▼ git_master | |
▼ terralib5 | |
▼ src | |
► terralib | |
► addressgeocoding | |
► qt | |
ConfigInputAddressDialog.h | A dialog to import table with address to geocoding operation |
ConfigInputLayerDialog.h | A dialog configure the input layer to address geocoding operation |
ConfigNumberDialog.h | Associates address number |
ImportTableDialog.h | A dialog to import table with address to geocoding operation |
MainWindowDialog.h | |
AddressGeocodingOp.h | Address Geocoding operation |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Terrralib Address Geocoding module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Address Geocoding module |
Module.h | |
► ado | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib ADO Data Access driver |
Connection.h | A class that implements a connection to a ADO database |
DataSet.h | DataSet class implementation for Microsoft Access driver |
DataSource.h | Implementation of the data source class for the ADO driver |
DataSourceFactory.h | This is the factory for ADO data sources |
Exception.h | An exception class for ADO |
Globals.h | An static class with global definitions |
Module.h | A utility class to initialize and terminate TerraLib ADO driver support |
SQLVisitor.h | A visitor for building an SQL statement using ADO dialect |
Transactor.h | DataSourceTransactor class implementation for Microsoft Access driver |
Utils.h | Utility functions for ADO |
► annotationtext | |
Attributes.h | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib Annotation Text module |
Element.h | An Text Element consists of a string, location, leader line and may have attribute |
Enums.h | Several enumerations related to Annotation Text |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Annotation Text module entry |
Text.h | An Text Element consists of a string, location, leader line and may have attribute |
► antigrain | |
Canvas.h | A canvas built on top of Anti Grain Geometry |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib AGG |
► attributefill | |
► qt | |
RasterToVectorDialog.h | Raster to vector attributefill dialog |
VectorToRasterDialog.h | |
VectorToVectorDialog.h | Raster to vector attributefill dialog |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Attribute Fill module of TerraLib |
Enums.h | |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Attribute Fill module |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Attribute Fill module entry |
RasterToVector.h | Raster to Vector processing |
Utils.h | |
VectorToRaster.h | Vector to Raster processing |
VectorToVectorMemory.h | A class that execute vector to vector operations in the memory |
VectorToVectorOp.h | Vector To Vector operation |
► cellspace | |
CellSpaceOperations.h | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Cellular Spaces module of TerraLib |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Cellular Spaces module entry |
► classification | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Terrralib Classification module |
Dummy.h | Dummy classifier (just for testing purposes) |
Enums.h | Enumerations related to the Classification module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Classification module |
KMeans.h | KMeans strategy for classification |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Classification module entry |
ROI.h | A region of interest (often abbreviated ROI), is a selected subset of samples within a dataset identified for a particular purpose |
ROISet.h | A ROISet is a set of ROI's |
Utils.h | Utility functions for Classification |
► color | |
ColorBar.h | The concept of color bar |
ColorScheme.h | The concept of color scheme |
ColorSchemeCatalog.h | A catalog for color schemes groups |
ColorSchemeCatalogManager.h | The ColorSchemeCatalogManager is a singleton that can be used to manage all loaded color scheme catalogs |
ColorSchemeGroup.h | This class represents a group of color schemes |
ColorTransform.h | A class to transform |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Color module of TerraLib |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Color module entry |
RGBAColor.h | A helper class for 24-bit RGBA (Red-Green-Blue-Alpha channel) color |
► common | |
► progress | |
AbstractProgressViewer.h | A class that defines the interface of an abstract progress viewer |
ConsoleProgressViewer.h | A progress viewer implementation for the console |
ProgressManager.h | A singleton class used to manage tasks progresses and their viewers |
ProgressTimer.h | The ProgressTimer is a utility class that can be used to calculate the estimated time to finish a task |
TaskProgress.h | This class can be used to inform the progress of a task |
► URI | |
authority.h | |
domain_name.h | |
fragment.h | |
ip_address.h | |
ipv6_address.h | |
path.h | |
query.h | |
scheme.h | |
uri.h | |
urisyn.h | |
utils.h | |
AbstractFactory.h | A class that defines the interface of an abstract factory |
AbstractParameters.h | Abstract parameters base interface |
ApplicationSettings.h | A class for managing application settings |
BaseVisitable.h | The root of all hierarchies that can be visited |
BaseVisitor.h | A general root class for a visitor hierarchy |
BoostUtils.h | This file contains several utility functions for dealing with Boost containers and algorithms |
ByteSwapUtils.h | Utility functions to swap bytes: double, int and unsigned int |
CharEncodingConv.h | A class that deals with character encoding/decoding |
Comparators.h | Several functor types for comparing objects |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib Common Runtime module |
Counted.h | A counted class keeps track of how many abstract instances are pointing to it |
Decorator.h | Defines a decorator abstraction |
Distance.h | A given distance has a measurement and a unit-of-measure |
Enums.h | General enumerations |
Exception.h | This class is designed to declare objects to be thrown as exceptions by TerraLib |
FactoryDictionary.h | A dictionary for a Factory |
GenericQueue.h | Implements a generic queue |
Globals.h | An static class with global definitions |
HexUtils.h | This file contains several utilities functions for dealing with HEX strings |
Holder.h | An auxiliary data structure for helping to control the garbage collection of C++ objects |
Library.h | A class for handling shared libraries |
LibraryManager.h | A singleton that can be used to observe the available libraries in the system |
LinuxUtils.h | This file contains several utility functions when dealing with Linux specific API |
LoggedException.h | A class that automatically logs the exception message |
Logger.h | This class is designed to manage the log of information in TerraLib |
MatrixUtils.h | Matrix manipulation utils |
Module.h | This singleton defines an entry in the Platform for the TerraLib Common Runtime module |
ModuleUtils.h | Utility functions for module definition |
ParameterizedAbstractFactory.h | A class that defines the basic interface of an abstract factory that makes use of parameters to construct the objects |
PlatformUtils.h | This file is a wrapper around platform specific include files |
Singleton.h | Template support for singleton pattern |
Static.h | A base type for static classes |
STLUtils.h | This file contains several utility functions for dealing with STL containers |
StringUtils.h | Utility functions for dealing with strings |
SystemApplicationSettings.h | A singleton for managing application settings applied to the whole system (all users) |
TerraLib.h | An utility class to control the startup and cleanup of the TerraLib Platform and its resources |
ThreadingPolicies.h | Threading policies that can be applied to TerraLib classes that need some synchronization schema |
Translator.h | This class is designed for dealing with multi-language text translation in TerraLib |
TreeItem.h | A base class for data organized as a tree |
UnitOfMeasure.h | A class for representing a unit of measure |
UnitsOfMeasureManager.h | A singleton class for dealing with units-of-measure |
URL.h | A helper class for URL encode/decode |
UserApplicationSettings.h | A singleton for managing application settings applied to a single user |
Version.h | Utility class for system versioning |
Visitor.h | A generic class for visitors |
WinUtils.h | This file contains several utility functions when dealing with Microsoft Windows specific API |
► dataaccess | |
► dataset | |
AttributeConverterManager.h | A singleton to keep all the registered Attribute Converter |
AttributeConverters.h | Definition of attribute converter and a set of them |
CheckConstraint.h | A class that describes a check constraint |
Constraint.h | A class that describes a constraint |
DataSet.h | A dataset is the unit of information manipulated by the data access module of TerraLib |
DataSetAdapter.h | An adapter for DataSet |
DataSetCapabilities.h | A class that informs what the dataset implementation of a given data source can perform |
DataSetType.h | A class that models the description of a dataset |
DataSetTypeCapabilities.h | A class that informs what kind of constraint and index is supported by a given data source |
DataSetTypeConverter.h | An converter for DataSetType |
FilteredDataSet.h | This class represents a filtered data set |
ForeignKey.h | It models a foreign key constraint for a DataSetType |
Index.h | It describes an index associated to a DataSetType |
ObjectId.h | This class represents an unique id for a data set element |
ObjectIdSet.h | This class represents a set of unique ids created in the same context. i.e. from the same data set |
PrimaryKey.h | It describes a primary key (pk) constraint |
Sequence.h | It describes a sequence (a number generator) |
UniqueKey.h | It describes a unique key (uk) constraint |
► datasource | |
AbstractConnectionPool.h | This class defines the basic interface for a connection pool |
BatchExecutor.h | A class that models an object that submits commands in batch to the data source |
ConnectionPoolManager.h | A singleton for managing the connection pools available in the system |
DataSource.h | An abstract class for data providers like a DBMS, Web Services or a regular file |
DataSourceCapabilities.h | A class that represents the known capabilities of a specific data source |
DataSourceCatalog.h | It represents the system catalog of a DataSource |
DataSourceCatalogManager.h | This is a singleton for managing all the data source catalog instances available in the system |
DataSourceFactory.h | A factory for data sources |
DataSourceInfo.h | A conteiner class for keeping information about a data source |
DataSourceInfoManager.h | A singleton to keep all the registered data sources |
DataSourceManager.h | This is a singleton for managing all data source instances available in the system |
DataSourceTransactor.h | A DataSourceTransactor can be viewed as a connection to the data source for reading/writing things into it |
DataTypeCapabilities.h | A class that represents the supported data types of a specific data source |
PreparedQuery.h | A class that models a prepared query |
ScopedTransaction.h | An utitily class to coordinate transactions |
► query | |
Add.h | The addition operator - syntatic-suggar |
And.h | Boolean logic operator: AND - syntatic-suggar |
AttributeRestrictionVisitor.h | A visitor that retrieves attribute restrictions from a Query hierarchy |
Avg.h | Avg statistical function |
BinaryFunction.h | A base class for binary functions |
BinaryOp.h | A base class for binary operations |
BinaryOpEncoder.h | A query encoder for binary operations |
Coalesce.h | Coalesce operator |
Count.h | Count statistical function |
DataSetName.h | A class that models the name of a dataset used in a From clause |
Distinct.h | A class that models a Distinct clause on a query |
Div.h | The division operator - syntatic-suggar |
EqualTo.h | It models the comparison operator - syntatic-suggar |
Expression.h | This is an abstract class that models a query expression |
Field.h | The Field class can be used to model an expression that takes part of the output items of a SELECT |
Fields.h | The Fields class can be used to model a set of expressions that form the output items of a SELECT |
From.h | It models the FROM clause for a query |
FromFunctionCall.h | A function can be used as a source of information in another query |
FromItem.h | An abstract class that models a source of data in a query |
Function.h | A class that models a Function expression |
FunctionCatalog.h | A FunctionCatalog can be used to keep track of registered functions |
FunctionCatalogManager.h | A FunctionCatalogManager is a singleton that can be used to manage function catalogs of data source implementations |
FunctionDefn.h | The definition of a function that can be used in a query object |
FunctionEncoder.h | A query encoder for general function expressions |
FunctionNames.h | A static class with global function name definitions |
FunctionNoArgsEncoder.h | A query encoder for functions with no arguments that is invoked just by its name |
FunctionParameter.h | A FunctionParameter models the parameter of a function definition |
GreaterThan.h | It models the inequality operator greater than (>) - syntatic-suggar |
GreaterThanOrEqualTo.h | It models the inequality operator greater than or equal to (>=) - syntatic-suggar |
GroupBy.h | A class that can be used to model a GROUP BY clause |
GroupByItem.h | A class that can be used in a GROUP BY clause |
Having.h | A Having is a filter expression that can be applied to a query with a group by clause |
In.h | A class that represents the IN operator |
Insert.h | A Insert can be used to add information in a table |
IsNull.h | Tells if a value is NULL |
Join.h | A Join clause combines two FromItems |
JoinCondition.h | A condition to be used in a Join clause |
JoinConditionOn.h | JoinConditionOn is a boolean expression and it specifies which items in a join are considered to match |
JoinConditionUsing.h | JoinConditionUsing class can be used to model a USING clause in a Join |
LessThan.h | It models the inequality operator less than (<) - syntatic-suggar |
LessThanOrEqualTo.h | It models the inequality operator less than or equal to (<=) - syntatic-suggar |
Like.h | It is intended to encode a character string comparison operator with pattern matching |
Literal.h | This class models a literal value |
LiteralBool.h | A class that models a Literal Bool value |
LiteralByteArray.h | A class that models a literal for ByteArray values |
LiteralDateTime.h | A class that models a literal for Date and Time values |
LiteralDouble.h | A class that models a literal for double values |
LiteralEnvelope.h | A class that models a literal for Envelope values |
LiteralGeom.h | A class that models a literal for Geometry values |
LiteralInt16.h | A class that models a Literal for a integer value |
LiteralInt32.h | A class that models a Literal for a integer value |
LiteralInt64.h | A class that models a Literal for a integer value |
LiteralString.h | A class that models a Literal String value |
Max.h | Max statistical function |
Min.h | Min statistical function |
Mul.h | The multiply operator - syntatic-suggar |
Not.h | Boolean NOT operator - syntatic-suggar |
NotEqualTo.h | Tells if two values are not equal - syntatic-suggar |
Or.h | Boolean logic operator: OR - syntatic-suggar |
OrderBy.h | A class that can be used to model an ORDER BY clause |
OrderByItem.h | A class that can be used in an ORDER BY clause to sort the items of a resulting query |
PropertyName.h | A class that models the name of any property of an object |
Query.h | The base class for queries |
QueryCapabilities.h | A class that informs the query support of a given data source |
QueryVisitor.h | A visitor interface for the Query hierarchy |
Select.h | A Select models a query to be used when retrieving data from a data source |
SelectExpression.h | A Select can be used as a source of information in another query |
SpatialQueryProcessor.h | A basic query processor for spatial restrictions |
SpatialRestrictionVisitor.h | A visitor that retrieves spatial restrictions from a Query hierarchy |
SQLDialect.h | It represents the SQL query dialect accepted by a given data source |
SQLFunctionEncoder.h | A base class for encoders of SQL function expressions |
SQLVisitor.h | A visitor for building an SQL statement from a given Query hierarchy |
ST_Area.h | Spatial area operator |
ST_Beyond.h | Spatial Distance Buffer Beyond operator |
ST_Boundary.h | Spatial boundary operator |
ST_Buffer.h | Spatial buffer operator |
ST_Centroid.h | Spatial centroid operator |
ST_Collect.h | Spatial collect operator |
ST_Contains.h | Spatial contains operation |
ST_ConvexHull.h | Spatial convex hull operator |
ST_Crosses.h | Spatial crosses operator |
ST_Difference.h | Spatial difference operator |
ST_Disjoint.h | Spatial disjoint operator |
ST_DistanceBuffer.h | Spatial distance buffer operator |
ST_Dump.h | Spatial dump operator |
ST_DumpRings.h | Spatial dump rings operator |
