Config.h File Reference

Configuration flags for the SQLite Qt Widget plugin. More...

#include "../../../../Config.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 It marks a string in order to get translated. This is a special mark used in the DataAccess module of TerraLib. More...
#define TE_QT_PLUGIN_DATASOURCE_SQLITE_PLUGIN_NAME   "te.qt.datasource.sqlite"
#define TE_QT_PLUGIN_DATASOURCE_SQLITE_TEXT_DOMAIN   "teqtplugindatasourcesqlite"
 It contains the name of the text domain used in the translation of messages in TerraLib SQLITE driver implementation. More...
 It contains the translation catalog directory. More...
 You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from all plug-ins files. More...

Detailed Description

Configuration flags for the SQLite Qt Widget plugin.

Definition in file Config.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


It marks a string in order to get translated. This is a special mark used in the DataAccess module of TerraLib.

Definition at line 53 of file Config.h.

Referenced by te::qt::plugins::sqlite::Plugin::shutdown(), and te::qt::plugins::sqlite::Plugin::startup().

#define TE_QT_PLUGIN_DATASOURCE_SQLITE_PLUGIN_NAME   "te.qt.datasource.sqlite"

Definition at line 32 of file Config.h.

#define TE_QT_PLUGIN_DATASOURCE_SQLITE_TEXT_DOMAIN   "teqtplugindatasourcesqlite"

It contains the name of the text domain used in the translation of messages in TerraLib SQLITE driver implementation.

Definition at line 39 of file Config.h.

Referenced by te::qt::plugins::sqlite::Plugin::startup().


It contains the translation catalog directory.

Definition at line 46 of file Config.h.

Referenced by te::qt::plugins::sqlite::Plugin::startup().


You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from all plug-ins files.

To compile plug-ins in Windows, remember to insert TEQTPLUGINSQLITEDLL into the project's list of defines.

Definition at line 69 of file Config.h.