Namespace for the TerraLib SA module. More...
Classes | |
class | BayesGlobalDialog |
class | BayesGlobalOperation |
Class used to execute the bayes global operations. More... | |
class | BayesInputParams |
Class that represents the Bayes input parameters. More... | |
class | BayesLocalDialog |
class | BayesLocalOperation |
class | BayesOutputParams |
Class that represents the Bayes output parameters. More... | |
struct | EdgeRemovalInfo |
A struct that represents the skater partition values for each edge. More... | |
class | GeneralizedProximityMatrix |
This class defines a Generalized Proximity Matrix. More... | |
struct | GeostatisticalDataItem |
class | GeostatisticalMethod |
Geostatistics is used for modelling spatial data. It provides accurate and reliable estimations of phenomena at locations where no measurements are available. More... | |
class | GeostatisticalMethodsDialog |
class | GeostatisticalMethodSemivariogram |
Semivariogram is a function describing the degree of spatial dependence of a spatial random field. It is defined as the variance of the difference between field values at two locations (x and y) across realizations of the field. More... | |
class | GeostatisticalModel |
The empirical variogram cannot be computed at every lag distance h and due to variation in the estimation it is not ensured that it is a valid variogram, as defined above. However some Geostatistical methods such as kriging need valid semivariograms. In applied geostatistics the empirical variograms are thus often approximated by model function ensuring validity (Chiles&Delfiner 1999). More... | |
class | GeostatisticalModelExponential |
Class that represents the geostatistical exponential model. More... | |
class | GeostatisticalModelGaussian |
Class that represents the geostatistical gaussian model. More... | |
class | GeostatisticalModelSpherical |
Class that represents the geostatistical spherical model. More... | |
class | GPMBuilder |
This class defines the GPM Builder class. More... | |
class | GPMConstructorAbstractStrategy |
This class defines a an Abstract class for a GPM constructor. More... | |
class | GPMConstructorAdjacencyStrategy |
This class defines a an adjacency strategy class for a GPM constructor. More... | |
class | GPMConstructorDistanceStrategy |
This class defines a an distance strategy class for a GPM constructor. More... | |
class | GPMConstructorNearestNeighborStrategy |
This class defines a nearest neighbor class for a GPM constructor. More... | |
class | GPMWeightsAbstractStrategy |
This class defines a an Abstract class to calculates a weight for a GPM. More... | |
class | GPMWeightsInverseDistanceStrategy |
This class defines a class to calculates a weight for a GPM using Inverse Distance strategy. More... | |
class | GPMWeightsNoWeightsStrategy |
This class defines a class to calculates a weight for a GPM using No Weights strategy. More... | |
class | GPMWeightsSquaredInverseDistanceStrategy |
This class defines a class to calculates a weight for a GPM using Inverse Distance strategy. More... | |
class | KernelInputParams |
Class that represents the kernel input parameters. More... | |
class | KernelMapDialog |
class | KernelMapOperation |
Class used to calculate the kernel map of a dataset. More... | |
class | KernelOperation |
Virtual class used to execute the kernel operations. More... | |
class | KernelOutputParams |
Class that represents the kernel output parameters. More... | |
class | KernelRatioDialog |
class | KernelRatioOperation |
Class used to calculate the kernel ratio of a datasets. More... | |
class | MinimumSpanningTree |
class | Module |
This singleton defines the TerraLib Spatial Analysis module entry. More... | |
class | ProximityMatrixCreatorDialog |
class | SamplePointsGeneratorAbstract |
Virtual class to generate samples points. More... | |
class | SamplePointsGeneratorDialog |
class | SamplePointsGeneratorRandom |
Class to generate samples points using random strategy. More... | |
class | SamplePointsGeneratorStratified |
Class to generate samples points using stratified strategy. More... | |
class | SkaterDialog |
class | SkaterInputParams |
Class that represents the skater input parameters. More... | |
class | SkaterOperation |
Class used to execute the skater operations. More... | |
class | SkaterOutputParams |
Class that represents the skater output parameters. More... | |
class | SkaterPartition |
Class that represents the skater partition operation. More... | |
class | SpatialStatisticsDialog |
class | SpatialWeightsExchanger |