ST_DWithin.h | Spatial Distance Buffer Within operator |
ST_Envelope.h | Spatial envelope operator |
ST_EnvelopeIntersects.h | This operator EnvelopeIntersects considers the intersection among approximations or envelopes of geometries |
ST_Equals.h | Spatial equals operator |
ST_Intersection.h | Spatial intersects operator |
ST_Intersects.h | Spatial intersects operator |
ST_IsEmpty.h | Spatial is empty operator |
ST_IsValid.h | Spatial is valid operator |
ST_Length.h | Spatial length operator |
ST_MakePolygon.h | Spatial make polygon operator |
ST_Multi.h | Spatial multi operator |
ST_NumGeometries.h | Spatial number geometries operator |
ST_Overlaps.h | Spatial overlaps operator |
ST_Perimeter.h | Spatial perimeter operator |
ST_Relate.h | Spatial relation function |
ST_SetSRID.h | Spatial Set SRID operator |
ST_Touches.h | Spatial touches operator |
ST_Transform.h | Spatial reference system transformation function |
ST_Union.h | Spatial union operator |
ST_Within.h | Spatial within operator |
StdDev.h | StdDev statistical function |
Sub.h | The subtraction operator |
SubSelect.h | A Select can be used as a source of information in another query |
Substring.h | Allows the extraction of substrings |
Sum.h | Sum aggregate operator |
TemplateEncoder.h | A query encoder for functions that needs special translation |
UnaryFunction.h | A base class for unary functions |
UnaryOp.h | A base class for unary operators |
UnaryOpEncoder.h | A query encoder for unary operator expressions |
Variance.h | Variance statistical function |
Where.h | A class that can be used to model a filter expression that can be applied to a query |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
Serializer.h | |
► utils | |
Utils.h | Utility functions for the data access module |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Data Access module of TerraLib |
dataset_fw.h | Forward declarations for the dataset module |
dataset_h.h | This file contains include headers for the DataSet module |
datasource_fw.h | Forward declarations for the DataSource module |
datasource_h.h | This file contains include headers for the DataSource module |
Enums.h | General enumerations for the Data Access module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the DataAccess module |
iterator_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Iterator module |
iterator_h.h | This file contains include headers for the Iterator module |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Data Access module entry |
query_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Query module |
query_h.h | This file contains include headers for the Query module |
► datatype | |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
Serializer.h | Support for Property serialization |
AbstractData.h | A base class for objects that can be retrieved from the data access module |
Array.h | Class for dealing with arrays of abstract data |
ArrayProperty.h | The type for variable-length multidimensional arrays |
BitProperty.h | Property for bit types |
BooleanConverters.h | A set of function that convert an Boolean type to other types |
ByteArray.h | A class for representing binary data |
ByteArrayProperty.h | Property for byte array types |
CompositeData.h | A base class for composite data values |
CompositeProperty.h | A base class for a compound properties (non-atomic properties) |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the DataType module of TerraLib |
DataConverterManager.h | A singleton for managing the data type converter available in the system |
DataType.h | It stores information about a data type |
DataTypeConverter.h | Definition of data type converter |
DataTypeManager.h | A singleton for managing all data types in the system |
Date.h | A base class for date data types |
DateDuration.h | A class to represent date duration |
DatePeriod.h | A class to represent date period |
DateTime.h | An abstract class for date and time types |
DateTimeInstant.h | An abstract class to represent an instant of date and time |
DateTimePeriod.h | An abstract class to represent a period of date and time |
DateTimeProperty.h | The type for date and time types |
DateTimeUtils.h | Utilitary function for the date and time types of the data type module |
Enums.h | General enumerations for the data type module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the DataType module |
IntegerConverters.h | A set of function that convert an Integer type to other types |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Data Type module entry |
NumericProperty.h | The type for arbitrary precision numbers, like numeric(p, q) |
OrdinalInstant.h | A class to represent ordinal time instant |
OrdinalPeriod.h | A class to represent ordinal time period |
Property.h | It models a property definition |
SimpleData.h | This file contains several implementations for atomic data types (integers, floats, strings and others) |
SimpleProperty.h | An atomic property like an integer or double |
StringConverters.h | A set of function that convert an String type to other types |
StringProperty.h | The type for string types: FIXED_STRING, VAR_STRING or STRING |
TimeDuration.h | A class to represent time duration |
TimeInstant.h | A class to represent time instant |
TimeInstantTZ.h | A class to represent time instant with time zone |
TimePeriod.h | A class to represent time period |
TimePeriodTZ.h | A class to represent time period with time zone |
Utils.h | Utilitary function for data type module |
► edit | |
► qt | |
► core | |
► command | |
AddCommand.h | |
MoveCommand.h | Undo/Redo for moving components |
UpdateCommand.h | |
UndoStackManager.h | |
► tools | |
AggregateAreaTool.h | |
CreateLineTool.h | This class implements a concrete tool to create lines |
CreatePolygonTool.h | This class implements a concrete tool to create polygons |
DeleteGeometryTool.h | |
EditInfoTool.h | |
GeometriesUpdateTool.h | |
MergeGeometriesTool.h | This class implements a concrete tool to merge polygons |
MoveGeometryTool.h | This class implements a concrete tool to move geometries |
SplitPolygonTool.h | This class implements a concrete tool to split polygons |
SubtractAreaTool.h | |
VertexTool.h | This class implements a concrete tool for vertex operations (move, add, etc.) |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib Qt Edit module |
Renderer.h | This is a singleton for rendering geometries and features |
SnapOptionsDialog.h | A dialog used to configure geometry snap options |
Utils.h | Utility Qt functions for TerraLib Edit module |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib Edit module |
Feature.h | This class represents a geographic feature |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Edit module entry |
Repository.h | This class represents a repository of geometries and features |
RepositoryManager.h | This is a singleton for managing edit repositories |
Snap.h | This class implements geometry snap concept |
SnapManager.h | This is a singleton for managing geometries snap |
SnapVertex.h | This class implements a vertex search snap |
Utils.h | Utility functions for TerraLib Edit module |
► fe | |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
AbstractOp.h | Auxiliary classes and functions to serialize filter operations from a XML document |
Expression.h | Auxiliary classes and functions to serialize filter expressions from a XML document |
Filter.h | Support for the Filter serialization |
AbstractOp.h | An abstract interface for operators |
Add.h | The addition operator |
And.h | Boolean logic operator: AND |
ArithmeticOperators.h | It is used to indicate what arithmetic operators the a service can support |
BBOXOp.h | A convenient and more compact way of encoding the very common bounding box constraint based on an envelope |
Beyond.h | DistanceBuffer operator: Beyond |
BinaryComparisonOp.h | A class for binary comparison operators |
BinaryLogicOp.h | A logical operator can be used to combine two or more conditional expressions |
BinaryOperator.h | This class can be used to represent binary operation expressions |
BinarySpatialOp.h | A class for binary spatial operators |
ComparisonOp.h | A comparison operator is used to form expressions that evaluate the mathematical comparison between two arguments |
ComparisonOperators.h | It is used to indicate what types of comparison operators are supported by a service |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib Filter Encoding module |
Contains.h | Binary spatial operator: Contains |
Crosses.h | Binary spatial operator: Crosses |
Disjoint.h | Binary spatial operator: Disjoint |
DistanceBuffer.h | Distance buffer operator |
Div.h | The division operator |
DWithin.h | DistanceBuffer operator: DWithin |
Equals.h | Binary spatial operator: Equals |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Filter Encoding module |
Expression.h | This is an abstract class that models a Filter Encoding expression |
Filter.h | A Filter is any valid predicate expression |
FilterCapabilities.h | This class can be used to create capabilities document of services that use filter encoding |
Function.h | A function is a named procedure that performs a distinct computation |
FunctionName.h | It is used to list the function names that are supported and the number of arguments each function requires |
GeometryOperands.h | Geometry operands |
Globals.h | An static class with global definitions |
IdCapabilities.h | Id capabilities include the ability to refer to elements in a GML version 3 data source using an ogc:GmlObjectId with a gml:id attribute |
Intersects.h | Binary spatial operator: Intersects |
Literal.h | This class can be used to represent literal values |
LogicOp.h | A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Filter Encoding module entry |
Mul.h | The multiply operator |
Not.h | Boolean NOT operator |
ObjectId.h | |
Or.h | Boolean logic operator: OR |
Overlaps.h | Binary spatial operator: Overlaps |
PropertyIsBetween.h | The PropertyIsBetween element is defined as a compact way of encoding a range check |
PropertyIsEqualTo.h | It tells if two values are identical |
PropertyIsGreaterThan.h | It models the inequality operator greater than (>) |
PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.h | It models the inequality operator greater than or equal to (>=) |
PropertyIsLessThan.h | It models the inequality operator less than (<) |
PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo.h | It models the inequality operator less than or equal to (<=) |
PropertyIsLike.h | It is intended to encode a character string comparison operator with pattern matching |
PropertyIsNotEqualTo.h | It tells if two values are not equal |
PropertyIsNull.h | The PropertyIsNull class encodes an operator that checks to see if the value of its content is NULL |
PropertyName.h | |
ScalarCapabilities.h | Scalar capabilities include the ability to process logical expressions, comparisons and arithmetic operations including the ability to process a list of named functions |
SortBy.h | It represents a sort by expression |
SortProperty.h | A sort property name and order type |
SpatialCapabilities.h | Spatial capabilities include the ability to filter spatial data |
SpatialOp.h | A spatial operator determines whether its geometric arguments satisfy the stated spatial relationship |
SpatialOperator.h | Spatial operator |
SpatialOperators.h | Spatial operators |
Sub.h | The subtraction operator |
Touches.h | Binary spatial operator: Touches |
UnaryLogicOp.h | A logical operator that can be used to combine one conditional expressions |
Visitor.h | |
Within.h | Binary spatial operator: Within |
► gdal | |
Band.h | It gives access to values in one band (dimension) of a raster |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the GDAL Driver of TerraLib |
DataSet.h | |
DataSetsManager.h | |
DataSetUseCounter.h | |
DataSource.h | The implementation of a DataSource that consists of datasets that can be decoded by the GDAL Library |
DataSourceFactory.h | This is the concrete implementation of a factory that builds data sources managed by the GDAL Library |
Exception.h | An exception class for the GDAL module |
Globals.h | An static class with global definitions for the TerraLib GDAL driver |
Module.h | The TerraLib GDAL driver as a plugin |
Raster.h | This is a class that represents a GDAL Raster |
RasterFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for GDAL rasters |
Transactor.h | |
Utils.h | Utilitary functions to access GDAL and match some of its concepts to TerraLib concepts |
► geometry | |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
Serializer.h | Auxiliary classes and functions to read geometry information from a XML document |
AbstractPoint.h | A base abstract class for 0-dimensional geometric objects that represents a single location in coordinate space |
AffineGT.h | 2D Affine Geometric transformation |
AffineGTFactory.h | 2D Affine Geometric transformation factory |
CircularString.h | CircularString is a curve with circular interpolation between points |
CompoundCurve.h | CompoundCurve is a curve that may have circular and linear segments |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Vector Geometry Model of TerraLib |
Coord2D.h | An utility struct for representing 2D coordinates |
Curve.h | Curve is an abstract class that represents 1-dimensional geometric objects stored as a sequence of coordinates |
CurvePolygon.h | CurvePolygon is a planar surface defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries |
Enums.h | Enumerations related to Geometry module |
Envelope.h | An Envelope defines a 2D rectangular region |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Geometry module |
FixGeometries.h | This class contains attributes and functions necessary to fix and report unconsistencies of geometries |
GeometricTransformation.h | 2D Geometric transformation base class |
Geometry.h | Geometry is the root class of the geometries hierarchy, it follows OGC and ISO standards |
GeometryCollection.h | It is a collection of other geometric objects |
GeometryConverters.h | A set of function that convert a Geometry type to other types and vice-versa |
GeometryFactory.h | This is the Geometry factory for TerraLib geometries |
GeometryProperty.h | Geometric property |
GEOSGeometryFactory.h | The global factory used by TerraLib in order to create GEOS geometries |
GEOSReader.h | A class that converts a GEOS geometry to a TerraLib geometry |
GEOSWriter.h | A class that converts a TerraLib geometry to a GEOS geometry |
GTFactory.h | 2D Geometric transformation factory |
GTFilter.h | 2D Geometric transformation outliers remotion filter |
GTModelParameters.h | 2D Geometric transformation model parameters |
GTParameters.h | 2D Geometric transformation parameters |
Line.h | A Line is LineString with 2 points |
LinearRing.h | A LinearRing is a LineString that is both closed and simple |
LineString.h | LineString is a curve with linear interpolation between points |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Vector Geometry module entry |
MultiCurve.h | MultiCurve is a class that represents a 1-dimensional GeometryCollection whose elements are curves |
MultiLineString.h | MultiLineString is a MultiCurve whose elements are LineStrings |
MultiPoint.h | MultiPoint is a GeometryCollection whose elements are restricted to points |
MultiPolygon.h | MultiPolygon is a MultiSurface whose elements are Polygons |
MultiSurface.h | MultiSurface is a class that represents a 2-dimensional GeometryCollection whose elements are surfaces |
Point.h | A point with x and y coordinate values |
PointKd.h | A k-dimensional point |
PointM.h | A point with an associated measure |
PointZ.h | A point with z-coordinate value |
PointZM.h | A point with a z-coordinate value and an associated measurement |
Polygon.h | Polygon is a subclass of CurvePolygon whose rings are defined by linear rings |
PolyhedralSurface.h | PolyhedralSurface is a contiguous collection of polygons, which share common boundary segments |
ProjectiveGT.h | 2D Projective Geometric transformation |
ProjectiveGTFactory.h | 2D Projective Geometric transformation factory |
RSTGT.h | 2D Rotation/scale/translation (rigid body) Geometric transformation |
RSTGTFactory.h | 2D RST Geometric transformation factory |
SecondDegreePolynomialGT.h | Second Degree Polynomial Geometric transformation |
SecondDegreePolynomialGTFactory.h | 2D Second Degree Polynomial Geometric transformation factory |
Surface.h | Surface is an abstract class that represents a 2-dimensional geometric objects |
ThirdDegreePolynomialGT.h | Third Degree Polynomial Geometric transformation |
ThirdDegreePolynomialGTFactory.h | 2D Third Degree Polynomial Geometric transformation factory |
TIN.h | TIN (triangulated irregular network) is a PolyhedralSurface consisting only of Triangle patches |
Triangle.h | Triangle is a polygon with 3 distinct, non-collinear vertices and no interior boundary |
