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1 /* Copyright (C) 2008 National Institute For Space Research (INPE) - Brazil.
3  This file is part of the TerraLib - a Framework for building GIS enabled applications.
5  TerraLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
8  or (at your option) any later version.
10  TerraLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  along with TerraLib. See COPYING. If not, write to
17  TerraLib Team at <>.
18  */
20 /*!
21  \file Utils.cpp
23  \brief This file contains a set of utility chart functions
24 */
26 // TerraLib
27 #include "../../../color/RGBAColor.h"
28 #include "../../../common/progress/TaskProgress.h"
29 #include "../../../dataaccess/dataset/DataSet.h"
30 #include "../../../dataaccess/dataset/DataSetType.h"
31 #include "../../../dataaccess/dataset/ObjectIdSet.h"
32 #include "../../../dataaccess/utils/Utils.h"
33 #include "../../../datatype.h"
34 #include "../../../raster.h"
35 #include "../../../maptools/ExternalGraphicRendererManager.h"
36 #include "../../../maptools/MarkRendererManager.h"
37 #include "../../../qt/widgets/Utils.h"
38 #include "../../../se/Utils.h"
39 #include "../../../se.h"
40 #include "../../../statistics/core/Enums.h"
41 #include "../../../statistics/core/NumericStatisticalSummary.h"
42 #include "../../../statistics/core/StringStatisticalSummary.h"
43 #include "../../../statistics/core/SummaryFunctions.h"
44 #include "../../../statistics/core/Utils.h"
45 #include "ChartDisplay.h"
46 #include "ChartDisplayWidget.h"
47 #include "ChartStyle.h"
48 #include "Histogram.h"
49 #include "HistogramChart.h"
50 #include "Scatter.h"
51 #include "ScatterChart.h"
52 #include "Utils.h"
54 //Boost
55 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
56 #include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
58 //QT
59 #include <QPen>
61 //STL
62 #include <memory>
64 float gammln( float xx )
65 {
66  double x, tmp, ser;
67  static double cof[6]= {76.18009173, -86.50532033, 24.01409822,
68  -1.231739516, 0.120858003e-2, -0.536382e-5};
69  int j;
71  x = xx - 1.0;
72  tmp = x + 5.5;
73  tmp -= (x+0.5)*log(tmp);
74  ser = 1.0;
76  for (j=0; j<=5; j++)
77  {
78  x += 1.0;
79  ser += cof[j]/x;
80  }
81  return (float)(-tmp + log(2.50662827465*ser));
82 }
84 void gser( float * gamser, float a, float x, float * gln )
85 {
86  double ITMAX = 100;
87  double EPS = 3.0e-7;
89  int n;
90  float sum, del,ap;
92  *gln = gammln(a);
94  if (x <= 0.0)
95  {
96  if ( x < 0.0)
97  printf ("x less than 0 in the GSER routine");
99  *gamser = 0.0;
100  return;
101  }
103  else
104  {
105  ap = a;
106  del= sum = (float)(1.0/a);
107  for (n=1; n <= ITMAX; n++)
108  {
109  ap += 1.0;
110  del *= x/ap;
111  sum += del;
112  if (fabs (del) < fabs (sum)*EPS)
113  {
114  *gamser = (float)(sum*exp(-x+a*log(x)-(*gln)));
115  return;
116  }
117  }
118  return;
119  }
120 }
122 void gcf( float * gammcf, float a, float x, float * gln )
123 {
124  double ITMAX = 100;
125  double EPS = 3.0e-7;
127  int n;
128  float gold=0.0, g, fac=1.0, b1=1.0;
129  float b0=0.0, anf, ana, an, a1, a0=1.0;
131  *gln=gammln(a);
133  a1=x;
135  for(n=1; n<= ITMAX; n++)
136  {
137  an = (float) n;
138  ana = an - a;
139  a0 = (a1+a0*ana)*fac;
140  b0 = (b1+b0*ana)*fac;
141  anf = an*fac;
142  a1 = x*a0+anf*a1;
143  b1 = x*b0+anf*b1;
144  if (a1)
145  {
146  fac = (float)(1.0/a1);
147  g = b1*fac;
148  if (fabs((g-gold)/g) < EPS)
149  {
150  *gammcf = (float)(exp (-x+a*log(x)-(*gln))*g);
151  return;
152  }
153  gold = g;
154  }
155  }
156 }
158 float gammp( float a, float x )
159 {
160  float gamser, gammcf, gln;
162  if (x < (a+1.0))
163  {
164  gser (&gamser, a, x, &gln);
165  return gamser;
166  }
167  else
168  {
169  gcf (&gammcf, a, x, &gln);
170  return (float)(1.0 - gammcf);
171  }
172 }
174 float errFunction( float x )
175 {
176  return x < 0.0 ? -gammp(0.5, x*x) : gammp(0.5,x*x);
177 }
179 double getDouble(const std::string& value, std::vector<std::string>& sVector)
180 {
181  //verify if it exists
182  for(std::size_t i=0;i<sVector.size();++i)
183  {
184  if(value==sVector[i])
185  return (double)i;
186  }
188  sVector.push_back(value);
189  return (double)sVector.size()-1;
190 }
192 double getDouble(te::dt::DateTime* dateTime)
193 {
194  if(dateTime->getDateTimeType() == te::dt::TIME_INSTANT)
195  {
196  std::auto_ptr<te::dt::TimeInstant> ti ((te::dt::TimeInstant*)dateTime);
197  boost::gregorian::date basedate(1400, 01, 01);
198  boost::gregorian::date_duration days = ti->getDate().getDate() - basedate;
199  long long int seconds = ti->getTime().getTimeDuration().total_seconds();
200  long long int dias = days.days();
201  double v = (double) dias * 86400 + seconds;
202  return v;
203  }
204  else if(dateTime->getDateTimeType() == te::dt::DATE)
205  {
206  std::auto_ptr<te::dt::Date> d ((te::dt::Date*)dateTime);
207  boost::gregorian::date basedate(1400, 01, 01);
208  boost::gregorian::date_duration days = d->getDate() - basedate;
209  double v = days.days();
210  return v;
211  }
212  return 0.;
213 }
215 /*
216  Auxiliary function used to acquire the current value of the dataset as a double regardless of it's (numeric) type
218  param dataset The dataset being used, must be given at the position of interest
219  param propId The id of the property of interest;
220  note Will return 0 if the type of the property was not numeric.
