vp Directory Reference


file  AbstractAction.cpp [code]
 This file defines the abstract class AbstractAction.
file  AbstractAction.h [code]
 This file defines the abstract class AbstractAction.
file  AggregationAction.cpp [code]
 This file defines the Aggregation class.
file  AggregationAction.h [code]
 This file defines the Aggregation class.
file  BufferAction.cpp [code]
 This file defines the Buffer class.
file  BufferAction.h [code]
 This file defines the Buffer class.
file  Config.h [code]
 Configuration flags for the VP Qt Widget plugin.
file  GeometricOpAction.cpp [code]
 This file defines the GeometricOp class.
file  GeometricOpAction.h [code]
file  IntersectionAction.cpp [code]
 This file defines the Intersection class.
file  IntersectionAction.h [code]
 This file defines the Intersection class.
file  LineToPolygonAction.cpp [code]
 This file defines the LineToPolygonAction class.
file  LineToPolygonAction.h [code]
 This file defines the LineToPolygon class.
file  MultipartToSinglepartAction.cpp [code]
 This file defines the Aggregation class.
file  MultipartToSinglepartAction.h [code]
 This file defines the Aggregation class.
file  Plugin.cpp [code]
 Plugin implementation for the VP Qt Plugin widget.
file  Plugin.h [code]
 Plugin implementation for the VP Qt Plugin widget.
file  PolygonToLineAction.cpp [code]
 This file defines the PolygonToLineAction class.
file  PolygonToLineAction.h [code]
 This file defines the PolygonToLine class.
file  SummarizationAction.cpp [code]
 This file defines the Summarization class.
file  SummarizationAction.h [code]
 This file defines the Summarization class.
file  TransformationAction.cpp [code]
 This file defines the Transformation class.
file  TransformationAction.h [code]
 This file defines the Transformation class.