Utils.h | Utility functions for the Geometry Module |
Visitor.h | A visitor interface for the Geometry hierarchy |
WKBReader.h | A class that deserializes a geometry from a valid WKB |
WKBSize.h | A class that computes the number of bytes necessary to encode a geometry in WKB |
WKBWriter.h | A class that serializes a geometry to the WKB format |
WKTActions.h | A class that implements the semanthic actions to grammar rules for well known text (WKT) format for Geometry. Basically, the class is responsible to generate a geometry element |
WKTParser.h | A class that implements the grammar rules for well known text (WKT) for Geometry. It is based on boost::spirit V2 and WKT BNF definition available in the OGC Simple Features Specification |
WKTReader.h | A class that deserializes a geometry from a valid WKT |
WKTWriter.h | A class that serializes a geometry to the WKT format |
► gml | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the GML module of TerraLib |
Envelope.h | Envelope defines an extent using a pair of positions defining opposite corners in arbitrary dimensions |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib GML module entry |
► graph | |
► builder | |
AbstractGraphBuilder.h | This abstract class provides the common functions for graph builder classes. Each builder strategy has to implement only a public function called build |
FlowGraphBuilder.h | |
LDDGraphBuilder.h | This class defines the LDD strategy to build a graph |
QueryGraphBuilder.h | This class defines the Query strategy to build a graph having a exist graph as input parameters |
RAGGraphBuilder.h | This class defines the RAG strategy to build a graph, |
► cache | |
AbstractCachePolicy.h | This class is used to set the main functions of a cache policy |
AbstractCachePolicyFactory.h | This is the abstract factory for cache policy |
FIFOCachePolicy.h | This class is used to implement the FIFO cache policy |
FIFOCachePolicyFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for the FIFO cache policy |
LFUCachePolicy.h | This class is used to implement the LFU cache policy |
LFUCachePolicyFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for the LFU cache policy |
► core | |
AbstractGraph.h | Abstract class used to define the main functions of graph struct. All graph implementations must used this class |
AbstractGraphFactory.h | This is the abstract factory for Graphs |
Edge.h | Class used to define the edge struct of a graph. Its compose with a identifier, the vertex origin and destiny information, a set of properties if exist and flags to inform his state (new or dirty) |
EdgeProperty.h | This class is used to define a set of properties of a Edge |
GraphCache.h | Class used to manager the graph data elements. This class uses a cache policy to control the elements in memory. If a element was requested and not found in cache, the GraphDataManager is used to loaded a new GraphData |
GraphData.h | This class define a important struct used to group a map of vertex and edges. A flag is used to indicate if any element of this group was changed |
GraphDataManager.h | This class defines a interface to access the graph elements inside a data source. Its use a implementation of Loader Strategy that defines how a data must be loaded |
GraphMetadata.h | Class used to define the graph metadata informations |
Vertex.h | From the point of view of graph theory, vertices are treated as featureless and indivisible objects, although they may have additional structure depending on the application from which the graph arises;for instance, a semantic network is a graph in which the vertices represent concepts or classes of objects |
VertexProperty.h | This class is used to define a set of properties of a Vertex |
► drivers | |
► datasource | |
DataSourceGraphMetadata.h | Class used to define the graph metadata informations over a SGBD source |
► functions | |
AddDeepAttribute.h | This class defines a function used to add to a graph the deep information attribute |
AddRasterAttribute.h | This class defines a function used to add to a graph the raster pixel value as attribute |
GetSubGraph.h | This class defines a function used to get a sub graph for a graph |
► graphs | |
BidirectionalGraph.h | This is a implementation of a Bidirectional Graph. By convention a bidirectional graph provides access to out-and in edges |
BidirectionalGraphFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for the bidirectional Graph type |
DirectedGraph.h | This is a implementation of a Directed Graph. By convention a directed graph provides access to out-edges only |
DirectedGraphFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for the directed Graph type |
Graph.h | This is the main graph implementation, that uses a cache policy anda graph loader to get all elements inside a data source |
GraphFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for the commun Graph type |
UndirectedGraph.h | This is a implementation of a UndirectedGraph Graph. By definition a undirected graph has no direction information about his edges |
UndirectedGraphFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for the undirected Graph type |
► iterator | |
AbstractIterator.h | This class defines a commun interface to represents a graph iterator class. The main diferency to anothers iterators is the possibility to iterate over the edges or vertexs from a graph |
BoxIterator.h | This class defines a commun interface to represents a graph iterator class. The main diferency to anothers iterators is the possibility to iterate over the edges or vertexs from a graph |
MemoryIterator.h | |
QueryIterator.h | This class defines a commun interface to represents a graph iterator class. The main diferency to anothers iterators is the possibility to iterate over the edges or vertexs from a graph |
SequenceIterator.h | This class defines a commun interface to represents a graph iterator class. The main diferency to anothers iterators is the possibility to iterate over the edges or vertexs from a graph |
► loader | |
AbstractGraphLoaderStrategy.h | This class define the main functions necessary to save and load the graph data and metadata information using the Graph Data and Graph Cache conceptions |
AbstractGraphLoaderStrategyFactory.h | This is the abstract factory for graph loader strategy |
BottomUpLoaderStrategy.h | This class implements the main functions necessary to save and load the graph data and metadata information using as strategy the graph path |
BoxLoaderStrategy.h | This class implements the main functions necessary to save and load the graph data and metadata information using as strategy a bounding box to create a region that defines a group of elements |
BoxLoaderStrategyFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for the database box loader strategy |
SequenceLoaderStrategy.h | This class implements the main functions necessary to save and load the graph data and metadata information using as strategy a "order by" to create a sequence of objects |
SequenceLoaderStrategyFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for the database sequency loader strategy |
TopDownLoaderStrategy.h | This class implements the main functions necessary to save and load the graph data and metadata information using as strategy the graph path |
► maptools | |
Layer.h | |
LayerRenderer.h | It renders the objects associated to a Layer |
Config.h | |
Enums.h | General enumerations |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Graph module |
Globals.h | An static class with global definitions for the TerraLib Graph Module |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Graph module entry |
► grib | |
Band.h | Band implemntatin for GRIB |
Config.h | Configuration flags for GRIB |
Enums.h | General enumerations |
Exception.h | An exception class for GRIB |
Platform.h | A utility class to initialize and terminate TerraLib GRIB driver support |
Raster.h | A raster class for GRIB format |
RasterFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for GRIB |
► idl | |
► rp | |
Segmenter.h | Raster segmenters |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the IDL module of TerraLib |
Exception.h | Exception class |
Functions.h | IDL module functions |
IdlBand.h | A adaptor to an external existent raster in a idl array form |
IDLLoad.h | IDL module entry point |
IdlRaster.h | A adaptor to an external existent raster in a idl array form |
► maptools | |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
Layer.h | Auxiliary classes and functions to read layer information from a XML document |
Utils.h | Auxiliary functions to read layer information from a XML document |
AbstractChartRenderer.h | This is the base class for chart renderers |
AbstractExternalGraphicRenderer.h | An abstract class for conversion of Symbology Enconding ExternalGraphic elements to an image pattern |
AbstractLayer.h | This is the base class for Layers |
AbstractLayerRenderer.h | It renders the objects associated to an abstract layer. i.e. a generic renderer |
AbstractLayerRendererFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for renderers of AbstractLayers. i.e. builds a generic renderer |
AbstractMapDisplay.h | It defines the concept of a map display responsible for controlling how a set of layers are displayed |
AbstractMarkRenderer.h | An abstract class for conversion of Symbology Enconding Mark elements to an image pattern |
AbstractRenderer.h | This is the base class for renderers |
Canvas.h | |
CanvasConfigurer.h | A Symbology Enconding visitor that configures a given canvas based on symbolizers elements |
Chart.h | This class represents the informations needed to build map charts |
ChartRendererManager.h | This is a singleton for managing chart renderer instance available in the system |
Config.h | |
DataSetAdapterLayer.h | A layer with reference to a DataSetTypeConverter |
DataSetLayer.h | A layer with reference to a dataset |
DataSetLayerRenderer.h | It renders the objects associated to a dataset layer |
DataSetLayerRendererFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for renderers of a DataSetLayer |
Enums.h | |
Exception.h | An exception class for the MapTools module |
ExternalGraphicRendererManager.h | This is a singleton for managing all external graphic renderers instances available in the system |
FolderLayer.h | A layer that can be used as a container for other kind of layers |
Grouping.h | This class contains the parameters needed for grouping the values of a Property |
GroupingAlgorithms.h | This file contains functions containing the algorithms for grouping values |
GroupingItem.h | |
MapDisplay.h | The map display controls how a set of layers are displayed |
MarkRendererManager.h | This is a singleton for managing all mark renderers instances available in the system |
Module.h | |
PtMarker.h | This file contains several utility routines for dealing with point markers |
QueryEncoder.h | A visitor that converts a OGC Filter Expression to TerraLib Expression |
QueryLayer.h | A layer resulting from a query |
QueryLayerRenderer.h | It renders the objects associated to a query layer |
QueryLayerRendererFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for renderers of a QueryLayer |
RasterLayer.h | A layer with reference to a raster |
RasterLayerRenderer.h | It renders the objects associated to a raster layer |
RasterLayerRendererFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for renderers of a RasterLayer |
RasterTransform.h | A Raster Transform is a class that defines functions to transform a styled raster |
RasterTransformConfigurer.h | A Raster Transform configurer generates a Raster Transform given a RasterSymbolzier |
RendererFactory.h | An abstract factory for layer renderers |
Utils.h | Utility functions for MapTools module |
WorldDeviceTransformer.h | This class implements the logic for transforming from device coordinate to world coordinate and vice-versa |
► memory | |
Band.h | |
CachedBand.h | RAM cached and tiled raster band |
CachedBandBlocksManager.h | RAM cached and tiled raster band blocks manager |
CachedRaster.h | A RAM cache adaptor to an external existent raster that must always be avaliable |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib In-memory Data Access driver |
DataSet.h | Implementation of a random-access dataset class for the TerraLib In-Memory Data Access driver |
DataSetItem.h | An implementation of the DatasetItem class for the TerraLib In-Memory Data Access driver |
DataSource.h | |
DataSourceFactory.h | |
Exception.h | An exception class for the TerraLib In-Memory Data Access driver |
ExpansibleBand.h | Expansible raster band |
ExpansibleBandBlocksManager.h | RAM cached and tiled raster band blocks manager |
ExpansibleRaster.h | A raster (stored in memory and eventually swapped to disk) where it is possible to dynamically add lines/columns/bands |
ExpansibleRasterFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for expansible raster |
Globals.h | An static class with global definitions for the TerraLib In-Memory driver |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib In-Memory module entry |
Raster.h | A raster class for memory |
RasterFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for In-Memory driver |
TiledBand.h | A tiled band implementation for the In-Memory Raster |
Transactor.h | An implementation of the Transactor class for the Memory Data Access driver |
► metadata | |
► iso19115 | |
CI_Citation.h | To support the bibliographic information to reference the resource |
CI_ResponsibleParty.h | |
CodeList.h | |
MD_DataIdentification.h | Information required to identify a dataset |
MD_Distribution.h | |
MD_Format.h | |
MD_Identification.h | Identification information contains information to uniquely identify the data |
MD_Metadata.h | |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
MD_Metadata.h | Auxiliary classes and functions to serialize metadata to/from a XML document |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Metadata support of TerraLib |
MetadataAnnotation.h | |
MetadataExtractor.h | |
MetadataManager.h | |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Metadata module entry |
► mnt | |
► core | |
CalculateGrid.h | This file contains a class to calculate retangular grid from Samples. Adapted from SPRING |
Config.h | |
CreateIsolinesCore.h | |
CreateIsolinesParams.h | |
Enums.h | General enumerations |
Profile.h | This file contains a class that represents the profile |
Slope.h | This file contains a class to generate a Slope grid. Adapted from SPRING |
Smooth.h | This file contains a class to isolines smooth. Adapted from SPRING |
SplineGrass.h | This file contains a class to calculate retangular grid from Samples using Spline Grass Interpolation. Adapted from SPRING |
SplineGrassMitasova.h | This file contains a class to calculate retangular grid from Samples using Spline Grass Mitasova Interpolation. Adapted from SPRING |
Tin.h | This file contains a class to define a TIN. Adapted from SPRING |
TINCalculateGrid.h | This file contains a class to calculate a grid from a TIN. Adapted from SPRING |
TINCreateIsolines.h | This file contains a class to generate isolines from a TIN. Adapted from SPRING |
TINGeneration.h | This file contains a class to generate TIN. Adapted from SPRING |
Utils.h | Utility functions for MNT support |
Volume.h | This file contains a class to calculate volume. Adapted from SPRING |
► qt | |
CreateIsolinesDialog.h | A dialog ISolines generation |
MNTGenerationDialog.h | A dialog Retangular Grid generation |
ProfileDialog.h | |
ProfileResultDialog.h | A dialog Show Profile Graphic Result |
SlopeDialog.h | A dialog Slope Grid generation |
SmoothIsolinesDialog.h | A dialog Smooth Isolines |
TINGenerationDialog.h | A dialog TIN generation |
VolumeDialog.h | A dialog Calculate Volume |
VolumeResultDialog.h | A dialog Show Calculate Volume Results |
► ogr | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the OGR Driver Implementation of TerraLib |
DataSet.h | Implementation of a DataSet for OGR data provider |
DataSource.h | A class for data providers of OGR |
Exception.h | An exception class for the OGR module |
Globals.h | An static class with global definitions |
Module.h | The TerraLib OGR driver is a plugin |
OGRDialect.h | |
SQLVisitor.h | A visitor for building an SQL statement using OGR dialect |
Transactor.h | |
Utils.h | Utility functions for OGR support |
► plugin | |
AbstractFinder.h | The AbstractFinder class allows applications to extend how PluginManager can search for plugins |
AbstractPlugin.h | An abstract class for TerraLib Plugins |
AbstractPluginEngine.h | An abstract class for plugin engines |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib Plugin module |
CppPlugin.h | An abstract interface for Plugins written in C++ |
CppPluginEngine.h | A plugin engine for plugins written in C++ |
CppPluginEngineFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for C++ plugin engines |