221 */
222 double getDouble(te::da::DataSet* dataset, int propId)
223 {
224  double res = 0.;
226  int propType = dataset->getPropertyDataType(propId);
227  switch (propType)
228  {
229  case(te::dt::INT16_TYPE):
230  res = dataset->getInt16(propId);
231  break;
232  case(te::dt::UINT16_TYPE):
233  res = dataset->getInt16(propId);
234  break;
235  case(te::dt::INT32_TYPE):
236  res = dataset->getInt32(propId);
237  break;
238  case(te::dt::UINT32_TYPE):
239  res = dataset->getInt32(propId);
240  break;
241  case(te::dt::INT64_TYPE):
242  res = dataset->getInt64(propId);
243  break;
244  case(te::dt::UINT64_TYPE):
245  res = dataset->getInt64(propId);
246  break;
247  case(te::dt::FLOAT_TYPE):
248  res = dataset->getFloat(propId);
249  break;
250  case(te::dt::NUMERIC_TYPE):
251  res = boost::lexical_cast<double>(dataset->getNumeric(propId));
252  break;
253  default:
254  res = dataset->getDouble(propId);
255  break;
256  }
258  return res;
259 }
261 /*
262  Auxiliary function used to acquire the summarized string value of the dataset using the selected statistical function
264  param stat The selected satistical function, pass -1 if no function is to be used;
265  param sss The StringStatisticalSummary that will make the relevant calculations and return the result
266 */
268 {
269  std::string res;
271  switch (stat)
272  {
273  case(te::stat::MIN_VALUE):
274  res = sss.m_minVal;
275  break;
276  case(te::stat::MAX_VALUE):
277  res = sss.m_maxVal;
278  break;
279  //case(te::stat::COUNT):
280  // res = dataset->size();
281  // break;
282  //case(te::stat::VALID_COUNT):
283  // break;
284  default:
285  break;
286  }
287  return res;
288 }
290 /*
291  Auxiliary function used to acquire the summarized double value of the dataset using the selected statistical function
293  param stat The selected satistical function, pass -1 if no function is to be used;
294  param sss The NumericStatisticalSummary that will make the relevant calculations and return the result
295 */
297 {
298  double res;
300  switch (stat)
301  {
302  case(te::stat::MIN_VALUE):
303  res = nss.m_minVal;
304  break;
305  case(te::stat::MAX_VALUE):
306  res = nss.m_maxVal;
307  break;
308  //case(te::stat::COUNT):
309  // res = dataset->size();
310  // break;
311  //case(te::stat::VALID_COUNT):
312  // res = getDouble(dataset, propId);
313  // break;
314  case(te::stat::MEAN):
315  res = nss.m_mean;
316  break;
317  case(te::stat::SUM):
318  res = nss.m_sum;
319  break;
321  res = nss.m_stdDeviation;
322  break;
323  case(te::stat::VARIANCE):
324  res = nss.m_variance;
325  break;
326  case(te::stat::SKEWNESS):
327  res = nss.m_skewness;
328  break;
329  case(te::stat::KURTOSIS):
330  res = nss.m_kurtosis;
331  break;
332  case(te::stat::AMPLITUDE):
333  res = nss.m_amplitude;
334  break;
335  case(te::stat::MEDIAN):
336  res = nss.m_median;
337  break;
338  case(te::stat::VAR_COEFF):
339  res = nss.m_varCoeff;
340  break;
341  //case(te::stat::MODE):
342  // res = nss.m_mode[0];
343  break;
344  default:
345  res = 0.0;
346  break;
347  }
348  return res;
349 }
351 /*
352  Auxiliary function used to a scatter with summarized values
354  param stat The selected satistical function, pass -1 if no function is to be used;
355  param oidsToSummarize A map containing all the objectIds mapped by the oid of the base dataset.
356  param valuesToSummarize A map containing all the values9points) mapped by the oid of the base dataset.
357  param scatter Output parameter, the scatter to be populated.
359  note This function is only going to populate the sacatter's data if it a statistical funcion has been selected,
360  otherwise it will return the scatter as it received it.
361 */
362 void buildSummarizedScatter(int stat, std::map<std::string, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> > oidsToSummarize,
363  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > > valuesToSummarize,
364  te::qt::widgets::Scatter* scatter)
365 {
366  //Containers used to hold informations temporarily, used to organize them prior to inserting them on the histogram.
367  std::map<std::string, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> >::iterator oidsIt;
368  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > > ::iterator valuesIt;
371  //Acquiring the summarized values
372  for(valuesIt = valuesToSummarize.begin(); valuesIt != valuesToSummarize.end(); ++valuesIt)
373  {
374  if((*valuesIt).second.size() > 1 && (stat != -1))
375  {
376  std::vector<double> xValues;
377  std::vector<double> yValues;
378  std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> oids;
380  for(size_t i = 0; i < (*valuesIt).second.size(); ++i)
381  {
382  xValues.push_back((*valuesIt).second[i].first);
383  yValues.push_back((*valuesIt).second[i].second);
384  oids = oidsToSummarize[(*valuesIt).first];
385  }
387  double summarizedXValue, summarizedYValue;
390  summarizedXValue = getStatisticalValue(stat, ss);
393  summarizedYValue = getStatisticalValue(stat, ss);
395  for(size_t j = 0; j < oids.size(); ++j)
396  scatter->addData(summarizedXValue, summarizedYValue, oids[j]);
397  }
398  else
399  {
400  //A summary was requested, but it was not needed due to the fact the there is only one value for each base oid
402  double xValue = (*valuesIt).second[0].first;
403  double yValue = (*valuesIt).second[0].second;
405  std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> oids;
406  oids = oidsToSummarize[(*valuesIt).first];
408  scatter->addData(xValue, yValue, oids[0]);
409  }
410  }
411 }
413 /*
414  Auxiliary function used to populate the frequencies, interval and their respective objectIds based on a statistical function
416  param slices The number of slices for the histogram, used to calculate the number of intervals;
417  param stat The selected satistical function, pass -1 if no function is to be used;
418  param valuestoSummarize a map containing all the values and their objectIds mapped by the oid of the base dataset,
419  defaults to a one-to-one relationship between value and objectId unless the histogram is based on a linked layer;
420  param intervals Output parameter, the vector containing the intervals.
421  param intervalToOIds Output parameter, the map that associates every interval to their objectIds.
422  param frequencies Output parameter, the vector containing the frequencies.
423  param minValue Output parameter, the minimum value of the histogram.
