builder Directory Reference


file  PluginBuilderWizard.cpp [code]
 A Qt dialog that allows users to create new plugins based on TerraLib framework.
file  PluginBuilderWizard.h [code]
 A Qt dialog that allows users to create new plugins based on TerraLib framework.
file  PluginCMakeWriter.cpp [code]
 This class is used to create the cmake file for the new plugin builded.
file  PluginCMakeWriter.h [code]
 This class is used to create the cmake file for the new plugin builded.
file  PluginSourceWriter.cpp [code]
 This class is used to create the source files for the new plugin builded.
file  PluginSourceWriter.h [code]
 This class is used to create the source files for the new plugin builded.