CppPluginProxy.h | A proxy class for C++ plugins |
DefaultFinder.h | A plugin finder that search for plugins in some special directories defined by compile time macros |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Plugin module |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Plugin module entry |
Plugin.h | A base class for plugin types |
PluginEngineFactory.h | This is the abstract factory for plugin engines |
PluginInfo.h | The basic information about a plugin |
PluginManager.h | A singleton for managing plugins |
Provider.h | This struct can be used to describe a given plugin provider |
Utils.h | Utility functions for dealing with plugins |
► postgis | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the PostGIS Driver Implementation of TerraLib |
Connection.h | A class that implements a connection to a PostgreSQL database |
ConnectionPool.h | A class that implements a connection pool for PostGIS |
DataSet.h | Implementation of a dataset for the PostGIS driver |
DataSource.h | Implementation of the data source for the PostGIS driver |
DataSourceFactory.h | This is the factory for PostGIS data sources |
DataTypes.h | Utility data types for PostgreSQL |
EWKBReader.h | An utility class for reading a PostGIS EWKB |
EWKBWriter.h | An utility class for writing a PostGIS EWKB |
Exception.h | An exception class for the PostGIS driver |
Globals.h | An static class with global definitions |
Module.h | The TerraLib PostGIS driver is a plugin |
PostGISCapabilities.h | |
PostGISDialect.h | |
PreparedQuery.h | A class that implements a prepared query for PostgreSQL data access driver |
SQLVisitor.h | A visitor for building an SQL statement using PostGIS dialect |
Transactor.h | A Transactor can be viewed as a connection to the data source for reading/writing things into it |
Utils.h | Utility functions for PostgreSQL |
► qt | |
► af | |
► connectors | |
ChartDisplayDockWidget.h | A dock widget for chart display objects |
DataSetTableDockWidget.h | A dock widget for table view objects |
InterfaceController.h | A connector to controll all non modal interfaces |
LayerExplorer.h | A connector for the te::qt::widgets::LayerExplorer class to the Application Framework |
MapDisplay.h | A connector of the te::qt::widgets::MapDisplay class to the Application Framework |
StyleExplorer.h | A connector for the te::qt::widgets::StyleDockWidget class to the Application Framework |
► events | |
ApplicationEvents.h | Contains the list of the application events |
Enums.h | Enumerations for the TerraLib Application Framework |
Event.h | |
LayerEvents.h | Contains a list of the layer events |
MapEvents.h | Contains a list of the map display events |
TableEvents.h | Contains a list of the table events |
ToolEvents.h | |
► settings | |
AbstractSettingWidget.h | An abstraction for setting widgets |
DisplayWidget.h | A frame for setting display options |
DisplayWidgetFactory.h | A factory to build the display frame object |
GeneralConfigWidget.h | A frame for setting general options |
GeneralConfigWidgetFactory.h | A factory to build the general config frame object |
MenuBarModel.h | Contains a definition for a model over the QMenuBar |
SettingsDialog.h | A for customization of the application components |
SettingsWidgetsFactory.h | |
TableWidget.h | A frame for setting Table options |
TableWidgetFactory.h | A factory to build the Table frame object |
ToolbarsWidget.h | A frame for setting tool bars options |
ToolbarsWidgetFactory.h | A factory to build the tool bars widget object |
ApplicationController.h | The base API for controllers of TerraLib applications |
BaseApplication.h | A QMainWindow to be used as the basis for TerraLib applications |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib Application Framework |
Exception.h | An exception class for the TerraLib Application Framework |
SplashScreenManager.h | A singleton for holding he application splash screen |
Utils.h | Utility routines for the TerraLib Application Framework module |
XMLFormatter.h | A class for xml serialization formatting strings |
► designer | |
TerraLibCustomCollectionWidget.h | The main entry point of TerraLib components for Qt Designer |
► plugins | |
► addressgeocoding | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the address geocoding Qt Widget plugin |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the SA Qt Plugin widget |
► attributefill | |
AbstractAction.h | This file defines the abstract class AbstractAction |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the attributefill Qt Widget plugin |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the SA Qt Plugin widget |
RasterToVectorAction.h | This file defines the RasterToVector class |
VectorToRasterAction.h | This file defines the VectorToRaster class |
VectorToVectorAction.h | This file defines the RasterToVector class |
► cellspace | |
AbstractAction.h | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Cellular Spaces Qt Widget plugin |
CreateCellLayerAction.h | |
CreateCellularSpaceDialog.h | |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the SA Qt Plugin widget |
► datasource | |
► ado | |
ADOConnector.h | |
ADOConnectorDialog.h | |
ADOCreatorDialog.h | |
ADOType.h | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the ADO Qt Widget plugin |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the ADO data source widget |
► gdal | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the GDAL Qt Widget plugin |
GDALConnector.h | GDAL connector implementation for the Qt data source widget |
GDALConnectorDialog.h | A dialog window for showing the GDAL connector widget |
GDALType.h | GDAL data source type |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the GDAL data source widget |
► geofile | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the GeoFile Qt Widget plugin |
GeoFileConnector.h | GeoFile connector implementation for the Qt data source widget |
GeoFileConnectorDialog.h | A dialog window for showing the GeoFile connector widget |
GeoFileType.h | GeoFile data source type |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the GeoFile data source widget |
► mysql | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the MySQL Qt Widget plugin |
MySQLConnector.h | MySQL connector implementation for the Qt data source widget |
MySQLConnectorDialog.h | |
MySQLCreatorDialog.h | |
MySQLType.h | MySQL data source type |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the MySQL data source widget |
► ogr | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the OGR Qt Widget plugin |
OGRConnector.h | OGR connector implementation for the Qt data source widget |
OGRConnectorDialog.h | A dialog window for showing the OGR connector widget |
OGRType.h | OGR data source type |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the OGR data source widget |
Utils.h | Utility functions for the OGR data source widget plugin |
► pgis | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the PostGIS Qt Widget plugin |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the PostGIS data source widget |
PostGISConnector.h | PostGIS connector implementation for the Qt data source widget |
PostGISConnectorDialog.h | A dialog window for showing the PostGIS connector widget |
PostGISCreatorDialog.h | |
PostGISType.h | PostGIS data source type |
► sqlite | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the SQLite Qt Widget plugin |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the SQLite data source widget |
SQLiteConnector.h | |
SQLiteConnectorDialog.h | |
SQLiteCreatorDialog.h | |
SQLiteType.h | |
► terralib4 | |
Config.h | |
Plugin.h | |
TL4ConnectorWizardPage.h | |
TL4ConverterAction.h | |
TL4ConverterWizard.h | |
TL4FinalPageWizardPage.h | |
TL4LayerSelectionWizardPage.h | |
TL4RasterFolderSelectionWizardPage.h | |
TL4ThemeSelectionWizardPage.h | |
Utils.h | |
► wcs | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) Qt Widget plugin |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) data source widget |
WCSConnector.h | OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) connector implementation for the Qt data source widget |
WCSConnectorDialog.h | A dialog window for showing the WCS connector widget |
WCSType.h | WCS data source type |
► wfs | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) Qt Widget plugin |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) data source widget |
WFSConnector.h | OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) connector implementation for the Qt data source widget |
WFSConnectorDialog.h | A dialog window for showing the WFS connector widget |
WFSItemDelegate.h | |
WFSType.h | WFS data source type |
► wms | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) Qt Widget plugin |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) data source widget |
WMSConnector.h | OGC Web Map Service (WMS) connector implementation for the Qt data source widget |
WMSConnectorDialog.h | A dialog window for showing the WMS connector widget |
WMSItemDelegate.h | |
WMSType.h | WMS data source type |
► edit | |
ApplicationListener.h | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib Edit plugin |
EditedDelegate.h | |
GeometryFile.h | |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the TerraLib Edit Qt Plugin |
Stasher.h | |
ToolBar.h | The main toolbar of TerraLib Edit Qt plugin |
► mnt | |
AbstractAction.h | This file defines the abstract class AbstractAction |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the MNT Qt Widget plugin |
CreateIsolinesAction.h | This file defines the Isolines Generation class |
MNTGenerationAction.h | This file defines the REgular Grid Generation class |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the MNT Qt Plugin widget |
ProfileAction.h | This file defines the Profile Generation class |
ShowValuesAction.h | This file defines the Show MNT Values Proccess |
ShowValuesTool.h | |
SlopeAction.h | This file defines the Slope Proccess |
SmoothAction.h | This file defines the Smooth Isoline Proccess |
TINGenerationAction.h | This file defines the TIN Generation class |
VolumeAction.h | This file defines the Calculate Volume Proccess |
► mobile | |
► core | |
► form | |
AbstractFormItem.h | This file defines the abstract class for a form item |
BoolFormItem.h | This file defines the class for a bool form item |
DateFormItem.h | This file defines the class for a date form item |
DoubleFormItem.h | This file defines the class for a double form item |
Form.h | This file defines the form class |
IntFormItem.h | This file defines the class for a int form item |
LabelFormItem.h | This file defines the class for a label form item |
PictureFormItem.h | This file defines the class for a picture form item |
Section.h | This file defines the section class |
Serializer.h | This file defines the serializer for form classes |
StringComboFormItem.h | This file defines the class for a string combo form item |
StringFormItem.h | This file defines the class for a string form item |
TimeFormItem.h | This file defines the class for a time form item |
GeopackageSynchronizer.h | |
► geopackage | |
DataSet.h | |
DataSource.h | |
Exception.h | |
Globals.h | |
SQLVisitor.h | |
Transactor.h | |
Utils.h | |
► qt | |
BuilderFormsWizardPage.h | |
BuilderGatheringLayersWizardPage.h | |
BuilderInputLayersWizardPage.h | |
BuilderOutputWizardPage.h | |
GeoPackageBuilderWizard.h | |
GeoPackagePublisherDialog.h | |
GeoPackageSynchronizerDialog.h | |
► utils | |
Utils.h | |
AbstractAction.h | |
Config.h | |
CreateLayerAction.h | |
GeoPackageBuilderAction.h | |
GeoPackagePublisherAction.h | |
GeoPackageSynchronizerAction.h | |
Plugin.h | |
Version.h | |
► rp | |
AbstractAction.h | This file defines the abstract class AbstractAction |
ArithmeticOpAction.h | This file defines the ArithmeticOp class |
ClassifierAction.h | This file defines the Classifier class |
ClippingAction.h | This file defines the Clipping class |
ColorTransformAction.h | This file defines the ColorTransform class |
ComposeBandsAction.h | This file defines the Compose Bands class |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the RP Qt Widget plugin |
ContrastAction.h | This file defines the Contrast class |
FilterAction.h | This file defines the Filter class |
FusionAction.h | This file defines the Fusion class |
MixtureModelAction.h | This file defines the mixture model class |
MosaicAction.h | This file defines the Mosaic class |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the RP Qt Plugin widget |
RasterizationAction.h | |
RegisterAction.h | This file defines the register action class |
SegmenterAction.h | This file defines the Segmenter class |
VectorizationAction.h | |
► sa | |
AbstractAction.h | This file defines the abstract class AbstractAction |
BayesGlobalAction.h | This file defines the concrete class for BayesGlobal Action |
BayesLocalAction.h | This file defines the concrete class for BayesLocal Action |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the SA Qt Widget plugin |
GeostatisticalMethodsAction.h | This file defines the concrete class for Geostatistical Methods Action |
KernelMapAction.h | This file defines the concrete class for KernelMap Action |
KernelRatioAction.h | This file defines the concrete class for KernelRatio Action |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the SA Qt Plugin widget |
ProximityMatrixCreatorAction.h | This file defines the concrete class for ProximityMatrixCreator Action |
SamplePointsGeneratorAction.h | This file defines the concrete class for SamplePointsGenerator Action |
SkaterAction.h | This file defines the concrete class for Skater Action |
SpatialStatisticsAction.h | This file defines the concrete class for SpatialStatistics Action |
► st | |
AbstractAction.h | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the ST Qt Widget plugin |
ObservationAction.h | |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the ST Qt Plugin widget |
STItemDelegate.h | |
TimeSeriesAction.h | This file defines the TimeSeriers Action class |
TimeSliderWidgetAction.h | This file defines the TimeSliderWidgetAction class |
TrajectoryAction.h | This file defines the Trajectory Action class |
► vp | |
AbstractAction.h | This file defines the abstract class AbstractAction |
AggregationAction.h | This file defines the Aggregation class |
BufferAction.h | This file defines the Buffer class |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the VP Qt Widget plugin |
GeometricOpAction.h | |
IntersectionAction.h | This file defines the Intersection class |
LineToPolygonAction.h | This file defines the LineToPolygon class |
MultipartToSinglepartAction.h | This file defines the Aggregation class |
Plugin.h | Plugin implementation for the VP Qt Plugin widget |
PolygonToLineAction.h | This file defines the PolygonToLine class |
SummarizationAction.h | This file defines the Summarization class |
TransformationAction.h | This file defines the Transformation class |
► widgets | |
► canvas | |
Canvas.h | A canvas built on top of Qt |
DrawLayerThread.h | This class represents a thread responsible to draw a given layer. Basically, this class receives draw layer requests and generates a QImage as result |
EyeBirdMapDisplayWidget.h | This file has the EyeBirdMapDisplayWidget class |
MapDisplay.h | A Qt4 widget to control the display of a set of layers |
MultiThreadMapDisplay.h | A multi thread Qt4 widget to control the display of a set of layers |
OverlayDialog.h | This file defines a class for a Overlay Dialog |
OverlayWidget.h | This file has the OverlayWidget class |
ZoomInMapDisplayWidget.h | This file has the ZoomInMapDisplayWidget class |
► charts | |
ChartConfigurer.h | A Symbology Enconding visitor that configures a given chart based on symbolizer elements |
ChartDisplay.h | A class to represent a chart display |
ChartDisplayWidget.h | A widget used to display a set of charts |
ChartLayerDialog.h | A dialog used to build a chart |
ChartLayerWidget.h | A widget used to build a chart |
ChartProperties.h | A dialog used to customize a graphic's parameters, weather it is about it's data or it's visual style |
ChartRenderer.h | A concrete chart renderer based on Qt4 |
ChartStyle.h | A class used to define a chartDisplay's style |
ChartStyleFrame.h | |
ChartStyleFrameFactory.h | A factory to build the Chart frame object |
ChartStyleWidget.h | |
ChartWidget.h | A base widget to be used on the chart settings |
ChartWidgetFactory.h | A factory to build widget objects |
Enums.h | |
Histogram.h | A class to represent a histogram |
HistogramChart.h | A class to represent a histogram chart |
HistogramDataWidget.h | A widget used to adjust a histogram's input data |
HistogramDialog.h | A dialog used to define the basic parameters of a new histogram |
HistogramFrame.h | A frame used to adjust a histogram's chart parameters, weather it is about it's data or it's visual style |
HistogramFrameFactory.h | A factory to build the histogram frame object |