424  param interval Output parameter, the interval of the histogram.
425 */
426 void buildNumericFrequencies(int slices, int stat, std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<double, te::da::ObjectId*> > > valuestoSummarize,
427  std::vector<double>& intervals, std::map<double, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> >& intervalToOIds,
428  std::vector< unsigned int>& frequencies, double& minValue, double& interval)
429 {
430  //Containers used to hold informations temporarily, used to organize them prior to inserting them on the histogram.
431  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<double, te::da::ObjectId*> > >::iterator valuesIt;
432  std::vector<std::pair<double, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> > > summarizedValuesToOId;
435  //Acquiring the summarized values
436  for(valuesIt = valuestoSummarize.begin(); valuesIt != valuestoSummarize.end(); ++valuesIt)
437  {
438  if((*valuesIt).second.size() > 1 && stat != -1)
439  {
440  std::vector<double> values;
441  std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> oids;
442  for(size_t i = 0; i < (*valuesIt).second.size(); ++i)
443  {
444  values.push_back((*valuesIt).second[i].first);
445  oids.push_back((*valuesIt).second[i].second);
446  }
448  double summarizedValue;
450  summarizedValue = getStatisticalValue(stat, ss);
451  summarizedValuesToOId.push_back(std::make_pair(summarizedValue, oids));
452  }
453  else
454  {
455  for(size_t i = 0; i < (*valuesIt).second.size(); ++i)
456  {
457  std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> oids;
458  oids.push_back((*valuesIt).second[i].second);
459  summarizedValuesToOId.push_back(std::make_pair((*valuesIt).second[i].first, oids));
460  }
461  }
462  }
464  double maxValue = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
466  for(size_t i = 0; i < summarizedValuesToOId.size(); ++i)
467  {
468  double currentValue = summarizedValuesToOId[i].first;
470  //calculate range
471  if(minValue > currentValue)
472  minValue = currentValue;
473  if(maxValue < currentValue)
474  maxValue = currentValue;
475  }
477  //Adjusting the interval to the user-defined number of slices.
478  interval = ((maxValue - minValue)/slices);
480  //Adjusting the histogram's intervals
481  for (double i = minValue; i <(maxValue+interval); i+=interval)
482  {
483  intervals.push_back(i);
484  std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> valuesOIds;
485  intervalToOIds.insert(std::make_pair(i, valuesOIds));
486  }
488  frequencies.resize(intervals.size(), 0);
490  //Adjusting the frequencies on each interval
491  for(size_t i = 0; i < summarizedValuesToOId.size(); ++i)
492  {
493  double currentValue = summarizedValuesToOId[i].first;
494  for (size_t j = 0; j<intervals.size(); ++j)
495  {
496  if((currentValue >= intervals[j]) && (currentValue <= intervals[j+1]))
497  {
498  for(size_t k= 0; k < summarizedValuesToOId[i].second.size(); ++k)
501  frequencies[j] = frequencies[j]++;
502  break;
503  }
504  }
505  }
506 }
508 /*
509  Auxiliary function used to populate the frequencies, interval and their respective objectIds based on a statistical function
511  param stat The selected satistical function, pass -1 if no function is to be used;
512  param valuestoSummarize a map containing all the values and their objectIds mapped by the oid of the base dataset,
513  defaults to a one-to-one relationship between value and objectId unless the histogram is based on a linked layer;
514  param intervalToOIds Output parameter, the map that associates every interval to their objectIds.
515  param frequencies Output parameter, the vector containing the frequencies.
517 */
518 void buildStringFrequencies(int stat, std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, te::da::ObjectId*> > > valuestoSummarize,
519  std::map<std::string, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> >& intervalToOIds,
520  std::vector< unsigned int>& frequencies)
521 {
522  //Containers and iterators used to hold informations temporarily, used to organize them prior to inserting them on the histogram.
523  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, te::da::ObjectId*> > >::iterator valuesIt;
524  std::map<std::string, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> >::iterator intervalsIt;
525  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> > > summarizedValuesToOId;
528  //Acquiring the summarized values
529  for(valuesIt = valuestoSummarize.begin(); valuesIt != valuestoSummarize.end(); ++valuesIt)
530  {
531  if((*valuesIt).second.size() > 1 && (stat != -1))
532  {
533  std::vector<std::string> values;
534  std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> oids;
535  for(size_t i = 0; i < (*valuesIt).second.size(); ++i)
536  {
537  values.push_back((*valuesIt).second[i].first);
538  oids.push_back((*valuesIt).second[i].second);
539  }
541  std::string summarizedValue;
543  summarizedValue = getStatisticalValue(stat, ss);
544  summarizedValuesToOId.push_back(std::make_pair(summarizedValue, oids));
545  }
546  else
547  {
548  for(size_t i = 0; i < (*valuesIt).second.size(); ++i)
549  {
550  std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> oids;
551  oids.push_back((*valuesIt).second[i].second);
552  summarizedValuesToOId.push_back(std::make_pair((*valuesIt).second[i].first, oids));
553  }
554  }
555  }
557  //Adjusting the frequencies on each interval
558  for(size_t i = 0; i < summarizedValuesToOId.size(); ++i)
559  {
560  int j;
561  std::string currentValue = summarizedValuesToOId[i].first;
562  for ( j= 0, intervalsIt = intervalToOIds.begin(); intervalsIt != intervalToOIds.end(); ++intervalsIt,++j)
563  {
564  if(currentValue == (*intervalsIt).first)
565  {
566  for(size_t k= 0; k < summarizedValuesToOId[i].second.size(); ++k)
569  frequencies[j] = frequencies[j]++;
570  break;
571  }
572  }
573  }
574 }
576 /*
577  Auxiliary function used to acquire the current objectId of the dataset
579  param dataset The dataset being used, must be given at the position of interest;
580  param pkeys A vector containing all the properties that form the primaryKey of the given dataset
581 */
582 te::da::ObjectId* getObjectId(te::da::DataSet* dataset, std::vector<std::size_t> pkeys)
583 {
584  std::vector<size_t>::iterator it;
585  std::vector<std::string> propNames;
587  for(it=pkeys.begin(); it!=pkeys.end(); ++it)
588  propNames.push_back(dataset->getPropertyName(*it));
590  //The caller will take ownership of the generated pointer.
