RasterNavigatorWidget::onCoordTrackedChanged(), te::qt::widgets::MixtureModelWizardPage::onPointPicked(), te::qt::widgets::HistogramDataWidget::onPropertyComboBoxIndexChanged(), te::qt::widgets::TiePointLocatorWidget::refCoordPicked(), te::qt::widgets::ScatterDataWidget::ScatterDataWidget(), te::qt::widgets::RasterHistogramWidget::set(), te::qt::widgets::RasterNavigatorWidget::set(), te::qt::widgets::TiePointLocatorWidget::setAdjustLayer(), te::qt::widgets::UpdateProperty::setGeometryPropertyData(), te::qt::widgets::GroupingDialog::setLayer(), and te::qt::widgets::TiePointLocatorWidget::setReferenceLayer().

te::dt::Property * te::da::GetFirstSpatialProperty ( const DataSetType *  dt)
std::size_t te::da::GetFirstSpatialPropertyPos ( const te::da::DataSet dataset)

It returns the first dataset spatial property or NULL if none is found.

datasetThe dataset to search for a spatial property.
The first dataset spatial property or NULL if none is found.

Definition at line 409 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::dt::GEOMETRY_TYPE, te::da::DataSet::getNumProperties(), te::da::DataSet::getPropertyDataType(), and te::dt::RASTER_TYPE.

Referenced by PairwiseIntersection(), PrepareDataSet(), and te::map::DataSetAdapterLayer::setConverter().

void te::da::GetOIDPropertyPos ( const DataSetType *  type,
std::vector< std::size_t > &  ppos 
std::vector< int > te::da::GetPropertyDataTypes ( const te::da::DataSet dataset)
int te::da::GetPropertyIndex ( te::da::DataSet dataSet,
const std::string  propName 
void te::da::GetPropertyInfo ( const DataSetType *const  dt,
std::vector< std::string > &  pnames,
std::vector< int > &  ptypes 
void te::da::GetPropertyInfo ( const DataSet *const  dataset,
std::vector< std::string > &  pnames,
std::vector< int > &  ptypes 
std::size_t te::da::GetPropertyPos ( const DataSet *  dataset,
const std::string &  name 

Definition at line 447 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getNumProperties(), and te::da::DataSet::getPropertyName().

Referenced by AggregationMemory(), BufferMemory(), CalculateDoubleGroupingFunctions(), CalculateStringGroupingFunctions(), te::map::AbstractLayerRenderer::drawLayerGroupingMem(), te::mem::DataSource::dropProperty(), GenerateOIDSet(), te::da::DataSet::getArray(), te::da::DataSet::getAsString(), te::da::DataSet::getBool(), te::da::DataSet::getByteArray(), te::da::DataSet::getChar(), te::da::DataSet::getDateTime(), te::da::DataSet::getDouble(), te::da::DataSet::getFloat(), te::da::DataSet::getGeometry(), GetGroups(), te::da::DataSet::getInt16(), te::da::DataSet::getInt32(), te::da::DataSet::getInt64(), te::da::DataSet::getNumeric(), te::da::DataSet::getRaster(), te::qt::widgets::ScatterDataWidget::getScatter(), te::da::DataSet::getString(), te::da::DataSet::getUChar(), te::da::DataSet::getValue(), te::da::DataSet::isNull(), te::qt::widgets::HistogramDataWidget::onPropertyComboBoxIndexChanged(), te::mem::DataSource::renameProperty(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setBool(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setByteArray(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setChar(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setDateTime(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setDouble(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setFloat(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setGeometry(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setInt16(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setInt32(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setInt64(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setNumeric(), SetOutputDatasetQuery(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setRaster(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setString(), te::mem::DataSetItem::setUChar(), and te::mem::DataSetItem::setValue().

std::size_t te::da::GetPropertyPos ( const DataSetType *  dt,
const std::string &  name 
std::string te::da::GetSQLValueNames ( const DataSetType *  dt)
std::string te::da::GetSQLValueNames ( const DataSet *  dataset)
bool te::da::HasDataSet ( const std::string &  datasourceId)
void te::da::LoadFull ( te::da::DataSetType dataset,
const std::string &  datasourceId 
JoinCondition* te::da::new_clone ( const JoinCondition &  a)

For use with boost conteiners.

Definition at line 61 of file JoinCondition.h.

References te::da::JoinCondition::clone().

Query* te::da::new_clone ( const Query &  a)

For use with boost conteiners.

Definition at line 63 of file Query.h.

References te::da::Query::clone().

Expression* te::da::new_clone ( const Expression &  a)

For use with boost conteiners.

Definition at line 64 of file Expression.h.

References te::da::Expression::clone().

FromItem* te::da::new_clone ( const FromItem &  a)

For use with boost conteiners.

Definition at line 97 of file FromItem.h.

References te::da::FromItem::clone().

te::dt::AbstractData * te::da::PointToMConverter ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indexes,
int  dstType 

Definition at line 144 of file AttributeConverters.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getGeometry().

Referenced by te::da::Module::initialize().

te::dt::AbstractData * te::da::PointToXConverter ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indexes,
int  dstType 

Definition at line 114 of file AttributeConverters.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getGeometry().

Referenced by te::da::Module::initialize().

te::dt::AbstractData * te::da::PointToYConverter ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indexes,
int  dstType 

Definition at line 124 of file AttributeConverters.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getGeometry().

Referenced by te::da::Module::initialize().

te::dt::AbstractData * te::da::PointToZConverter ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indexes,
int  dstType 

Definition at line 134 of file AttributeConverters.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getGeometry().

Referenced by te::da::Module::initialize().

te::dt::AbstractData * te::da::TupleToStringConverter ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indexes,
int  dstType 

Definition at line 154 of file AttributeConverters.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getAsString().

Referenced by te::da::Module::initialize().

te::dt::AbstractData * te::da::XYMToPointConverter ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indexes,
int  dstType 

Definition at line 89 of file AttributeConverters.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getDouble().

Referenced by te::da::Module::initialize().

te::dt::AbstractData * te::da::XYToPointConverter ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indexes,
int  dstType 

Definition at line 66 of file AttributeConverters.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getDouble().

Referenced by te::da::Module::initialize().

te::dt::AbstractData * te::da::XYZMToPointConverter ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indexes,
int  dstType 

Definition at line 101 of file AttributeConverters.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getDouble().

Referenced by te::da::Module::initialize().

te::dt::AbstractData * te::da::XYZToPointConverter ( DataSet *  dataset,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indexes,
int  dstType 

Definition at line 77 of file AttributeConverters.cpp.

References te::da::DataSet::getDouble().

Referenced by te::da::Module::initialize().