HistogramStyle.h | A class used to define the style of a histogram's chart |
HistogramStyleWidget.h | |
HistogramUtils.h | This file contains a set of utility histogram functions |
MarkSymbol.h | This file contains a class that specialize the QwtSymbol to draw a Terralib Mark |
Scatter.h | A class to represent a scatter |
ScatterChart.h | A class to represent a scatter's chart |
ScatterDataWidget.h | |
ScatterDialog.h | |
ScatterFrame.h | A frame used to adjust a histogram's chart parameters, weather it is about it's data or it's visual style |
ScatterFrameFactory.h | A factory to build the scatter frame object |
ScatterStyle.h | |
ScatterStyleWidget.h | |
ScatterUtils.h | This file contains a set of utility scatter functions |
StringScaleDraw.h | A class to represent a set of labels to be used on a histogram's chart |
TimeSeriesChart.h | A class to represent a timeSeries' chart |
TimeSeriesDataWidget.h | A widget used to adjust a timeSeries' input data |
TimeSeriesDialog.h | A dialog used to define the basic parameters of a new timeSeries |
TimeSeriesFrame.h | A frame used to adjust a histogram's chart parameters, weather it is about it's data or it's visual style |
TimeSeriesFrameFactory.h | A factory to build the timeSeries frame object |
TimeSeriesStyle.h | A class used to define the style of a TimeSeries's chart |
TimeSeriesStyleWidget.h | |
Utils.h | This file contains a set of utility chart functions |
► classification | |
ROIManagerDialog.h | This file has the ROIManagerDialog class |
ROIManagerWidget.h | This file has the ROIManagerWidget class |
► colorbar | |
ColorBar.h | |
ColorCatalogWidget.h | .. |
► dataset | |
► explorer | |
DataSetCategoryModel.h | ???? |
DataSetExplorer.h | A widget designed to explore the datasets of a data source |
DataSetTreeModel.h | A simple model for datasets belonging to a data source |
DataSetTreeView.h | A tree view for datasets of a data source |
► selector | |
DataSetSelectorDialog.h | ... |
DataSetSelectorWidget.h | A wizard for selecting datasets from a data source |
DataSetSelectorWizardPage.h | .. |
► datasource | |
► connector | |
AbstractDataSourceConnector.h | A base class for widgets that allows application to create, edit or remove data sources |
DataSourceConnectorManager.h | A widget that groups datasource identificatin and connection information |
► core | |
DataSourceType.h | |
DataSourceTypeManager.h | |
► explorer | |
AbstractDataSourceTreeItem.h | A class that represents an item from a DataSourceTreeModel |
CheckConstraintItem.h | A class that represents a check-constraint in a TreeModel |
ConstraintsItem.h | |
DataSetCategoryGroupItem.h | A class used to group a set of dataset items in a DataSourceTreeModel |
DataSetCategoryItem.h | A class used to group a set of dataset items in a DataSourceTreeModel |
DataSetGroupItem.h | A class used to group a set of dataset items in a DataSourceTreeModel |
DataSetItem.h | A class that represents a dataset in a TreeModel |
DataSourceExplorer.h | A widget designed to explore the data sources of an application |
DataSourceItem.h | A class that represents a data source in a DataSourceTreeModel |
DataSourceToolBox.h | A tool box to help explorer data sources |
DataSourceTreeModel.h | ???? |
DataSourceTreeView.h | A tree view for the data sources of an application |
ForeignKeyItem.h | A class that represents a foreign key in a TreeModel |
IndexGroupItem.h | A class used to group a set of indexes from a dataset in a TreeModel |
IndexItem.h | A class that represents an index in a TreeModel |
PrimaryKeyItem.h | A class that represents a primary key in a TreeModel |
PropertyGroupItem.h | A class used to group a set of properties from a dataset in a TreeModel |
PropertyItem.h | A class that represents a dataset in a TreeModel |
UniqueKeyItem.h | A class that represents a unique key in a TreeModel |
► selector | |
DataSourceExplorerDialog.h | A dialog for selecting a data source |
DataSourceSelectorDialog.h | A dialog for selecting a data source |
DataSourceSelectorWidget.h | A dialog for selecting a data source |
DataSourceSelectorWizardPage.h | .. |
► exchanger | |
DataExchangerWizard.h | |
DataExchangeStatus.h | |
DataExchangeSummaryWizardPage.h | |
DataSetOptionsWizardPage.h | |
DirectExchangerDialog.h | A direct exchanger dialog for ADO, POSTGIS and SHP data sources |
PostGIS2SHPDialog.h | A exchanger dialog from PostGis to SHP operation |
SHP2ADODialog.h | A exchanger dialog from SHP to ADO operation |
SHP2PostGISDialog.h | A exchanger dialog from SHP to PostGis operation |
► externalTable | |
DataPropertiesDialog.h | A dialog used to configure the properties of a new textual file based layer |
DataPropertiesWidget.h | A class used to configure the properties of a new textual file based layer |
FieldsDialog.h | |
TableLinkDialog.h | |
► help | |
AssistantHelpManagerImpl.h | An implementation of HelpManager that uses QAssistant to show help files |
HelpManager.h | A singleton that contains a pointer to a help manager implementation |
HelpManagerImpl.h | An interface for a help manager implementation |
HelpPushButton.h | A specialized button that uses terralib help managers |
HelpToolButton.h | A specialized tool button that uses terralib help managers |
► layer | |
► explorer | |
ChartItem.h | A class that represents a chart of a layer in a LayerTreeModel |
ChartSliceItem.h | A class that represents a chart slice in a LayerItemModel |
ColorMapItem.h | A class that represents a color map of rastersymbolizer of a layer in a LayerItemModel |
ColorMapSliceItem.h | A class that represents a slice of a ColorMapItem |
FolderItem.h | Defines a folder item, just containing LayerItem |
GroupingItem.h | A class that represents a grouping of a layer in a LayerTreeModel |
LayerItem.h | Defines a layer item |
LayerItemModel.h | Defines a layer item model for Qt5 |
LayerItemView.h | Defines a layer item view for Qt5 |
LayerViewDelegate.h | A class for rendering icons for layer and folder itens |
LayerViewMenuManager.h | Class for manage the menus of the LayerItemView |
LegendItem.h | Defines a legend item |
RasterLayerDelegate.h | |
ThemeViewDelegate.h | |
TreeItem.h | Defines an hierarquical structure |
TreeItemFactory.h | A class for building layer items |
► info | |
LayerPropertiesInfo.h | |
LayerPropertiesInfoWidget.h | |
► search | |
LayerSearchDialog.h | |
LayerSearchWidget.h | This file defines the LayerSearchWidget class |
LayerSearchWizardPage.h | This file defines the LayerSearchWizardPage class |
LayerSelectorWidget.h | This file has the LayerSelectorWidget class |
► selector | |
AbstractLayerSelector.h | An abstract class for layer selection widgets |
DataSetLayerSelector.h | A simple widget that allows the selection of datasets from a given data source |
HiddenDataSetLayerSelector.h | |
► utils | |
CompositionModeDialog.h | This file defines a class for a CompositionModeDialog |
CompositionModeMenuWidget.h | This file defines a class for a CompositionModeMenuWidget |
CreateLayerDialog.h | This interface is used to create new layer operation |
CreateLayerWidget.h | This interface is used to create new layer operation |
DataSet2Layer.h | ... |
SaveSelectedObjectsDialog.h | This interface is used to create a new layer based on a layer with selected objects |
SaveSelectedObjectsWidget.h | This interface is used to create a new layer based on a layer with selected objects |
Legend.h | It provides an implementation for generating a legend for a layer |
► mapdisplay | |
DataSetDisplay.h | |
► plugin | |
► builder | |
PluginBuilderWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to create new plugins based on TerraLib framework |
PluginCMakeWriter.h | This class is used to create the cmake file for the new plugin builded |
PluginSourceWriter.h | This class is used to create the source files for the new plugin builded |
► manager | |
PluginManagerDialog.h | A Qt dialog for plugin management |
PluginsModel.h | |
► progress | |
CreateProgressWidgetItemEvent.h | The CreateProgressWidgetItemEvent is a custom event used to create a progress widget item |
ProgressResetEvent.h | The ProgressResetEvent is a custom event used to reset a progress bar |
ProgressSetMessageEvent.h | A custom event used to set a new message into a progress bar |
ProgressSetValueEvent.h | The ProgressSetValueEvent is a custom event used to set a new value into a progress bar |
ProgressViewerBar.h | A class that defines the interface of a qt bar progress viewer |
ProgressViewerDialog.h | A progress dialog |
ProgressViewerWidget.h | A class that defines the interface of a qt widget to group a set of ProgressWidgetItem |
ProgressWidgetItem.h | Custom widget used to represent a single task |
RemoveProgressWidgetItemEvent.h | The RemoveProgressWidgetItemEvent is a custom event used to remove a progress widget item |
► property | |
ConstraintsIndexesListWidget.h | This file has the ConstraintsIndexesListWidget class |
ConstraintsIndexesPropertyDialog.h | A class used to define a constraint or index property creator |
ConstraintWidget.h | This file has the ConstraintWidget class |
DataSetAdapterWidget.h | A class used to define the DataSetAdapterWidget class |
DateTimePropertyWidget.h | Defines the DateTimePropertyWidget class |
DateTimePropertyWidgetFactory.h | |
GeometryPropertyWidget.h | Defines the GeometryPropertyWidget class |
GeometryPropertyWidgetFactory.h | |
IndexWidget.h | This file has the IndexWidget class |
NewPropertyDialog.h | A class used to define the NewPropertyDialog class |
NewPropertyWidget.h | A class used to define the NewPropertyWidget class |
NumericPropertyWidget.h | Defines the NumericPropertyWidget class |
NumericPropertyWidgetFactory.h | |
PrimaryKeyConstraintWidget.h | This file has the PrimaryKeyConstraintWidget class |
PropertyConverterDialog.h | A class used to define the PropertyConverterDialog class |
SimplePropertyWidget.h | A base widget for simple properties |
SimplePropertyWidgetFactory.h | |
StringPropertyWidget.h | Defines the StringPropertyWidget class |
StringPropertyWidgetFactory.h | |
UniquekeyConstraintWidget.h | |
► propertybrowser | |
AbstractPropertyItem.h | |
AbstractPropertyManager.h | |
► query | |
DataSetWidget.h | This file has the DataSetWidget class |
DataSetWizardPage.h | This file has the DataSetWizardPage class |
FieldsWizardPage.h | This file has the FieldsWizardPage class |
GroupByWizardPage.h | This file has the GroupByWizardPage class |
LayerAttributesWizardPage.h | This file has the LayerAttributesWizardPage class |
OrderByWidget.h | This file has the OrderByWidget class |
OrderByWizardPage.h | This file has the OrderByWizardPage class |
QueryBuilderWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to create query builder based on TerraLib query framework |
QueryDataSourceDialog.h | This file defines a class for a Query DataSource Dialog Dialog |
QueryDialog.h | This file defines a class for a Query Dialog Dialog |
QueryLayerBuilderWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to create query builder based on TerraLib query framework |
WhereClauseWidget.h | This file has the DataSetWidget class |
WhereClauseWizardPage.h | This file has the WhereClauseWizardPage class |
► raster | |
MultiResolutionDialog.h | A dialog to create multi resolution over a raster |
MultiResolutionWidget.h | A widget to create multi resolution over a raster |
RasterInfoDialog.h | This file defines a class for a RasterInfoDialog |
RasterInfoWidget.h | This file has the RasterInfoWidget class |
► rp | |
ArithmeticOpWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run a arithmeticOp operation defined by RP module |
ArithmeticOpWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a ArithmeticOp Wizard page |
ClassifierDialog.h | A dialog used to execute image classification |
ClassifierWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run a classifier operation defined by RP module |
ClassifierWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a Classifier Wizard page |
ClippingWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run a clipping operation defined by RP module |
ClippingWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a Clipping Wizard page |
ColorTransformWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run a colorTransform operation defined by RP module |
ColorTransformWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a ColorTransform Wizard page |
ComposeBandsWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to compose or decompose bands |
ComposeBandsWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a Compose / Decompose Bands Wizard page |
ContrastDialog.h | A dialog used to execute image contrast enhencement |
ContrastWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run a contrast operation defined by RP module |
ContrastWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a Contrast Wizard page |
FilterWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run a filter operation defined by RP module |
FilterWizardPage.h | This file has the FilterWizardPage class |
FusionWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run a fusion operation defined by RP module |
FusionWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a Fusion Wizard page |
MaskDialog.h | This file defines a class for a MaskDialog |
MixtureModelDialog.h | A dialog used to execute mixture model decomposition |
MixtureModelWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run a mixture model operation defined by RP module |
MixtureModelWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a MixtureModel Wizard page |
MosaicWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run a mosaic operation defined by RP module |
MosaicWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a Mosaic Wizard page |
OutputRasterParametersWidget.h | This file has the OutputRasterParametersWidget class |
RasterHistogramDialog.h | This file defines a class for a RasterHistogram Dialog |
RasterHistogramWidget.h | This file has the RasterHistogramWidget class |
RasterInfoWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a Raster Info Wizard page |
RasterizationWizard.h | |
RasterizationWizardPage.h | |
RasterNavigatorDialog.h | This file defines a class for a Raster Navigator Dialog |
RasterNavigatorWidget.h | This file has the RasterNavigatorWidget class |
RasterNavigatorWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a Raster Navigator Wizard page |
RegisterWizard.h | This file defines the RegisterWizard class |
SegmenterAdvancedOptionsWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a Segmenter Advanced Options Wizard page |
SegmenterDialog.h | A dialog used to execute image segmentation |
SegmenterWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run a segmenter operation defined by RP module |
SegmenterWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for a Segmenter Wizard page |
TiePointLocatorDialog.h | |
TiePointLocatorParametersWidget.h | This file has the TiePointLocatorParametersWidget class |
TiePointLocatorWidget.h | This file has the TiePointLocatorWidget class |
TiePointsLocatorAdvancedDialog.h | A dialog used to execute tie points location advanced options |
TiePointsLocatorDialog.h | A dialog used to execute tie points location |
Utils.h | Utility functions for the qt widgets rp Module |
VectorizationWizard.h | |
VectorizationWizardPage.h | |
► se | |
AbstractFillWidget.h | Abstract class that represents a widget that can be used to build a fill element |
AbstractFillWidgetFactory.h | The abstract factory of widgets used to configure Symbology Enconding Fill element |
AbstractGraphicWidget.h | Abstract class that represents a widget that can be used to build a graphic element |
AbstractGraphicWidgetFactory.h | The abstract factory of widgets used to configure Symbology Enconding Graphic element |
BasicFillDialog.h | A dialog used to build a basic fill element |
BasicFillPropertyItem.h | A widget used to define the basic fill se object |
BasicFillWidget.h | A widget used to build a basic fill element |
BasicFillWidgetFactory.h | A concrete factory that builds a fill widget used to configure a basic fill element |
BasicStrokeDialog.h | A dialog used to build a basic stroke element |
BasicStrokePropertyItem.h | A widget used to define the basic fill se object |
BasicStrokeWidget.h | A widget used to build a basic stroke element |
ChannelSelectionWidget.h | A widget used to build |
CharMapWidget.h | A widget used to show the set of characters of a specified font |
ColorMapWidget.h | A widget used to build |
ContrastEnhancementWidget.h | A widget used to build ContrastEnhancement element |
ExternalGraphicRenderer.h | A concrete renderer based on Qt4 for conversion of Symbology Enconding External Graphic elements to an image pattern |
GlyphGraphicWidget.h | A widget used to build a graphic associate with a glyph mark element |
GlyphGraphicWidgetFactory.h | A concrete factory that builds a graphic widget used to configure a graphic associate with a glyph mark element |