591  te::da::ObjectId* oid = te::da::GenerateOID(dataset, propNames);
592  return oid;
593 }
595 void getObjectIds (te::da::DataSet* dataset, std::vector<std::size_t> pkeys, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*>& valuesOIDs)
596 {
597  te::da::ObjectId* oid = getObjectId(dataset,pkeys);
598  valuesOIDs.push_back(oid);
599 }
601 te::qt::widgets::Scatter* te::qt::widgets::createScatter(te::da::DataSet* dataset, te::da::DataSetType* dataType, int propX, int propY, int stat, bool readall)
602 {
605  std::vector<std::size_t> objIdIdx;
606  te::da::GetOIDPropertyPos(dataType, objIdIdx);
608  std::map<double, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> > valuesIdsByinterval;
609  std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> valuesOIds;
611  std::size_t rpos = te::da::GetFirstPropertyPos(dataset, te::dt::RASTER_TYPE);
612  if(rpos != std::string::npos)
613  {
614  std::auto_ptr<te::rst::Raster> raster(dataset->getRaster(rpos));
616  unsigned int nCol = raster->getNumberOfColumns();
617  unsigned int nLin = raster->getNumberOfRows();
620  task.setTotalSteps(nCol);
621  task.setMessage("Scatter creation");
623  if (!readall)
624  {
625  unsigned int maxInputPoints = (nCol * nLin) * 0.10;
626  std::vector<te::gm::Point*> randomPoints = te::rst::GetRandomPointsInRaster(*raster, maxInputPoints);
630  while (pit != pitend)
631  {
632  if(!task.isActive())
633  {
634  break;
635  }
636  double val1, val2;
638  raster->getValue(pit.getColumn(), pit.getRow(), val1, propX);
639  raster->getValue(pit.getColumn(), pit.getRow(), val2, propY);
641  newScatter->addX(val1);
642  newScatter->addY(val2);
643  ++pit;
644  task.pulse();
645  }
646  }
647  else
648  {
649  for (unsigned int c=0; c < nCol; ++c)
650  {
651  if(!task.isActive())
652  {
653  break;
654  }
655  for (unsigned int r=0; r <nLin; ++r)
656  {
657  double val1, val2;
658  raster->getValue(c, r, val1, propX);
659  raster->getValue(c, r, val2, propY);
661  newScatter->addX(val1);
662  newScatter->addY(val2);
663  }
665  task.pulse();
666  }
667  }
668  }
669  else
670  {
671  int xType = dataset->getPropertyDataType(propX);
672  int yType = dataset->getPropertyDataType(propY);
674  //Acquiring the name of the base dataset and how many properties are included in it's primary key
675  std::pair<std::string, int> dsProps;
676  te::da::GetOIDDatasetProps(dataType, dsProps);
678  //A map containg the summarized values used to buil d the histogram
679  std::map<std::string, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> > oidsToSummarize;
680  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > > valuesToSummarize;
683  task.setTotalSteps(dataset->getNumProperties());
684  task.setMessage("Scatter creation");
686  while(dataset->moveNext())
687  {
689  if(!task.isActive())
690  {
691  break;
692  }
694  double x_doubleValue = 0.;
695  double y_doubleValue = 0.;
697  if(xType >= te::dt::INT16_TYPE && xType <= te::dt::NUMERIC_TYPE)
698  {
699  if(dataset->isNull(propX))
700  continue;
702  x_doubleValue = getDouble(dataset, propX);
703  }
704  else if(xType == te::dt::DATETIME_TYPE)
705  {
706  if(dataset->isNull(propX))
707  continue;
709  std::auto_ptr<te::dt::DateTime> dateTime = dataset->getDateTime(propX);
710  x_doubleValue = getDouble(dateTime.release());
711  }
713  //======treat the Y value
714  if(yType >= te::dt::INT16_TYPE && yType <= te::dt::NUMERIC_TYPE)
715  {
716  if(dataset->isNull(propY))
717  continue;
718  y_doubleValue = getDouble(dataset, propY);
719  }
720  else if(yType == te::dt::DATETIME_TYPE)
721  {
722  if(dataset->isNull(propY))
723  continue;
725  std::auto_ptr<te::dt::DateTime> dateTime = dataset->getDateTime(propY);
726  y_doubleValue = getDouble(dateTime.release());
727  }
729  //insert values into the vectors
730  te::da::ObjectId* currentOid = getObjectId(dataset, objIdIdx);
732  if(stat == -1)
733  {
734  newScatter->addData(x_doubleValue, y_doubleValue, currentOid);
735  }
736  else
737  {
738  oidsToSummarize[te::da::getBasePkey(currentOid, dsProps)].push_back(currentOid);
739  valuesToSummarize[te::da::getBasePkey(currentOid, dsProps)].push_back(std::make_pair(x_doubleValue, y_doubleValue));
740  }
741  task.pulse();
742  } //end of the data set
743  if(stat != -1)
744  buildSummarizedScatter(stat, oidsToSummarize, valuesToSummarize, newScatter);
745  }
746  newScatter->calculateMinMaxValues();
747  return newScatter;
748 }
751 {
752  //Creating the scatter and it's chart with the given dataset
753  te::qt::widgets::ScatterChart* chart = new te::qt::widgets::ScatterChart(te::qt::widgets::createScatter(dataset, dataType, propX, propY, stat));
755  //Creating and adjusting the chart Display's style.
