srs Directory Reference


file  Config.h [code]
file  Converter.cpp [code]
file  Converter.h [code]
 This file contains the support to convert coordinates from a SRS to another.
file  Datum.cpp [code]
file  Datum.h [code]
 This file contains the support to represent a geodetic datum.
file  Ellipsoid.cpp [code]
file  Ellipsoid.h [code]
 This file contains the structs necessary to model an Ellipsoid.
file  Exception.cpp [code]
 An exception class for the SRS module.
file  Exception.h [code]
 An exception class for the SRS module.
file  GeographicCoordinateSystem.cpp [code]
file  GeographicCoordinateSystem.h [code]
 This file contains the structs necessary to represent a GeographicCoordinateSystem.
file  Module.cpp [code]
file  Module.h [code]
file  ProjectedCoordinateSystem.cpp [code]
file  ProjectedCoordinateSystem.h [code]
 This file contains the structs necessary to represent a ProjectedCoordinateSystem.
file  SpatialReferenceSystem.cpp [code]
file  SpatialReferenceSystem.h [code]
 This file contains the structs necessary to represent a Spatial Reference System.
file  SpatialReferenceSystemManager.cpp [code]
 A singleton to manage Coordinate Systems representations.
file  SpatialReferenceSystemManager.h [code]
 A class to manage Coordinate Systems representations.
file  WKTActions.cpp [code]
file  WKTActions.h [code]
file  WKTParser.h [code]
file  WKTReader.cpp [code]
file  WKTReader.h [code]