GlyphMarkDialog.h | A dialog used to build a glyph mark element |
GlyphMarkPropertyItem.h | A widget used to define a glyph object |
GlyphMarkRenderer.h | A concrete renderer based on Qt4 for conversion of Symbology Enconding Mark elements to an image pattern |
GlyphMarkWidget.h | A widget used to build a mark element represented by a glyph |
GraphicDialog.h | A dialog used to build a graphic element |
GraphicFillWidget.h | A widget used to build a fill element associated with a graphic |
GraphicFillWidgetFactory.h | A concrete factory that builds a fill widget used to configure a fill element associated with a graphic |
GraphicProperty.h | |
GraphicPropertyItem.h | A widget used to define the general properties of a se object |
GraphicSelectorWidget.h | A widget used to select a graphic element |
GroupingDialog.h | A dialog used to build a grouping |
GroupingWidget.h | A widget used to build a grouping |
ImageOutlineWidget.h | A widget used to build Symbolizer element |
LineSymbolizerProperty.h | A widget used to define the line symbolizer properties, such as: |
LineSymbolizerWidget.h | A widget used to build a line symbolizer element |
LocalGraphicWidget.h | A widget used to build a graphic associated with an external graphic element that references a local image. e.g. a SVG file, a PNG file, etc |
LocalGraphicWidgetFactory.h | A concrete factory that builds a graphic widget used to configure a graphic associate with an external graphic element that references a local image. e.g. a SVG file, a PNG file, etc |
LocalImagePropertyItem.h | A widget used to define a local image graphic for a se symbolizer |
LocalImageWidget.h | A widget used to build an external graphic element that references a local image. e.g. a SVG file, a PNG file, etc |
OverlapBehaviorWidget.h | A widget used to build OverlapBehavior element |
PointSymbolizerProperty.h | A widget used to define the point symbolizer properties, such as: |
PointSymbolizerWidget.h | A widget used to build a point symbolizer element |
PolygonSymbolizerProperty.h | A widget used to define the polygon symbolizer properties, such as: |
PolygonSymbolizerWidget.h | A widget used to build a polygon symbolizer element |
RasterSymbolizerDialog.h | |
RasterSymbolizerWidget.h | A widget used to configure a Raster Symbolizer SE element |
RuleProperty.h | A widget used to define the rule properties, such as: |
ScalePropertyItem.h | A widget used to define the scale values |
SelectedChannelWidget.h | A widget used to build SelectedChannel element |
ShadedReliefWidget.h | A widget used to build |
StyleControllerWidget.h | A widget used to controll the style se element |
StyleDockWidget.h | A dock widget used control the geographic data style using SE elements and a property browser to show its properties |
StyleExplorer.h | A widget used to explore a style |
Symbol.h | This class represents a symbol |
SymbolEditorWidget.h | A widget used to edit symbols |
SymbolInfo.h | Information about a given Symbol |
SymbolInfoDialog.h | A dialog used to configure informations about a symbol |
SymbolLibrary.h | This class represents a library of symbols |
SymbolLibraryManager.h | The SymbolLibraryManager is a singleton that can be used to manage all loaded symbol libraries in TerraLib |
SymbologyPreview.h | Static class used to generate preview of Symbology elements |
SymbolPreviewWidget.h | A widget used to preview symbol elements |
SymbolSelectorDialog.h | A dialog used to select a specific symbol |
SymbolTableWidget.h | A widget used to preview a symbol as separated layers |
Utils.h | This file contains utility functions for dealing with Symbology Enconding and Qt concepts |
WellKnownGraphicWidget.h | A widget used to build a graphic associate with a well-known mark element |
WellKnownGraphicWidgetFactory.h | A concrete factory that builds a graphic widget used to configure a graphic associate with an one well-known mark element |
WellKnownMarkDialog.h | A dialog used to build a well known mark element |
WellKnownMarkPropertyItem.h | A widget used to define the mark se properties |
WellKnownMarkRenderer.h | A concrete renderer based on Qt4 for conversion of Symbology Enconding Mark elements to an image pattern |
WellKnownMarkWidget.h | A widget used to build a well known mark element |
► srs | |
SRSDialog.h | |
SRSManagerDialog.h | |
► st | |
Animation.h | This file defines a class for a Trajectory Animation |
AnimationItem.h | This file defines a class for a Animation Item |
AnimationScene.h | This file defines a class for a Animation Scene |
AnimationView.h | |
Eta5kmItem.h | This file defines a class for a Eta5kmItem |
GoesItem.h | |
HidroItem.h | |
ImageItem.h | This file defines a abstarct class for a Image Item |
ObservationPropertiesWidget.h | A widget used to adjust a Observation layer's properties |
ObservationPropertiesWizardPage.h | |
ObservationWizard.h | A wizard used to generate a new Observationlayer |
QtKnowItem.h | This file defines a class for image files knowed by QT |
SliderPropertiesDialog.h | |
TemporalPropertiesWidget.h | |
TimeSeriesPropertiesWidget.h | A widget used to adjust a time series layer's properties |
TimeSeriesPropertiesWizardPage.h | |
TimeSeriesWizard.h | |
TimeSliderWidget.h | |
TrajectoryItem.h | This file defines a class for a Trajectory Item |
TrajectoryPropertiesWidget.h | A widget used to adjust a Trajectory layer's properties |
TrajectoryPropertiesWizardPage.h | |
TrajectoryWizard.h | A wizard used to generate a new Trajectorylayer |
► table | |
AddColumnDialog.h | A Qt dialog for inserting columns into a table |
AlterDataDialog.h | A Qt dialog for reset data of a column in the table |
DataSetTableHorizontalHeader.h | |
DataSetTableModel.h | A model based on te::da::DataSet |
DataSetTableVerticalHeader.h | Defines a vertical header for a dataset table view |
DataSetTableView.h | A table view for a dataset |
HighlightDelegate.h | A delegate for highlight the selected object ids |
Promoter.h | Defines an mechanism for logical ordering of rows |
RenameColumnDialog.h | A Qt dialog for renaming columns into a table |
RetypeColumnDialog.h | |
► tools | |
AbstractTool.h | Abstract tool concept |
CoordTracking.h | This class implements a concrete tool to geographic coordinate tracking on mouse move operation |
ExtentAcquire.h | This class implements a concrete tool to define a boundary rectangle |
Info.h | This class implements a concrete tool to get informations about a specified feature using pointing operation |
Measure.h | This class implements a concrete tool to measure operation (distance, area, and angle) |
Pan.h | This class implements a concrete tool to geographic pan operation |
PanExtent.h | This class implements a concrete tool to pan a user defined extent |
PointPicker.h | This class implements a concrete tool to geographic coordinate picker on mouse click operation |
PolygonAcquire.h | This class implements a concrete tool to acquire a polygon geometry |
ReadPixelTool.h | An example of MapDisplay Tool. The only purpose of this tool is to show how you can implement a new tool. Do not consider it as a final application |
RubberBand.h | This is a utility class tool that provides a rectangle that can indicate a boundary |
Selection.h | This class implements a concrete tool to select layer features using an extent |
Zoom.h | This is a utility class to geographic zoom operation |
ZoomArea.h | This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom in operation using a boundary rectangle |
ZoomClick.h | This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom operation using the mouse click |
ZoomKeyboard.h | This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom operation using the keyboard |
ZoomLeftAndRightClick.h | This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom operation using the left and right mouse clicks |
ZoomWheel.h | This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom operation using the mouse wheel |
► utils | |
CentralizedCheckBoxDelegate.h | Just use a delegate to render checkboxes centralized on a view |
ColorPickerToolButton.h | Custom widget used to pick a color |
DoubleListWidget.h | .. |
FileChooser.h | Defines a component for choose a file |
HorizontalSliderWidget.h | .. |
ListWidget.h | .. |
ParameterDialog.h | A dialog to be used as input of key/value pairs |
ParameterTableWidget.h | .. |
ResourceChooser.h | Defines a component for choosing a file or directory |
ScopedCursor.h | An object that when created shows a cursor during its scope |
► vector | |
FixGeometryDialog.h | A dialog to fix geometries |
FixGeometryWidget.h | A widget to fix geometries |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib Qt Widgets |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Qt Widgets module |
Globals.h | |
InterfaceController.h | A virtual class for non modal interfaces |
Module.h | |
Utils.h | |
af.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib Qt Application Framework |
widgets.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib Qt widgets |
► raster | |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
Serializer.h | |
Band.h | It gives access to values in one band (dimension) of a raster |
BandIterator.h | It implements an iterator to "navigate" over a single band (const or not const) |
BandIteratorWindow.h | It implements and iterator to "navigate" over a single band, optimized by a window structure (e.g. 3x3, 5x5, etc). Examples include filters, moving windows, morphology, etc |
BandProperty.h | It describes one band (or dimension) of a raster |
BandSummary.h | A struct that can be used to keep the summary of a raster band (most statistics) |
BlockUtils.h | Utility functions for dealing with raster data blocks |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Raster module of TerraLib |
Enums.h | Enumerations for the Raster module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Raster module |
Grid.h | A rectified grid is the spatial support for raster data |
Interpolator.h | It interpolates one pixel based on a selected algorithm |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Raster module entry |
PositionIterator.h | |
ProxyRaster.h | A proxy class for bands of several rasters over the same region |
Raster.h | An abstract class for raster data strucutures |
RasterFactory.h | This is the abstract factory for Rasters |
RasterIterator.h | It implements and iterator to "navigate" over a raster, with a predefined number of bands |
RasterProperty.h | Raster property |
RasterSummary.h | RasterSummary is just a typedef of a boost::ptr_vector |
RasterSummaryManager.h | A singleton for keeping raster summaries (most statistics) |
RasterSynchronizer.h | An access synchronizer to be used in SynchronizedRaster raster instances |
Reprojection.h | It contains the algorithm to reproject raster data |
SynchronizedBand.h | Syncrhonized raster band |
SynchronizedBandBlocksManager.h | Synchronized raster raster band blocks manager |
SynchronizedRaster.h | An adapter class to allow concurrent access to raster data by multiple threads |
TileIndexer.h | Polygon tile indexing class for optmized geometrical relational tests |
Utils.h | Utility functions for the raster module |
Vectorizer.h | It implements the vectorizer, based on TerraLib 4 algorithm |
VectorizerPolygonStructure.h | A polygon container node class |
► rp | |
► radar | |
RadarFunctions.h | Radar Raster Processing functions |
AbstractFeeder.h | Abstract objects feeder |
Algorithm.h | Raster Processing algorithm base interface class |
AlgorithmInputParameters.h | Raster Processing algorithm input parameters base interface |
AlgorithmOutputParameters.h | Raster Processing algorithm output parameters base interface |
ArithmeticOperations.h | Performs arithmetic operation over raster data |
Blender.h | Blended pixel value calculation for two overlaped rasters |
Classifier.h | Raster classification |
ClassifierDummyStrategy.h | Dummy strategy (just for testing purposes) |
ClassifierEMStrategy.h | EM (Expectation-Maximization) strategy for pixel-based classification |
ClassifierISOSegStrategy.h | ISOSeg strategy for segmentation-based classification |
ClassifierKMeansStrategy.h | KMeans strategy for image classification |
ClassifierMAPStrategy.h | Maximum a posteriori probability strategy |
ClassifierSAMStrategy.h | Spectral Angle Mapper classification strategy |
ClassifierStrategy.h | Raster classifier strategy base class |
ClassifierStrategyFactory.h | Raster classifier strategy factory base class |
ClassifierStrategyParameters.h | Raster classifier strategy parameters base class |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Raster Processing module of TerraLib |
Contrast.h | Contrast enhancement |
Exception.h | Exception class |
FeedersRaster.h | Raster objects feeders |
Filter.h | A series of well-known filtering algorithms for images, linear and non-linear |
Functions.h | Raster Processing functions |
GeoMosaic.h | Create a mosaic from a set of geo-referenced rasters |
IHSFusion.h | Creation of skeleton imagems |
Macros.h | |
Matrix.h | Generic template matrix |
MixtureModel.h | Raster decomposition using mixture model |
MixtureModelLinearStrategy.h | Raster linear strategy for mixture model classification |
MixtureModelPCAStrategy.h | PCA (Principal Component Analysis) strategy for mixture model |
MixtureModelStrategy.h | Raster mixture model strategy base class |
MixtureModelStrategyFactory.h | Raster mixture model strategy factory base class |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Raster Processing module entry |
PCAFusion.h | Creation of skeleton imagems |
RasterAttributes.h | Extraction of attributes from Raster, Bands, and Polygons |
RasterHandler.h | Raster tuple |
Register.h | Performs raster data registering into a SRS using a set of tie points |
Segmenter.h | Raster segmentation |
SegmenterDummyStrategy.h | Dummy strategy (just for testing purposes) |
SegmenterIdsManager.h | Segments IDs manager |
SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzMerger.h | Segmenter Baatz merger used in region growing process |
SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy.h | Raster region growing segmenter Baatz strategy |
SegmenterRegionGrowingFunctions.h | |
SegmenterRegionGrowingMeanMerger.h | Segmenter mean merger used in region growing process |
SegmenterRegionGrowingMeanStrategy.h | Raster region growing segmenter Mean strategy |
SegmenterRegionGrowingMerger.h | Segmenter merger used in region growing process |
SegmenterRegionGrowingSegment.h | Region Growing segment |
SegmenterRegionGrowingSegmentsPool.h | Segments pool |
SegmenterSegmentsBlock.h | Segments block |
SegmenterStrategy.h | Raster segmenter strategy base class |
SegmenterStrategyFactory.h | Raster segmenter strategy factory base class |
SegmenterStrategyParameters.h | Raster segmenter strategy parameters base class |
SequenceMosaic.h | Create mosaics from a sequence of overlapped rasters using an automatic tie-points detection method |
Skeleton.h | Creation of skeleton imagems |
SpectralResponseFunctions.h | Spectral Response Functions |
StrategyParameters.h | Raster strategy parameters base class |
Texture.h | A structure to hold the set of GLCM metrics |
TiePointsLocator.h | TiePointsLocator locator |
TiePointsLocatorInputParameters.h | TiePointsLocator input parameters |
TiePointsLocatorMoravecStrategy.h | Tie-Pointsr locator Moravec strategy |
TiePointsLocatorStrategy.h | Tie-Pointsr locator strategy |
TiePointsLocatorStrategyFactory.h | Raster tie points locator strategy factory base class |
TiePointsLocatorStrategyParameters.h | Tie Points Locator strategy parameters |
TiePointsLocatorSURFStrategy.h | Tie-Pointsr locator SURF strategy |
TiePointsMosaic.h | Create a mosaic from a set of rasters using tie-points |
WisperFusion.h | WiSpeR fusion |
► sa | |
► core | |
BayesGlobalOperation.h | This file contains a class that represents the bayes global operation |
BayesLocalOperation.h | This file contains a class that represents the bayes global operation |
BayesParams.h | This file contains a class that represents the Bayes parameters |
GeneralizedProximityMatrix.h | This class defines the GPM class |
GeostatisticalFunctions.h | Auxiliary functions used to calculate the geostatistical methods |
GeostatisticalMethod.h | This file contains a virtual class that represents the geostatistical method |
GeostatisticalMethodSemivariogram.h | This file contains a class that represents the geostatistical semivariogram method |
GeostatisticalModel.h | This file contains a virtual class that represents the geostatistical model |
GeostatisticalModelExponential.h | This file contains a class that represents the geostatistical exponential model |
GeostatisticalModelGaussian.h | This file contains a class that represents the geostatistical gaussian model |
GeostatisticalModelSpherical.h | This file contains a class that represents the geostatistical spherical model |
GPMBuilder.h | This class defines the GPM Builder class |