757  chartStyle->setTitle(QString::fromStdString("Scatter"));
758  chartStyle->setAxisX(QString::fromStdString(dataset->getPropertyName(propX)));
759  chartStyle->setAxisY(QString::fromStdString(dataset->getPropertyName(propY)));
761  //Creating and adjusting the chart Display
762  te::qt::widgets::ChartDisplay* chartDisplay = new te::qt::widgets::ChartDisplay(0, QString::fromStdString("Scatter"), chartStyle);
763  chartDisplay->adjustDisplay();
764  chart->attach(chartDisplay);
766  //Adjusting the chart widget
768  displayWidget->show();
769  displayWidget->setWindowTitle("Scatter");
770  return displayWidget;
771 }
774 {
777  std::size_t rpos = te::da::GetFirstPropertyPos(dataset, te::dt::RASTER_TYPE);
778  std::vector<std::size_t> objIdIdx;
779  te::da::GetOIDPropertyPos(dataType, objIdIdx);
781  if(rpos != std::string::npos)
782  {
783  std::auto_ptr<te::rst::Raster> rstptr = dataset->getRaster(rpos);
784  std::map<double, unsigned int> values = rstptr->getBand(propId)->getHistogramR(0, 0, 0, 0, slices);
786  for(std::map<double, unsigned int>::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it)
787  {
788  newHistogram->insert(std::make_pair(new te::dt::Double(it->first), it->second));
789  }
790  newHistogram->setMinValue(rstptr->getBand(propId)->getMinValue(true).real());
791  }
792  else
793  {
795  if(slices <=1)
796  slices = 2;
798  int propType = dataset->getPropertyDataType(propId);
799  newHistogram->setType(propType);
801  if((propType >= te::dt::INT16_TYPE && propType <= te::dt::UINT64_TYPE) ||
802  (propType >= te::dt::FLOAT_TYPE && propType <= te::dt::NUMERIC_TYPE))
803  {
804  //Acquiring the name of the base dataset and how many of it's properties are included in it's primary key
805  std::pair<std::string, int> dsProps;
806  te::da::GetOIDDatasetProps(dataType, dsProps);
808  //A map containg the summarized values used to buil d the histogram
809  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<double, te::da::ObjectId*> > > valuesToSummarize;
812  task.setMessage("Histogram creation");
813  task.setTotalSteps((dataset->getNumProperties()) * 2);
815  dataset->moveBeforeFirst();
817  //Adjusting the Histogram's values
818  while(dataset->moveNext())
819  {
821  if(dataset->isNull(propId))
822  continue;
824  if(!task.isActive())
825  {
826  break;
827  }
829  double currentValue = getDouble(dataset, propId);
830  te::da::ObjectId* currentOid = getObjectId(dataset, objIdIdx);
831  valuesToSummarize[te::da::getBasePkey(currentOid, dsProps)].push_back(std::make_pair(currentValue, currentOid));
833  task.pulse();
834  }
836  //The minimum value
837  double minValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
839  //The interval (testing)
840  double interval = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
842  //A vector containing the intervals
843  std::vector<double> intervals;
845  //The vector containing the frequency of each interval, will be used to every property type
846  std::vector< unsigned int> frequencies;
848  //A map containing the intervals and their objecIds
849  std::map<double, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> > intervalToOIds;
851  //Populating the frequencies, intervals and their respective objectIds with the results of the chosen summary function
852  buildNumericFrequencies(slices, stat, valuesToSummarize, intervals, intervalToOIds, frequencies, minValue, interval);
854  //With both the intervals and frequencies ready, the map can be populated
855  for (unsigned int i= 0; i<intervals.size(); ++i)
856  {
857  te::dt::Double* data = new te::dt::Double(intervals[i]);
858  newHistogram->insert(std::make_pair(data, frequencies[i]),[i]));
859  }
861  newHistogram->setMinValue(minValue);
862  newHistogram->setInterval(interval);
863  newHistogram->setSummarized(stat != -1);
864  dataset->moveBeforeFirst();
865  }
866  }
867  return newHistogram;
868 }
871 {
874  std::size_t rpos = te::da::GetFirstPropertyPos(dataset, te::dt::RASTER_TYPE);
875  std::vector<std::size_t> objIdIdx;
876  te::da::GetOIDPropertyPos(dataType, objIdIdx);
879  task.setMessage("Histogram creation");
881  if(rpos != std::string::npos)
882  {
883  std::auto_ptr<te::rst::Raster> rstptr = dataset->getRaster(rpos);
884  std::map<double, unsigned int> values = rstptr->getBand(propId)->getHistogramR();
886  for(std::map<double, unsigned int>::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it)
887  {
888  task.pulse();
889  newHistogram->insert(std::make_pair(new te::dt::Double(it->first), it->second));
890  }
891  newHistogram->setMinValue(rstptr->getBand(propId)->getMinValue(true).real());
892  }
893  else
894  {
895  int propType = dataset->getPropertyDataType(propId);
896  newHistogram->setType(propType);
898  //The vector containing the frequency of each interval, will be used to every property type
899  std::vector< unsigned int> frequencies;
901  if(propType == te::dt::DATETIME_TYPE || propType == te::dt::STRING_TYPE)
902  {
903  std::set <std::string> intervals;
904  std::set <std::string>::iterator intervalsIt;
905  std::map<std::string, std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> > valuesIdsByinterval;
906  std::vector<te::da::ObjectId*> valuesOIds;
908  //Acquiring the name of the base dataset and how many properties are included in it's primary key
909  std::pair<std::string, int> dsProps;
910  te::da::GetOIDDatasetProps(dataType, dsProps);
912  //A map containg the summarized values used to build the histogram
913  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, te::da::ObjectId*> > > valuesToSummarize;
915  //Adjusting the histogram's intervals
916  dataset->moveBeforeFirst();
917  while(dataset->moveNext())
918  {
920  if(dataset->isNull(propId))
921  continue;
923  if(!task.isActive())
924  {
925  break;
926  }
928  std::string interval = dataset->getString(propId);
930  //Every unique string will be an interval
931  intervals.insert(interval);
932  task.pulse();
933  }
935  for (intervalsIt = intervals.begin(); intervalsIt != intervals.end(); ++intervalsIt)
936  {
937  valuesIdsByinterval.insert(make_pair((*intervalsIt), valuesOIds));
938  }
940  frequencies.resize(intervals.size(), 0);
941  dataset->moveBeforeFirst();
942  newHistogram->setStringInterval(intervals);
944  //Adjusting the Histogram's values
945  while(dataset->moveNext())
946  {
948  if(dataset->isNull(propId))
949  continue;
951  if(!task.isActive())
952  {
953  break;
954  }
956  std::string currentValue = dataset->getString(propId);
957  te::da::ObjectId* currentOid = getObjectId(dataset, objIdIdx);
958  valuesToSummarize[te::da::getBasePkey(currentOid, dsProps)].push_back(std::make_pair(currentValue, currentOid));
960  task.pulse();
961  }
963  buildStringFrequencies(stat, valuesToSummarize, valuesIdsByinterval, frequencies);
965  //With both the intervals and values ready, the map can be populated
966  int i;
967  for (i= 0, intervalsIt = intervals.begin(); intervalsIt != intervals.end(); ++intervalsIt,++i)
968  {
969  te::dt::String* data = new te::dt::String(*intervalsIt);
970  newHistogram->insert(std::make_pair(data, frequencies[i]),*intervalsIt));
971  }
973  dataset->moveBeforeFirst();
974  }
975  }
976  newHistogram->setSummarized(stat != -1);
977  return newHistogram;
978 }
981 {
983  int propType = dataset->getPropertyDataType(propId);
985  if(slices <=1)
986  slices = 2;
988  //Creating the histogram and it's chart with the given dataset
989  if(propType == te::dt::DATETIME_TYPE || propType == te::dt::STRING_TYPE)
990  chart = new te::qt::widgets::HistogramChart(te::qt::widgets::createHistogram(dataset, dataType, propId, stat));
991  else
992  chart = new te::qt::widgets::HistogramChart(te::qt::widgets::createHistogram(dataset, dataType, propId, slices, stat));
994  //Creating and adjusting the chart Display's style.
