This is the complete list of members for te::ag::Canvas, including all inherited members.
adjustWorldWindow(double &llx, double &lly, double &urx, double &ury, const HAlignType &ha=HCenter, const VAlignType &va=VCenter) | te::ag::Canvas | |
calcAspectRatio(double &llx, double &lly, double &urx, double &ury, const AlignType hAlign=Center, const AlignType vAlign=Center)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
calcAspectRatio(te::gm::Envelope *envelope, const AlignType hAlign=Center, const AlignType vAlign=Center)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
Canvas(int w, int h) | te::ag::Canvas | |
Canvas(const Canvas &rhs) | te::ag::Canvas | private |
te::map::Canvas::Canvas() | te::map::Canvas | inline |
clear() | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
conv_font_curve_type typedef | te::ag::Canvas | private |
conv_font_segm_type typedef | te::ag::Canvas | private |
conv_font_trans_type typedef | te::ag::Canvas | private |
draw(te::gm::Geometry *geom) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::gm::Point *point) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::gm::PointZ *point) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::gm::PointM *point) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::gm::PointZM *point) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::gm::MultiPoint *mpoint) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::gm::LineString *line) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::gm::MultiLineString *mline) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::gm::Polygon *poly) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::gm::MultiPolygon *mpoly) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::gm::GeometryCollection *g) | te::ag::Canvas | |
draw(te::at::Text *tx) | te::ag::Canvas | |
te::map::Canvas::draw(const te::gm::Geometry *geom)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::draw(const te::gm::Point *point)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::draw(const te::gm::MultiPoint *mpoint)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::draw(const te::gm::LineString *line)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::draw(const te::gm::MultiLineString *mline)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::draw(const te::gm::Polygon *poly)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::draw(const te::gm::MultiPolygon *mpoly)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::draw(const te::gm::GeometryCollection *g)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::draw(const te::gm::MultiSurface *g)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::draw(const te::at::Text *txt)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
drawGeometry(char *geom) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawGeometryCollection(char *g) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawImage(char *src, int size, te::map::Canvas::ImageType t) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawImage(te::color::RGBAColor **src, int w, int h) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
drawImage(int x, int y, char *src, int size, te::map::Canvas::ImageType t) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawImage(int x, int y, te::color::RGBAColor **src, int w, int h) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
drawImage(int x, int y, int w, int h, char *src, int size, te::map::Canvas::ImageType t) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawImage(int x, int y, int w, int h, te::color::RGBAColor **src, int srcw, int srch) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
drawImage(int x, int y, int w, int h, char *src, int size, te::map::Canvas::ImageType t, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawImage(int x, int y, int w, int h, te::color::RGBAColor **src, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
te::map::Canvas::drawImage(char *src, std::size_t size, ImageType t)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::drawImage(int x, int y, char *src, std::size_t size, ImageType t)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::drawImage(int x, int y, int w, int h, char *src, std::size_t size, ImageType t)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::drawImage(int x, int y, int w, int h, char *src, std::size_t size, ImageType t, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::drawImage(int x, int y, te::rst::Raster *src, int opacity=TE_OPAQUE)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::drawImage(int x, int y, int w, int h, te::rst::Raster *src, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int opacity=TE_OPAQUE)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
drawLineString(char *line) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawLineString(double *v, const size_t &size) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawMultiLineString(char *mline) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawMultiPoint(char *mpoint) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawMultiPolygon(char *mpoly) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawPixel(int x, int y) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
drawPixel(int x, int y, const te::color::RGBAColor &color) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
drawPoint(char *point) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawPointM(char *point) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawPointZ(char *point) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawPointZM(char *point) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawPolygon(char *poly) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawPolygon(agg::path_storage &path, const int &index) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawText(int x, int y, const std::string &tx, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
drawText(double *vin, const int &size, const agg::trans_affine &matrix, const std::string &tx) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawText(const te::gm::Point &wp, const std::string &tx, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawText(const double &x, const double &y, const std::string &tx, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
te::map::Canvas::drawText(const te::gm::Point *p, const std::string &txt, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
