table Directory Reference


file  AddColumnDialog.cpp [code]
file  AddColumnDialog.h [code]
 A Qt dialog for inserting columns into a table.
file  AlterDataDialog.cpp [code]
file  AlterDataDialog.h [code]
 A Qt dialog for reset data of a column in the table.
file  DataSetTableHorizontalHeader.cpp [code]
file  DataSetTableHorizontalHeader.h [code]
file  DataSetTableModel.cpp [code]
 A model based on te::da::DataSet.
file  DataSetTableModel.h [code]
 A model based on te::da::DataSet.
file  DataSetTableVerticalHeader.cpp [code]
file  DataSetTableVerticalHeader.h [code]
 Defines a vertical header for a dataset table view.
file  DataSetTableView.cpp [code]
file  DataSetTableView.h [code]
 A table view for a dataset.
file  HighlightDelegate.cpp [code]
file  HighlightDelegate.h [code]
 A delegate for highlight the selected object ids.
file  Promoter.cpp [code]
file  Promoter.h [code]
 Defines an mechanism for logical ordering of rows.
file  RenameColumnDialog.cpp [code]
file  RenameColumnDialog.h [code]
 A Qt dialog for renaming columns into a table.
file  RetypeColumnDialog.cpp [code]
file  RetypeColumnDialog.h [code]