996  chartStyle->setTitle(QString::fromStdString("Histogram"));
997  chartStyle->setAxisX(QString::fromStdString(dataset->getPropertyName(propId)));
998  chartStyle->setAxisY(QString::fromStdString("Frequency"));
1000  //Creating and adjusting the chart Display
1001  te::qt::widgets::ChartDisplay* chartDisplay = new te::qt::widgets::ChartDisplay(0, QString::fromStdString("Histogram"), chartStyle);
1002  chartDisplay->adjustDisplay();
1003  chart->attach(chartDisplay);
1005  //Adjusting the chart widget
1007  displayWidget->show();
1008  displayWidget->setWindowTitle("Histogram");
1009  return displayWidget;
1010 }
1013 {
1015  chart = new te::qt::widgets::HistogramChart(histogram);
1017  //Creating and adjusting the chart Display's style.
1019  chartStyle->setTitle(QString::fromStdString("Histogram"));
1020  chartStyle->setAxisX(QString::fromStdString(dataset->getPropertyName(propId)));
1021  chartStyle->setAxisY(QString::fromStdString("Frequency"));
1023  //Creating and adjusting the chart Display
1024  te::qt::widgets::ChartDisplay* chartDisplay = new te::qt::widgets::ChartDisplay(0, QString::fromStdString("Histogram"), chartStyle);
1025  chartDisplay->adjustDisplay();
1026  chart->attach(chartDisplay);
1028  //Adjusting the chart widget
1030  displayWidget->show();
1031  displayWidget->setWindowTitle("Histogram");
1032  return displayWidget;
1033 }
1035 QwtText* te::qt::widgets::Terralib2Qwt(const std::string& text)
1036 {
1037  QwtText* result = new QwtText(text.c_str());
1038  result->setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 255, 0)));
1039  result->setBorderPen(QPen(Qt::red, 3, Qt::SolidLine));
1040  return result;
1041 }
1043 QwtText* te::qt::widgets::Terralib2Qwt(const std::string& text, te::color::RGBAColor* color,
1044  te::se::Font* font, te::se::Fill* backFill,
1045  te::se::Stroke* backStroke)
1046 {
1047  QwtText* result = new QwtText(QString(text.c_str()));
1049  return result;
1050 }
1053 {
1054  //Default symbol used in case the Graphic is not completely populated.
1055  QwtSymbol* symbol = new QwtSymbol( QwtSymbol::Ellipse, QBrush( Qt::yellow ), QPen( Qt::red, 2 ), QSize( 8, 8 ));
1057  //Default size and width for the symbols
1058  size_t height = 8, width = 8;
1060  //Adjusting the size if the user changed it
1061  if(graphic->getSize())
1062  {
1063  height = te::se::GetInt(graphic->getSize());
1064  width = height;
1065  }
1067  /*Image that will be used to generate the symbol's pixmap,
1068  it can be either from a mark or from an external graphic, whichever is valid.
1069  */
1070  te::color::RGBAColor** image;
1072  if(!graphic->getMarks().empty())
1073  {
1074  image = te::map::MarkRendererManager::getInstance().render(graphic->getMarks()[0], height);
1075  }
1076  else
1077  {
1078  image = te::map::ExternalGraphicRendererManager::getInstance().render(graphic->getExternalGraphics()[0], height, width);
1079  }
1081  QImage* qimg = te::qt::widgets::GetImage(image, height, width);
1082  QPixmap pixmap;
1083  pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(*qimg);
1085  //Adjusting the symbol
1086  symbol->setPixmap(pixmap);
1087  symbol->setSize(width, height);
1089  delete image;
1090  delete qimg;
1092  return symbol;
1093 }
1096 {
1098  task.setMessage("Histogram creation");
1099  task.setTotalSteps(dataset->getNumProperties());
1101  QwtPlotCurve *baseCurve = new QwtPlotCurve("Base Values");
1102  baseCurve->setOrientation( Qt::Horizontal );
1104  QwtPlotCurve *normalCurve = new QwtPlotCurve("Normalizeed Values");
1105  normalCurve->setOrientation( Qt::Horizontal );
1107  int propType = dataset->getPropertyDataType(propId);
1108  if(propType >= te::dt::INT16_TYPE && propType <= te::dt::NUMERIC_TYPE)
1109  {
1111  std::vector<double> xValues = te::stat::GetNumericData(dataset, dataset->getPropertyName(propId));
1112  std::vector<double> yValues;
1115  // Normalize the selected variable
1116  for(int i = 0; i < nss.m_count; ++i)
1117  {
1118  double curXValue = xValues[i];
1119  curXValue = (curXValue - nss.m_mean) / nss.m_stdDeviation;
1120  xValues[i] = curXValue;
1121  }
1122  std::sort(xValues.begin(), xValues.end());
1124  //// Fill the vector of the probability
1125  for(int i = 0; i < nss.m_count; ++i)
1126  {
1127  double curYValue = xValues[i];
1128  if (curYValue > 0.)
1129  curYValue = 0.5 + (errFunction ((float)(curYValue/std::sqrt(2.)))/2.);
1130  else
1131  {
1132  curYValue = -curYValue;
1133  curYValue = 0.5 - (errFunction ((float)(curYValue/std::sqrt(2.)))/2.);
1134  }
1135  yValues.push_back(curYValue);
1136  }
1138  QVector<QPointF> samples, normalSamples;
1139  for (int i = 0; i < nss.m_count; ++i)
1140  {
1141  double val = ((double)i+(double)1.0)/(double)nss.m_count;
1142  normalSamples += QPointF( val, val);
1143  samples += QPointF( val, yValues[i]);
1144  }
1146  baseCurve->setSamples(samples);
1147  normalCurve->setSamples(normalSamples);
1148  }
1150  QPen normalCurvePen;
1151  normalCurvePen.setColor(QColor(Qt::green));
1152  normalCurvePen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
1153  normalCurvePen.setWidth(0);
1154  baseCurve->setPen(normalCurvePen);
1156  QPen normalProbCurvePen;
1157  normalProbCurvePen.setColor(QColor(Qt::red));
1158  normalProbCurvePen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
1159  normalProbCurvePen.setWidth(0);
1160  normalCurve->setPen(normalProbCurvePen);
1162  //Creating and adjusting the chart Display's style.