drawTextBoundary(int x, int y, const std::string &tx, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawTextBoundary(const te::gm::Point &wp, const std::string &tx, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline) | te::ag::Canvas | |
drawTextBoundary(const double &x, const double &y, const std::string &tx, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline) | te::ag::Canvas | |
font_engine_type typedef | te::ag::Canvas | private |
font_manager_type typedef | te::ag::Canvas | private |
freeImage(char *img) const | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
getBackgroundColor() const | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
getBuffer() const | te::ag::Canvas | |
getColorsFromBuffer(int x=0, int y=0, int w=0, int h=0) const | te::ag::Canvas | |
getData(const std::string &file_name, int &w, int &h) | te::ag::Canvas | |
getHeight() const | te::ag::Canvas | inlinevirtual |
getImage(te::map::Canvas::ImageType t, size_t &size) const | te::ag::Canvas | |
te::map::Canvas::getImage(ImageType t, std::size_t &size, int quality=75, int fg=0) const =0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
te::map::Canvas::getImage(const int x=0, const int y=0, const int w=0, const int h=0) const =0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
getTextBoundary(int x, int y, const std::string &tx, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
getTextBoundary(const te::gm::Point &wp, const std::string &tx, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline) | te::ag::Canvas | |
getTextBoundary(const double &x, const double &y, const std::string &tx, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
te::map::Canvas::getTextBoundary(const te::gm::Point *p, const std::string &txt, float angle=0.0, te::at::HorizontalAlignment hAlign=te::at::Start, te::at::VerticalAlignment vAlign=te::at::Baseline)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
getWidth() const | te::ag::Canvas | inlinevirtual |
m_bgColor | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_buffer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_contourPatternBuffer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_contourPatternRenderingBuffer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_dheight | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_dwidth | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_fontEngine | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_fontManager | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_hdc | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_lineColor | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_linePatternBuffer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_linePatternRenderingBuffer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_lineWidth | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_matrix | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_pixfmt | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_polyContourColor | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_polyContourWidth | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_polyFillColor | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_polyPatternBuffer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_polyPatternOpacity | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_polyPatternRenderingBuffer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_polyPatternWidth | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_ptColor | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_ptMarkerType | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_ptPatternBuffer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_ptPatternRenderingBuffer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_ptWidth | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_rasterizer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_rendererBase | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_renderingBuffer | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_scanline | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_textLetterSpacing | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_textLineJustification | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_textLineSpacing | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_textWordSpacing | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_txBoundaryColor | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_txBoundaryWidth | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_txColor | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_txDecorationColor | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_txDecorationType | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_txDecorationWidth | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_txXScale | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_wllx | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_wlly | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_wurx | te::ag::Canvas | private |
m_wury | te::ag::Canvas | private |
operator=(const Canvas &rhs) | te::ag::Canvas | private |
resize(int w, int h) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
save(const char *fileName, te::map::Canvas::ImageType t, int quality=75, int fg=0) const | te::ag::Canvas | |
te::map::Canvas::save(const char *fileName, ImageType t, int quality=75, int fg=0) const =0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setBackgroundColor(const te::color::RGBAColor &color) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setEraseMode()=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setFontFamily(const std::string &family) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setLineCapStyle(LineCapStyle style)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setLineColor(const te::color::RGBAColor &color) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setLineDashStyle(LineDashStyle style)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setLineDashStyle(const std::vector< double > &style)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setLineJoinStyle(LineJoinStyle style)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setLinePattern(te::color::RGBAColor **pattern, int ncols, int nrows)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setLinePattern(char *pattern, std::size_t size, ImageType t)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setLinePatternOpacity(int opacity)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setLinePatternRotation(const double &angle)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setLineStyle(te::color::RGBAColor **style, int ncols, int nrows) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setLineStyle(char *style, int size, te::map::Canvas::ImageType t) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setLineStyle(const std::string &fileName) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setLineWidth(const int &w) | te::ag::Canvas | |