GPMConstructorAbstractStrategy.h | This class defines a an Abstract class for a GPM constructor |
GPMConstructorAdjacencyStrategy.h | This class defines a an adjacency strategy class for a GPM constructor |
GPMConstructorDistanceStrategy.h | This class defines a an distance strategy class for a GPM constructor |
GPMConstructorNearestNeighborStrategy.h | This class defines a nearest neighbor strategy class for a GPM constructor |
GPMWeightsAbstractStrategy.h | This class defines a an Abstract class to calculates a weight for a GPM |
GPMWeightsInverseDistanceStrategy.h | This class defines a class to calculates a weight for a GPM using Inverse Distance strategy |
GPMWeightsNoWeightsStrategy.h | This class defines a class to calculates a weight for a GPM using No Weights strategy |
GPMWeightsSquaredInverseDistanceStrategy.h | This class defines a class to calculates a weight for a GPM using Squared Inverse Distance strategy |
KernelFunctions.h | This file contains a functions used by the kernel operation |
KernelMapOperation.h | This file contains a class that represents the kernel map operation |
KernelOperation.h | This file contains a class that represents the kernel operation |
KernelParams.h | This file contains a class that represents the kernel parameters |
KernelRatioOperation.h | This file contains a class that represents the kernel ratio operation |
MinimumSpanningTree.h | This file contains a class that represents the Minimum Spanning Tree operation |
SamplePointsGeneratorAbstract.h | This file contains a virtual class to generate samples points |
SamplePointsGeneratorRandom.h | This file contains a class to generate samples points using random strategy |
SamplePointsGeneratorStratified.h | This file contains a class to generate samples points using stratified strategy |
SkaterOperation.h | This file contains a class that represents the skater operation |
SkaterParams.h | This file contains a class that represents the skater parameters |
SkaterPartition.h | This file contains a class that represents the skater partition operation |
SpatialStatisticsFunctions.h | Functions used to calculate spatial statistics operations |
SpatialWeightsExchanger.h | This class defines functions used to load and save gpm's using GAL and GWT formats, both formats use a ' ' as separator |
StatisticsFunctions.h | Functions used in statistics operations |
Utils.h | Utilitary function for spatial analysis module |
► qt | |
BayesGlobalDialog.h | A dialog to calculate the global empirical bayes of a dataset |
BayesLocalDialog.h | A dialog to calculate the local empirical bayes of a dataset |
GeostatisticalMethodsDialog.h | A dialog with geostatistical methods to measure the spatial variability of attribute of a dataset |
KernelMapDialog.h | A dialog to calculate the kernel map of a dataset |
KernelRatioDialog.h | A dialog to calculate the kernel ratio of a datasets |
ProximityMatrixCreatorDialog.h | A dialog for Proximity Matrix Creation |
SamplePointsGeneratorDialog.h | A dialog to generate sample points inside an area of a dataset |
SkaterDialog.h | A dialog for Spatial 'K'luster Analysis by Tree Edge Removal |
SpatialStatisticsDialog.h | A dialog to calculate spatial statistics from a attribute of a dataset |
Utils.h | Utilitary interface function for spatial analysis module |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Terrralib Spatial Analysis module |
Enums.h | Enumerations related to Spatial Analysis module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Spatial Analysis module |
Module.h | |
► sam | |
► kdtree | |
Index.h | A class that represents a two dimensional K-d Tree (2-d Tree) |
Node.h | A class that represents an Kd-tree node |
Partition.h | Partition algorithms |
► rtree | |
Branch.h | A struct that represents a node-branch in an R-tree |
Index.h | |
Node.h | |
PartitionVars.h | |
kdtree.h | This file contains include headers for the K-d Tree Spatial Access Method |
rtree.h | This file contains include headers for the Rtree Spatial Access Method |
► se | |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
Style.h | Auxiliary classes and functions to serialize style informations from a XML document |
Symbolizer.h | Auxiliary classes and functions to serialize Symbolizer informations from a XML document |
SymbologySerializer.h | Data serialization for the Symbology Encoder module |
Utils.h | Utility methods for the Symbology serialization |
AnchorPoint.h | An AnchorPoint identifies the location inside of a text label to use an 'anchor' for positioning it relative to a point geometry |
Categorize.h | The transformation of continuous values to distinct values (Categorize function) |
ChangeCase.h | Changes the case of strings (String formatting functions) |
ChannelSelection.h | ChannelSelection specifies the false-color channel selection for a multi-spectral raster source (such as a multi-band satellite-imagery source) |
ColorMap.h | A ColorMap defines either the colors of a pallette-type raster source or the mapping of numeric pixel values to colors |
Concatenate.h | Concatenates strings (String formatting functions) |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Symbology Encoding support of TerraLib |
ContrastEnhancement.h | ContrastEnhancement defines the 'stretching' of contrast for a channel of a false-color image or for a whole grey/color image |
CoverageStyle.h | The CoverageStyle defines the styling that is to be applied to a subset of Coverage data |
Description.h | A Description gives human-readable descriptive information for the object it is included within |
Displacement.h | A Displacement gives X and Y offset displacements to use for rendering a text label, graphic or other Symbolizer near a point |
Enums.h | Enumerations related to Symbology Enconding module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Symbology module |
ExternalGraphic.h | The ExternalGraphic allows a reference to be made to an external graphic file with a Web URL or to in-line content |
FeatureTypeStyle.h | The FeatureTypeStyle defines the styling that is to be applied to a dataset that can be viewed as a feature type |
Fill.h | A Fill specifies the pattern for filling an area geometry |
Font.h | A Font specifies the text font to use in a text symbolizer |
FormatDate.h | Date formatting function |
FormatNumber.h | Numeric formatting function |
Function.h | Symbology Encoding functions |
Graphic.h | A Graphic is a graphic symbol with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size |
GraphicStroke.h | A GraphicStroke defines a repeated-linear graphic pattern to be used for stroking a line |
Halo.h | A Halo is a type of Fill that is applied to the backgrounds of font glyphs |
ImageOutline.h | ImageOutline specifies how individual source rasters in a multi-raster set (such as a set of satellite-image scenes) should be outlined to make the individual-image locations visible |
InlineContent.h | InlineContent is XML or base64 encoded content in some externally-defined format that is included in an SE in-line |
Interpolate.h | The transformation of continuous values to a number of values (Interpolate function) |
InterpolationPoint.h | They are used to define a graph of points |
LabelPlacement.h | The LabelPlacement specifies where and how a text label should be rendered relative to a geometry |
LinePlacement.h | A LinePlacement specifies how a text label should be rendered relative to a linear geometry |
LineSymbolizer.h | A LineSymbolizer is used to style a stroke along a linear geometry type, such as a string of line segments |
MapItem.h | |
Mark.h | A Mark specifies a geometric shape and applies coloring to it |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib Symbology Encoding module entry |
ParameterValue.h | The ParameterValueType uses WFS-Filter expressions to give values for SE graphic parameters |
PointPlacement.h | A PointPlacement specifies how a text label should be rendered relative to a geometric point |
PointSymbolizer.h | A PointSymbolizer specifies the rendering of a graphic Symbolizer at a point |
PolygonSymbolizer.h | A PolygonSymbolizer is used to draw a polygon (or other area-type geometries), including filling its interior and stroking its border (outline) |
RasterSymbolizer.h | The RasterSymbolizer describes how to render raster/matrix-coverage data (e.g., satellite photos, DEMs) |
Recode.h | Transformation of discrete values to other values |
Rule.h | A Rule is used to attach property/scale conditions to and group the individual symbols used for rendering |
SelectedChannel.h | A selected channel to be display |
ShadedRelief.h | ShadedRelief specifies the application of relief shading (or "hill shading") to a DEM raster to give it somewhat of a three-dimensional effect and to make elevation changes more visible |
StringLength.h | Returns length of string (String formatting functions) |
StringPosition.h | It returns the position of first occurence of a substring (String formatting functions) |
Stroke.h | A Stroke specifies the appearance of a linear geometry |
Style.h | The Style defines the styling that is to be applied to a geographic dataset (vector geometries or coverage) |
Substring.h | It returns the substring (String formatting functions) |
SvgParameter.h | A SvgParameter refers to an SVG/CSS graphical-formatting parameter |
Symbolizer.h | A Symbolizer describes how a Feature is to appear on a map |
SymbolizerColorFinder.h | A Symbology Enconding visitor that finds a color given a symbolizer |
SymbologyManager.h | The SymbologyManager is a singleton that can be used to manage all loaded symbols in TerraLib |
TextSymbolizer.h | A TextSymbolizer is used to render text labels according to various graphical parameters |
Trim.h | Strips off chars from a string value (String formatting functions) |
Utils.h | Utility functions for Symbology Enconding module |
Visitor.h | A visitor interface for the SymbologyEncoding hierarchy |
► sqlite | |
BatchExecutor.h | Implementation of the BatchExecutor class for the TerraLib SQLite Data Access driver |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the SQLite Data Access driver |
DataSource.h | Implements the DataSource class for the SQLite Data Access Driver |
DataSourceCatalogLoader.h | DataSourceCatalogLoader manages metadata information for the TerraLib SQLite Data Access Driver |
DataSourceFactory.h | This is the factory for SQLite data sources |
DataSourceTransactor.h | An implementation of DataSourceTransactor class for the TerraLib SQLite Data Access Driver |
EWKBReader.h | An utility class for reading a SpatiaLite EWKB geometry |
EWKBSize.h | A class that helps to determine the size of a SpatiaLite geometry |
EWKBWriter.h | A class that serializes a geometry to the SpatiaLite EWKB format |
FwDataSet.h | Implementation of a forward-only dataset for the TerraLib SQLite Data Access driver |
Globals.h | |
Module.h | The TerraLib SQLite Data Access driver implements the plugin interface |
PreparedQuery.h | A class that implements a prepared query for the TerraLib SQLite Data Access Driver |
SQLVisitor.h | A visitor for building an SQL statement using SQLite dialect |
Utils.h | Utility functions for the TerraLib SQLite Data Access driver |
► srs | |
Config.h | |
Converter.h | This file contains the support to convert coordinates from a SRS to another |
Datum.h | This file contains the support to represent a geodetic datum |
Ellipsoid.h | This file contains the structs necessary to model an Ellipsoid |
Exception.h | An exception class for the SRS module |
GeographicCoordinateSystem.h | This file contains the structs necessary to represent a GeographicCoordinateSystem |
Module.h | |
ProjectedCoordinateSystem.h | This file contains the structs necessary to represent a ProjectedCoordinateSystem |
SpatialReferenceSystem.h | This file contains the structs necessary to represent a Spatial Reference System |
SpatialReferenceSystemManager.h | A class to manage Coordinate Systems representations |
WKTActions.h | |
WKTParser.h | |
WKTReader.h | |
► st | |
► core | |
► coverage | |
Coverage.h | This file contains an abstract class to represent a coverage |
CoverageDataSetInfo.h | This file contains an abstract class called CoverageDataSetInfo |
CoverageSeries.h | This file contains a class to represent a coverage series |
CoverageSeriesDataSetInfo.h | This file contains a class to represent a coverage series data set info |
CoverageSeriesIterator.h | This file contains an iterator that is able to traverse all observations of a coverage series |
CoverageSeriesObservation.h | This file contains a class to represent a CoverageSeries observation |
PointCoverage.h | This file contains a concrete class to represent a point coverage |
PointCoverageDataSetInfo.h | This file contains a class called PointCoverageDataSetInfo |
PointCoverageIterator.h | This file contains an iterator that is able to traverse all observations of a point coverage |
PointCoverageObservation.h | This file contains a class to represent an observation of a PointCoverage |
RasterCoverage.h | This file contains a concrete class to represent a raster coverage |
RasterCoverageDataSetInfo.h | This file contains a class called RasterCoverageDataSetInfo |
► event | |
Event.h | |
Object.h | This file contains a class to represent an object |
► interpolator | |
AbstractCoverageSeriesInterp.h | This file contains an abstract class for interpolation function or interpolator that estimate coverages at non-observed times of a CoverageSeries |
AbstractPointCoverageInterp.h | This file contains an abstract class for interpolation function or interpolator that estimate values at non-observaved location within a PointCoverage |
AbstractTimeSeriesInterp.h | This file contains an abstract class for interpolation functions or interpolators that estimate values at non-observaved times of a time series |
AbstractTrajectoryInterp.h | This file contains an abstract class for interpolation function or interpolator that estimate geometries at non-observed times of a trajectory |
IDWInterpolator.h | This file contains an inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolationan function for PointCoverage |
NearestCoverageAtTimeInterp.h | This file contains an interpolation function that returns the nearest coverage at time |
NearestGeometryAtTimeInterp.h | This file contains an interpolation function that estimates the nearest geometry at time of a trajectory |
NearestValueAtTimeInterp.h | |
► observation | |
Observation.h | |
ObservationDataSet.h | This file contains a class to represent an observation data set |
ObservationDataSetInfo.h | This file contains a class called ObservationDataSetInfo |
ObservationDataSetType.h | This file contains a class called ObservationDataSetType |
► timeseries | |
TimeSeries.h | This file contains a class to represent a time series |
TimeSeriesDataSet.h | This file contains a class to represent a time series data set |
TimeSeriesDataSetInfo.h | This file contains a class called TimeSeriesDataSetInfo |
TimeSeriesIterator.h | This file contains a time series iterator |
TimeSeriesObservation.h | This file contains a class to represent a time series observation |
► trajectory | |
Trajectory.h | This file contains a class to represent a trajectory |
TrajectoryDataSet.h | This file contains a class to represent a trajectory data set |
TrajectoryDataSetInfo.h | This file contains a class called TrajectoryDataSetInfo |
TrajectoryIterator.h | This file contains a trajetory iterator |
TrajectoryObservation.h | This file contains a typedef that defines observations of trajectory |
► loader | |
STDataLoader.h | This file contains a class that contains a set of static methods to load spatiotemporal data from data sources |
STDataLoaderFromDS.h | This file contains a class responsible for loading spatiotemporal data from a DataSource using query capabilities |
STDataLoaderFromDSFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for a STDataSourceLoaderFromDS |
STDataLoaderFromMemDS.h | This file contains a class responsible for loading spatiotemporal data from a ST in-memory DataSource which contains an internal chache of in-memory DataSets indexed by space and time |
STDataLoaderFromMemDSFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for a STDataLoaderFromMemDS |
STDataLoaderImpl.h | This file contains an abstract class responsible for loading spatiotemporal data from data sources |
STDataLoaderImplFactory.h | This is the abstract factory for STDataLoaderImpl |
► maptools | |
AbstractSTDataSetLayer.h | This file has the AbstractSTDataSetLayer class that provides an abstract interface for layers that contains a DataSet with spatiotemporal data |
ObservationDataSetLayer.h | A layer with a reference to an ObservationDataSet |
TimeSeriesDataSetLayer.h | A layer with a reference to an TimeSeriesDataSet |
TrajectoryDataSetLayer.h | A layer with a reference to an TrajectoryDataSet |
Config.h | |