1164  chartStyle->setTitle(QString::fromStdString("Normal Probability: " + dataset->getPropertyName(propId)));
1165  chartStyle->setAxisX( QString::fromStdString(dataset->getPropertyName(propId)));
1166  chartStyle->setAxisY(QString::fromStdString("Probability"));
1167  chartStyle->setGridChecked(true);
1169  //Creating and adjusting the chart Display
1170  te::qt::widgets::ChartDisplay* chartDisplay = new te::qt::widgets::ChartDisplay(0, QString::fromStdString("Normal Distribution"), chartStyle);
1171  chartDisplay->adjustDisplay();
1172  baseCurve->attach(chartDisplay);
1173  normalCurve->attach(chartDisplay);
1175  //Adjusting the chart widget
1176  te::qt::widgets::ChartDisplayWidget* displayWidget = new te::qt::widgets::ChartDisplayWidget(normalCurve, normalCurve->rtti(), chartDisplay);
1177  displayWidget->setWindowTitle("Normal Distribution");
1178  return displayWidget;
1179 }
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT ChartDisplayWidget * createNormalDistribution(te::da::DataSet *dataset, int propId)
Definition: Utils.cpp:1095
TESTATEXPORT void GetNumericStatisticalSummary(std::vector< double > &values, te::stat::NumericStatisticalSummary &ss, double nullVal)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT Scatter * createScatter(te::da::DataSet *dataset, te::da::DataSetType *dataType, int propX, int propY, int stat, bool readall=true)
Scatter Creator.
Definition: Utils.cpp:601
Definition: Enums.h:43
virtual std::auto_ptr< te::dt::DateTime > getDateTime(std::size_t i) const =0
Method for retrieving a date and time attribute value.
SimpleData< std::string, STRING_TYPE > String
Definition: SimpleData.h:229
virtual boost::int16_t getInt16(std::size_t i) const =0
Method for retrieving a 16-bit integer attribute value (2 bytes long).
A structure to hold the set of statistics from a set of numerical values.
void setMessage(const std::string &message)
Set the task message.
Utility functions for the data access module.
void adjustDisplay()
Updates the general display settings according to the ChartStyle. The adjusted properties are: Title;...
virtual boost::int32_t getInt32(std::size_t i) const =0
Method for retrieving a 32-bit integer attribute value (4 bytes long).
void addY(double &yValue)
It adds a new value to the vector containing the Y axis values.
Definition: Scatter.cpp:177
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT ObjectId * GenerateOID(DataSet *dataset, const std::vector< std::string > &names)
Definition: Utils.cpp:446
Definition: Enums.h:49
const std::vector< ExternalGraphic * > getExternalGraphics() const
Definition: Graphic.cpp:76
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QwtText * Terralib2Qwt(const std::string &title)
Definition: Utils.cpp:1035
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT Histogram * createHistogram(te::da::DataSet *dataset, te::da::DataSetType *dataType, int propId, int slices, int stat)
Histogram Creator.
Definition: Utils.cpp:773
A class that models the description of a dataset.
Definition: DataSetType.h:72
void attach(QwtPlot *plot)
It atttaches a QwtPlot to this Cahrt.
void buildSummarizedScatter(int stat, std::map< std::string, std::vector< te::da::ObjectId * > > oidsToSummarize, std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > > valuesToSummarize, te::qt::widgets::Scatter *scatter)
Definition: Utils.cpp:362
virtual boost::int64_t getInt64(std::size_t i) const =0
Method for retrieving a 64-bit integer attribute value (8 bytes long).
double getDouble(const std::string &value, std::vector< std::string > &sVector)
Definition: Utils.cpp:179
unsigned int getColumn() const
Returns the current column in iterator.
void setGridChecked(bool newGridChecked)
It sets the boolean used to decided weather to display the grid or not.
Definition: ChartStyle.cpp:155
This class can be used to inform the progress of a task.
Definition: TaskProgress.h:53
virtual std::auto_ptr< te::rst::Raster > getRaster(std::size_t i) const =0
Method for retrieving a raster attribute value.
static PointSetIterator end(const te::rst::Raster *r, const std::vector< te::gm::Point * > p)
Returns an iterator referring to after the end of the iterator.
void buildStringFrequencies(int stat, std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, te::da::ObjectId * > > > valuestoSummarize, std::map< std::string, std::vector< te::da::ObjectId * > > &intervalToOIds, std::vector< unsigned int > &frequencies)
Definition: Utils.cpp:518
virtual std::string getNumeric(std::size_t i) const =0
Method for retrieving a numeric attribute value.
A Graphic is a graphic symbol with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size.
Definition: Graphic.h:66
float gammln(float xx)
Definition: Utils.cpp:64
A class to represent a Histogram.
Definition: Histogram.h:56
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void GetOIDDatasetProps(const DataSetType *type, std::pair< std::string, int > &dsProps)
Definition: Utils.cpp:355
void setTitle(QString newTitle)
It sets the style's title.
Definition: ChartStyle.cpp:71
bool isActive() const
Verify if the task is active.
virtual double getDouble(std::size_t i) const =0
Method for retrieving a double attribute value.
This class implements the strategy to iterate with spatial restriction, the iteration occurs inside a...
A class to represent time instant.
Definition: TimeInstant.h:55
void setTotalSteps(int value)
Set the task total stepes.
TESTATEXPORT std::vector< double > GetNumericData(te::da::DataSet *dataSet, const std::string propName)
Returns the values of a numeric type property in a vector of values.
Definition: Utils.cpp:158
Minimum value.
Definition: Enums.h:41
A class to represent a histogram.
void setStringInterval(std::set< std::string > new_Interval)
It sets the histogram's string set of intervals.
Definition: Histogram.cpp:119
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT ChartDisplayWidget * createScatterDisplay(te::da::DataSet *dataset, te::da::DataSetType *dataType, int propX, int propY, int stat=-1)
Scatter Creator.
Definition: Utils.cpp:750
virtual bool moveNext()=0
It moves the internal pointer to the next item of the collection.
void getObjectIds(te::da::DataSet *dataset, std::vector< std::size_t > pkeys, std::vector< te::da::ObjectId * > &valuesOIDs)
Definition: Utils.cpp:595
float errFunction(float x)
Definition: Utils.cpp:174
A class to represent a scatter.
