unsigned int drow,
unsigned int dcolumn,
unsigned int height,
unsigned int width,
const Raster& rin, Raster& rout);
127 const std::string& rType = std::string(
166 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& rinfo,
167 const std::string& rType = std::string(
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
TERASTEREXPORT std::string ConvertColorInterpTypeToString(const te::rst::ColorInterp &ci)
Function used to convert from a Color Interp Enum to a string.
It describes one band (or dimension) of a raster.
Color model component use.
TERASTEREXPORT std::vector< BandProperty * > GetBandProperties(const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rinfo)
Returns a vector of band properties, based on a given raster info.
TERASTEREXPORT void FillBand(te::rst::Band *bin, const std::complex< double > &value)
Fill a Raster Band with provided value.
TERASTEREXPORT void GetDataTypeRanges(const int &dataType, double &min, double &max)
Return the values range of a given data type.
TERASTEREXPORT Grid * GetGrid(const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rinfo)
Returns a grid based on a given raster info.
TERASTEREXPORT std::string ConvertPalleteInterpTypeToString(const te::rst::PaletteInterpretation &pi)
Function used to convert from a Pallete Interp Enum to a string.
TERASTEREXPORT int GetPixelSize(int datatype)
Returns the byte size of a given datatype.
TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::RasterPtr CropRaster(const te::rst::Raster &rin, const te::gm::Polygon &pin, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rinfo, const std::string &rType=std::string("GDAL"))
Creates a raster crop using a polygon delimiter.
boost::shared_ptr< Raster > RasterPtr
An abstract class for raster data strucutures.
An abstract class for raster data strucutures.
TERASTEREXPORT int Round(double val)
Round a double value to a integer value.
It gives access to values in one band (dimension) of a raster.
A raster band description.
Polygon is a subclass of CurvePolygon whose rings are defined by linear rings.
TERASTEREXPORT void FillRaster(te::rst::Raster *rin, const std::complex< double > &value)
Fill a Raster with provided value (all bands).
A rectified grid is the spatial support for raster data.
Configuration flags for the Raster module of TerraLib.
Palette interpratation types.
TERASTEREXPORT te::rst::RasterPtr CreateCopy(const te::rst::Raster &rin, const std::string &uri, const std::string &rType=std::string("GDAL"))
Create a new raster from existing one.
TERASTEREXPORT std::vector< te::gm::Point * > GetRandomPointsInRaster(const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, unsigned int numberOfPoints=1000)
Creates a vector of random positions (points) inside the raster.
TERASTEREXPORT void Copy(const Raster &rin, Raster &rout)
Copies the pixel values from one raster to another.