Enums.h | General enumerations for the st module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the ST module |
Globals.h | A static class with global definitions for the TerraLib ST driver |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib ST module entry |
Utils.h | |
► statistics | |
► core | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Terrralib Statistic module |
Enums.h | Enumerations related to Vector Processing module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the statistical module |
Module.h | |
NumericStatisticalSummary.h | |
StringStatisticalSummary.h | |
SummaryFunctions.h | A set of functions to calculate the statistic summary from a set of values |
Utils.h | Utility functions for Statistics |
► qt | |
StatisticsDialog.h | A dialog statistics |
► stmemory | |
Config.h | |
DataSet.h | Implementation of an in-memory data set that contains spatiotemporal observations indexed by time and space |
DataSource.h | Implements a DataSource that contains st memory DataSets indexed by space and time |
DataSourceFactory.h | This is the data source concrete factory for the ST in-memory driver |
Exception.h | An exception class for the TerraLib ST memory driver |
Globals.h | A static class with global definitions for the TerraLib ST In-memory driver |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib st memory module entry. This module is a driver for in-memory spatiotemporal data |
Transactor.h | An implementation of DataSourceTransactor class for the ST In-memory driver |
► terralib4 | |
Band.h | Band implementation for TerraLib 4.x |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib 4 driver |
DataSource.h | Implements the DataSource class for the TerraLib 4.x Data Access Driver |
DataSourceFactory.h | This is the factory for Terralib 4 data sources |
Exception.h | |
GeomReader.h | An utility class for converting a TerraLib 4.x geometry to a TerraLib 5 |
Globals.h | An static class with global definitions |
Module.h | A utility class to initialize and terminate TerraLib 4 driver support |
Raster.h | Raster implementaton for TerraLib 4.x |
RasterDataSet.h | ???? |
TableDataSet.h | ???? |
ThemeInfo.h | The basic information about a Terralib 4.x Theme |
Transactor.h | DataSourceTransactor implementation for TerraLib 4.x API |
Utils.h | Utilitary functions for dealing with TerraLib 5 and 4.x conversion |
VectorDataSet.h | ???? |
► tools | |
► dscopy | |
► core | |
DSCopy.h | An utility class to provide methods to copy a Data Source |
Utils.h | Terralib Raster Manager Tool Utils |
► qt | |
DSCopyDialog.h | Data Source Copy GUI |
DSCopyDialogController.h | Data Source Copy GUI Controller |
► dsinfo | |
► core | |
DSInfo.h | Data Source Informations tool |
PrintManager.h | Informations printing manager |
Utils.h | |
► rastermanager | |
► core | |
RasterManager.h | Terralib Raster Manager Tool |
Utils.h | Terralib Raster Manager Tool Utils |
► qt | |
RasterManagerDialog.h | Raster Manager GUI |
► vp | |
► qt | |
AggregationDialog.h | A dialog aggregation operation |
BufferDialog.h | A dialog buffer operation |
GeometricOpOutputWizardPage.h | |
GeometricOpWizard.h | A Qt dialog that allows users to run the basic geometric operations defined by VP module |
GeometricOpWizardPage.h | This file defines a class for Basic Geometric Operation Wizard Page |
IntersectionDialog.h | A dialog intersection operation |
LineToPolygonDialog.h | A dialog for line to polygon operation |
MultipartToSinglepartDialog.h | A Multipart to Singlepart operation dialog |
PolygonToLineDialog.h | A dialog for polygon to line operation |
SummarizationDialog.h | A dialog summarization operation |
TransformationDialog.h | A dialog transformation operation |
Utils.h | Utility functions for Vector Processing |
AggregationMemory.h | |
AggregationOp.h | Aggregation operation |
AggregationQuery.h | |
Algorithm.h | |
AlgorithmParams.h | Algorithm Parameters |
BufferMemory.h | |
BufferOp.h | Buffer operation |
BufferQuery.h | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the Terrralib Vector Processing module |
Difference.h | |
Enums.h | Enumerations related to Vector Processing module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the Vector processing module |
GeometricOp.h | Geometric operation |
GeometricOpMemory.h | |
GeometricOpQuery.h | |
InputParams.h | A structure to hold the input parameters of vector processing |
Intersection.h | |
IntersectionMemory.h | |
IntersectionOp.h | Difference operation |
IntersectionQuery.h | |
LineToPolygonMemory.h | |
LineToPolygonOp.h | Line to polygon operation |
LineToPolygonQuery.h | |
Module.h | |
MultipartToSinglepart.h | |
PolygonToLineMemory.h | |
PolygonToLineOp.h | Polygon to line operation |
PolygonToLineQuery.h | |
Utils.h | |
► wcs | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib WCS module |
DataSource.h | Implementation of the data source for the WCS driver |
DataSourceFactory.h | This is the factory for WCS data sources |
Exception.h | An exception class for the TerraLib WCS module |
Module.h | The TerraLib WCS driver as a plugin |
Transactor.h | Implementation of the transactor for the WCS driver |
Utils.h | Utility functions for WCS driver |
WCSLayerInfo.h | Informations about WCS Layers |
► wfs | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib WFS module |
DataSource.h | Implementation of the data source for the WFS driver |
DataSourceFactory.h | This is the factory for WFS data sources |
Exception.h | An exception class for the TerraLib WFS module |
Module.h | The TerraLib WFS driver as a plugin |
Transactor.h | Implementation of the transactor for the WFS driver |
Utils.h | Utility functions for WFS driver |
WFSDialect.h | |
WFSLayerInfo.h | Informations about WFS Layers |
► wms | |
► qt | |
WMSLayerSelector.h | A simple widget that allows the selection of datasets from a given WMS server |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
Layer.h | |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the TerraLib WMS module |
DataSource.h | Implementation of the data source for the WMS driver |
DataSourceFactory.h | This is the factory for WMS data sources |
Exception.h | An exception class for the TerraLib WMS module |
Module.h | The TerraLib WMS driver as a plugin |
Transactor.h | Implementation of the transactor for the WMS driver |
Utils.h | Utility functions for WMS driver |
WMS2Layer.h | A functor that converts a dataset from WMS server to a TerraLib WMSLayer |
WMSLayer.h | A layer with reference to a WMS Layer |
WMSLayerInfo.h | Informations about WMS Layers |
WMSLayerRenderer.h | It renders the data associated to a WMS layer |
WMSLayerRendererFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for renderers of a WMSLayer |
► xerces | |
Config.h | |
ErrorHandler.h | This class implements Xerces interface for error handlers |
Exception.h | An exception class for the xerces module |
Globals.h | |
Module.h | |
Reader.h | |
ReaderFactory.h | |
ReaderHandler.h | This class implements Xerces interface for a handler that receives general document events |
StrToXMLCh.h | A class for converting a standard string to a Xerces string (XMLCh) |
Utils.h | |
Writer.h | |
WriterFactory.h | This is the concrete factory for XML writer built on top of Xerces-C++ parser |
XMLChToStr.h | A class for converting a Xerces string (XMLCh) to a standard string |
► xlink | |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
XLinkSerializer.h | Data serialization for the XLink module |
Config.h | |
Enumerators.h | Several enumerators for XLink support |
Globals.h | |
SimpleLink.h | Simple link |
► xml | |
AbstractWriter.h | This class models a XML writer object |
AbstractWriterFactory.h | This is the abstract factory for XML writers |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the XML API of TerraLib |
Enums.h | Enumerations of XML module |
Exception.h | An exception class for the XML module |
Module.h | This singleton defines the TerraLib XML-API module |
Reader.h | This class models a XML reader object |
ReaderFactory.h | This is the abstract factory for XML readers |
Writer.h | This class models a XML writer object |
► xsd | |
► serialization | |
► xml | |
XSDSerializer.h | |
AbstractAttribute.h | This is the base class for XML Schema Attribute classes |
All.h | This class models an XML Schema all element |
Annotated.h | A base class for XSD classes that may allow annotation |
Annotation.h | A class that models a XSD annotation element |
AnnotationItem.h | A base class for XSD annotation elements |
Any.h | It models the XML Schema any element |
AnyAttribute.h | It models an XML anyAttribute element |
AppInfo.h | This class models an object that specifies information to be used by applications |
Attribute.h | It models a XML Schema attribute |
AttributeGroup.h | It models a XML Schema attribute group |
Choice.h | This class models the XML Schema choice element |
ComplexContent.h | It models an XML Schema complexContent element |
ComplexType.h | It models a XML Schema Complex Type definition |
Config.h | Configuration flags for the XSD Module of TerraLib |
Content.h | A base class for elements that are not definitions nor declarations. This class is just for creating a hierarchy for All, Choice, Group and Sequence classes |
Documentation.h | A class that models a documentation element used to enter text comments in annotations |
Element.h | |
Enums.h | |
Exception.h | An exception class for the XSD module |
Extension.h | This class models an extension element that can be used to extend an existing simpleType or complexType element |
Facet.h | This class can be used to model a facet (a constraint in the range of values) |
Field.h | |
Group.h | This class models a group element in a XML Schema |
Identifiable.h | A base class for XSD classes that must provide a unique ID property |
IdentityConstraint.h | This is the base class for XML Schema elements that are related to identity constraint |
Import.h | It models a XML Schema import |
Include.h | It models a XML Schema include |
Key.h | This class models a key element from an XML Schema |
KeyRef.h | This class models a keyref element from a XML Schema element |
List.h | It is used to define a simple type element as a list of values |
Notation.h | This class models a notation element from a XML Schema |
Occurs.h | A base class for XSD classes that have occurs attributes |
QName.h | A class to deal with XML qualified names |
ReadXSD.h | Functions for reading an XSD |
Redefine.h | It models a XML Schema redefine |
Restriction4ComplexContent.h | The restriction class can be used to define restrictions on a complexContent |
Restriction4SimpleContent.h | This restriction class defines restrictions on a simpleContent |
Restriction4SimpleType.h | The restriction element defines restrictions on a simpleType definition |
Schema.h | A class that models an XML Schema (XSD) |
Selector.h | It models the selector element of an XML Schema |
Sequence.h | |
SimpleBuiltInType.h | A class for representing built-in XML Schema types |
SimpleContent.h | A class that models an XML Schema simpleContent element |
SimpleType.h | It models a XML Schema SimpleType element |
SimpleTypeConstructor.h | A base class for SimpleType elements. List, Union and Restriction4SimpleType is derived from this base class |
Type.h | An abstract class for modeling the definition of a new XML Schema Type |
TypeDerivation.h | SimpleType, SimpleContent and ComplexContent can be used to extend other types. This is just a base class for the type extension mechanism |
Union.h | It defines a simple type as a collection (union) of values from specified simple data types |
Unique.h | It models the unique element in an XML Schema |
Utils.h | |
ado.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib ADO driver |
ado_fw.h | This file contains forward declarations for the TerraLib ADO driver |
annotationtext.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib Annotation Text module |
annotationtext_fw.h | Forward declarations for the TerraLib AnnotationText module |
BuildConfig.h | Proxy file for the real global build configuration flags file (terralib_buildconfig.h) |
color.h | This file contains include headers for the Color Model of TerraLib |
color_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Color module |
common.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib Common Runtime module |
common_fw.h | This file contains forward declarations for the TerraLib Common Runtime module |
dataaccess.h | This file contains include headers for the Data Access module of TerraLib |
dataaccess_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Data Access module |
datatype.h | This file contains include headers for the Data Type module of TerraLib |
datatype_fw.h | This file contains forward declarations for the Data Type module of TerraLib |
Defines.h | Proxy file for the real file terralib_defines.h |
Exception.h | |
fe.h | This file contains include headers for TerraLib Filter Encoding module |
fe_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Filter Encoding module |
gdal.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib GDAL driver |
gdal_fw.h | |
geometry.h | This file contains include headers for the Vector Geometry model of TerraLib |
geometry_fw.h | This file contains forward declarations for the Vector Geometry model of TerraLib |
gml.h | This file contains include headers for TerraLib GML module |
layout.h | This file contains include headers for the Layout module |
layout_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Layout Module |
maptools.h | This file contains include headers for the Map Tools module of TerraLib |
maptools_fw.h | Forward declarations for the MapTools module |
memory.h | This file contains include headers for the memory data source of TerraLib |
memory_fw.h | |
metadata.h | This file contains include headers for the metadata module of TerraLib |
metadata_fw.h | |
mnt.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib DTM Processing module |
ogr.h | This file contains include headers for the OGR Driver Implementation of TerraLib |
ogr_fw.h | This file contains forward declarations for the OGR Driver Implementation of TerraLib |
plugin.h | This file contains include headers for the Plugin module of TerraLib |
postgis.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib PostGIS driver |
postgis_fw.h | This file contains forward declarations for the TerraLib PostGIS driver |
qt.h | This file contains include headers for the Qt supportt in TerraLib |
raster.h | |
raster_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Raster module |
rp.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib Raster Processing module |
rp_fw.h | This file contains forward declarations for the TerraLib Raster Processing module |
sa.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib SA module |
sam.h | This file contains include headers for TerraLib Spatial Access Methods module |
se.h | This file contains include headers for TerraLib Symbology Encoding module |
se_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Symbology Encoding module |
srs.h | This file contains include headers for TerraLib Spatial Reference System module |
srs_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Spatial Reference System |
st.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib ST module |
st_fw.h | Forward declarations for the ST module |
statistics.h | This file contains include headers for the Statistics module |
statistics_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Statistics Module |
stmemory.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib ST memory module |
Version.h | This is a proxy file for the real terralib_version.h file |
vp.h | This file contains include headers for the TerraLib Vector Processing module |
xerces.h | This file contains include headers for TerraLib Xerces module |
xerces_fw.h | Forward declarations for the TerraLib Xerces module |
xlink.h | This file contains include headers for TerraLib XLink module |
xlink_fw.h | Forward declarations for the Xlinks module |
xml.h | This file contains include headers for TerraLib XML module |
xml_fw.h | Forward declarations for the TerraLib XML module |
► terraview | |
► events | |
ProjectEvents.h | Contains the list of the project events |
► settings | |
ProjectWidget.h | A frame for setting project options |
ProjectWidgetFactory.h | |
AboutDialog.h | A Qt dialog showing MGis about window |
Config.h | Proxy configuration file for TerraView (see terraview_config.h) |
Project.h | This class models the concept of a project for the TerraView |
ProjectInfoDialog.h | A dialog for edition of Project informations |
ProjectInfoWidget.h | Contains a widget for define Project informations |
TerraView.h | The main class of TerraView |
TerraViewApp.h | |
TerraViewController.h | The API for controller of TerraView application |
Utils.h | |
XMLFormatter.h | |
terralib.h | This file contains include headers for all modules from TerraLib that were built |