Definition: Scatter.h:51
static MarkRendererManager & getInstance()
It returns a reference to the singleton instance.
virtual float getFloat(std::size_t i) const =0
Method for retrieving a float attribute value.
float gammp(float a, float x)
Definition: Utils.cpp:158
A base class for date data types.
Definition: Date.h:53
Definition: Enums.h:52
virtual std::string getPropertyName(std::size_t i) const =0
It returns the property name at position pos.
void setAxisY(QString newAxisY)
It sets the style's y axis label.
Definition: ChartStyle.cpp:101
virtual bool isNull(std::size_t i) const =0
It checks if the attribute value is NULL.
This class represents an unique id for a data set element.
Definition: ObjectId.h:47
void addX(double &xValue)
It adds a new value to the vector containing the X axis values.
Definition: Scatter.cpp:172
void setSummarized(bool summarized)
It sets the property that holds whether the histogram has been created from summarized values or not...
Definition: Histogram.cpp:56
Definition: Enums.h:50
A Font specifies the text font to use in a text symbolizer.
Definition: Font.h:63
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT ChartDisplayWidget * createHistogramDisplay(te::da::DataSet *dataset, te::da::DataSetType *dataType, int propId, int slices=10, int stat=-1)
Histogram Creator.
Definition: Utils.cpp:980
void gcf(float *gammcf, float a, float x, float *gln)
Definition: Utils.cpp:122
Standard deviation.
Definition: Enums.h:47
A class to represent a chart display.
Definition: ChartDisplay.h:65
Sum of values.
Definition: Enums.h:44
void setAxisX(QString newAxisX)
It sets the style's x axis label.
Definition: ChartStyle.cpp:91
A class to represent a histogram chart.
void pulse()
Calls setCurrentStep() function using getCurrentStep() + 1.
A Fill specifies the pattern for filling an area geometry.
Definition: Fill.h:59
void setInterval(double new_Interval)
It sets the histogram's interval.
Definition: Histogram.cpp:109
A class to represent a scatter chart.
Definition: ScatterChart.h:55
virtual std::size_t getNumProperties() const =0
It returns the number of properties that composes an item of the dataset.
TESTATEXPORT void GetStringStatisticalSummary(std::vector< std::string > &values, te::stat::StringStatisticalSummary &ss)
A class to represent a scatter's chart.
A class to represent a scatter.
Coefficient variation.
Definition: Enums.h:53
A dataset is the unit of information manipulated by the data access module of TerraLib.
Definition: DataSet.h:112
A wdiget used to display a chart.
virtual DateTimeType getDateTimeType() const =0
It returns the subtype of the date and time type.
const std::vector< Mark * > getMarks() const
Definition: Graphic.cpp:98
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT void GetOIDPropertyPos(const DataSetType *type, std::vector< std::size_t > &ppos)
Definition: Utils.cpp:401
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QImage * GetImage(te::color::RGBAColor **img, int width, int height)
It creates a QImage from an RGBA color array.
Definition: Utils.cpp:69
A Stroke specifies the appearance of a linear geometry.
Definition: Stroke.h:67
A structure to hold the set of statistics from a set of categorical (sample) values.
virtual bool moveBeforeFirst()=0
It moves the internal pointer to a position before the first item in the collection.
void gser(float *gamser, float a, float x, float *gln)
Definition: Utils.cpp:84
SimpleData< double, DOUBLE_TYPE > Double
Definition: SimpleData.h:227
void setMinValue(double new_minValue)
It sets the histogram's minimum value.
Definition: Histogram.cpp:99
A helper class for 32-bit RGBA (Red-Green-Blue-Alpha channel) color.
Definition: RGBAColor.h:57
TESEEXPORT int GetInt(const te::se::ParameterValue *param)
It gets the parameter value as an integer.
Definition: Utils.cpp:443
void calculateMinMaxValues()
Calculates the minimum and maximum values for both the X and Y axis.
Definition: Scatter.cpp:59
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT std::string getBasePkey(te::da::ObjectId *oid, std::pair< std::string, int > &dsProps)
Definition: Utils.cpp:388
A widget used to display a set of charts.
TERASTEREXPORT std::vector< te::gm::Point * > GetRandomPointsInRaster(const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, unsigned int numberOfPoints=1000)
Creates a vector of random positions (points) inside the raster.
Definition: Utils.cpp:485
void insert(std::pair< te::dt::AbstractData *, unsigned int > new_value, std::vector< te::da::ObjectId * > valuesOIds)
It adds a new value to the map containing the histogram values.
Definition: Histogram.cpp:124
A class used to define a chartDisplay's style.
virtual std::string getString(std::size_t i) const =0
Method for retrieving a string value attribute.
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT std::size_t GetFirstPropertyPos(const te::da::DataSet *dataset, int datatype)
Definition: Utils.cpp:481
A template for atomic data types (integers, floats, strings and others).
Definition: SimpleData.h:59
std::string getStatisticalValue(int stat, te::stat::StringStatisticalSummary &sss)
Definition: Utils.cpp:267
te::da::ObjectId * getObjectId(te::da::DataSet *dataset, std::vector< std::size_t > pkeys)
Definition: Utils.cpp:582
void buildNumericFrequencies(int slices, int stat, std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::pair< double, te::da::ObjectId * > > > valuestoSummarize, std::vector< double > &intervals, std::map< double, std::vector< te::da::ObjectId * > > &intervalToOIds, std::vector< unsigned int > &frequencies, double &minValue, double &interval)
Definition: Utils.cpp:426
virtual int getPropertyDataType(std::size_t i) const =0
It returns the underlying data type of the property at position pos.
void addData(double &xValue, double &yValue, te::da::ObjectId *oid)
It adds the x and Y axis values to the scatter's vectors and the associeted objectId to the scatter's...
Definition: Scatter.cpp:182
A class to represent a chart display.
Definition: Enums.h:48
Maximum value.
Definition: Enums.h:42
const ParameterValue * getSize() const
Definition: Graphic.cpp:120
unsigned int getRow() const
Returns the current row in iterator.
void setType(int new_type)
It sets the histogram's type.
Definition: Histogram.cpp:46
static PointSetIterator begin(const te::rst::Raster *r, const std::vector< te::gm::Point * > p)
Returns an iterator referring to the first value of the band.
Definition: Enums.h:51