te::map::Canvas::setLineWidth(int w)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setNormalMode()=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPointColor(const te::color::RGBAColor &color) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setPointMarkerType(const ptMarkerType &type) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setPointPattern(te::color::RGBAColor **pattern, int ncols, int nrows)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPointPattern(char *pattern, std::size_t size, ImageType t)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPointPatternOpacity(int opacity)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPointPatternRotation(const double &angle)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPointStyle(te::color::RGBAColor **style, int ncols, int nrows) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setPointStyle(char *style, int size, te::map::Canvas::ImageType t) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setPointStyle(const std::string &fileName) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setPointWidth(int w) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setPolygonContourCapStyle(LineCapStyle style)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonContourColor(const te::color::RGBAColor &color) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setPolygonContourDashStyle(LineDashStyle style)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonContourDashStyle(const std::vector< double > &style)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonContourJoinStyle(LineJoinStyle style)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonContourPattern(te::color::RGBAColor **pattern, int ncols, int nrows)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonContourPattern(char *pattern, std::size_t size, ImageType t)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonContourPatternOpacity(int opacity)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonContourPatternRotation(const double &angle)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonContourStyle(te::color::RGBAColor **style, int ncols, int nrows) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setPolygonContourStyle(char *style, int size, te::map::Canvas::ImageType t) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setPolygonContourStyle(const std::string &fileName) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setPolygonContourWidth(const int &w) | te::ag::Canvas | |
te::map::Canvas::setPolygonContourWidth(int w)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonFillColor(const te::color::RGBAColor &color) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setPolygonFillPattern(te::color::RGBAColor **pattern, int ncols, int nrows)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonFillPattern(char *pattern, std::size_t size, ImageType t)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonFillStyle(te::color::RGBAColor **style, int ncols, int nrows) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setPolygonFillStyle(char *style, int size, te::map::Canvas::ImageType t) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setPolygonFillStyle(const std::string &fileName) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setPolygonPatternOpacity(const unsigned char &opac) | te::ag::Canvas | |
te::map::Canvas::setPolygonPatternOpacity(int opacity)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonPatternRotation(const double &angle)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setPolygonPatternWidth(const int &w) | te::ag::Canvas | |
te::map::Canvas::setPolygonPatternWidth(int w)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setTextBoundaryColor(const te::color::RGBAColor &color) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setTextBoundaryOpacity(const int &opacity) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setTextBoundaryWidth(const int &width) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setTextColor(const te::color::RGBAColor &color) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setTextContourColor(const te::color::RGBAColor &color)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setTextContourEnabled(bool b)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setTextContourOpacity(int opacity)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setTextContourWidth(int width)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setTextDecorationColor(const te::color::RGBAColor &color) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setTextDecorationWidth(int width) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setTextJustification(te::at::LineJustification just)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setTextMultiLineJustification(const te::at::LineJustification &just) | te::ag::Canvas | |
setTextMultiLineSpacing(const int &spacing) | te::ag::Canvas | |
te::map::Canvas::setTextMultiLineSpacing(int spacing)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setTextOpacity(const int &opacity) | te::ag::Canvas | |
te::map::Canvas::setTextOpacity(int opacity)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setTextOverline(bool b) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setTextPointSize(double psize) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setTextStretch(size_t stretch) | te::ag::Canvas | |
te::map::Canvas::setTextStretch(std::size_t stretch)=0 | te::map::Canvas | pure virtual |
setTextStrikeOut(bool b) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setTextStyle(te::at::FontStyle style) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setTextUnderline(bool b) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setTextWeight(te::at::FontWeight weight) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
setWindow(const double &llx, const double &lly, const double &urx, const double &ury) | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |
write_ppm(const std::string &file_name) | te::ag::Canvas | |
~Canvas() | te::ag::Canvas | virtual |