This class defines functions used to load and save gpm's using GAL and GWT formats, both formats use a ' ' as separator. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::vector< te::sa::GeostatisticalDataItem * > | GeostatisticalData |
typedef std::map< int, std::pair< te::gm::Geometry *, double > > | KernelMap |
typedef te::sam::rtree::Index< int > | KernelTree |
< Tree used to store the dataset geometries MBR and its id value More... | |
Functions | |
TESAEXPORT int | AddGraphEdgeAttribute (te::graph::AbstractGraph *graph, std::string attrName, int dataType) |
Function used to create the edge attribute metadata in the graph of the gpm. More... | |
TESAEXPORT int | AddGraphVertexAttribute (te::graph::AbstractGraph *graph, std::string attrName, int dataType, int srid=TE_UNKNOWN_SRS, int subType=te::gm::UnknownGeometryType) |
Function used to create the vertex attribute metadata in the graph of the gpm. More... | |
TESAEXPORT int | AssociateGPMVertexAttribute (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, te::da::DataSource *ds, std::string dataSetName, std::string attrLink, std::string attr, int dataType, int srid=TE_UNKNOWN_SRS, int subType=te::gm::UnknownGeometryType) |
Function used to set a an attribute valeu from a dataset to the vertex objects from a gpm. More... | |
TESAEXPORT int | AssociateGPMVertexAttribute (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, te::da::DataSet *ds, std::string attrLink, std::string attr, int dataType, int srid=TE_UNKNOWN_SRS, int subType=te::gm::UnknownGeometryType) |
Function used to set a an attribute valeu from a dataset to the vertex objects from a gpm. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | BoxMap (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, double mean) |
Function used to calculate the box map info for a gpm, classifies the objects in quadrants based in the scatterplot of moran index. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | CalculateDistance (te::gm::Geometry *geom, te::gm::Coord2D &coord) |
Function used to calculate the distance from a coord to the center of a geometry. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | CalculateMoments (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > &matrix, double &mean, double &variance) |
Function used to calculate mean and variance from a matrix. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | CreateBayesGrouping (te::map::AbstractLayerPtr layer) |
TESAEXPORT te::da::DataSourcePtr | CreateGDALDataSource (std::string path, std::string dataSetName) |
TESAEXPORT te::sa::GeostatisticalData | CreateGeostatisticalData (te::da::DataSet *dataSet, int attrIdx, int geomIdx) |
TESAEXPORT void | CreateKernelColorMaping (te::map::AbstractLayerPtr layer) |
TESAEXPORT void | CreateKernelGrouping (te::map::AbstractLayerPtr layer, std::string kernelAttr) |
TESAEXPORT te::map::AbstractLayerPtr | CreateLayer (te::da::DataSourcePtr ds, std::string dataSetName) |
TESAEXPORT boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > | CreateMatrixFromDataSet (te::da::DataSet *dataSet, int attrIdx, int geomIdx) |
Function used to create a matrix with values, distance and angle for each element from dataset. More... | |
TESAEXPORT te::da::DataSourcePtr | CreateOGRDataSource (std::string repository) |
TESAEXPORT te::da::DataSourcePtr | CreateOGRDataSource (std::string path, std::string dataSetName) |
TESAEXPORT void | CreateSampleGeneratorStratifiedGrouping (te::map::AbstractLayerPtr layer, std::vector< std::string > strVec) |
TESAEXPORT void | CreateSkaterGrouping (te::map::AbstractLayerPtr layer, int nClasses) |
TESAEXPORT void | DataSetAdaptRadiusKernel (te::sa::KernelInputParams *params, te::sa::KernelTree &kTree, te::sa::KernelMap &kMap, te::mem::DataSet *ds, int kernelIdx, int geomIdx) |
Evaluates kernel value using a dataset as output data and a adaptative value for radius. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | DataSetKernelNormalize (te::sa::KernelInputParams *params, te::sa::KernelMap &kMap, te::mem::DataSet *ds, int kernelIdx, int geomIdx, double totKernel) |
Normalizes kernel values based on type of estimation. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | DataSetRatioKernel (te::sa::KernelOutputParams *params, te::mem::DataSet *dsA, te::mem::DataSet *dsB, te::mem::DataSet *dsOut, int kernelIdx, int geomIdx) |
Evaluates kernel ratio value using a dataset as output data. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | DataSetStatRadiusKernel (te::sa::KernelInputParams *params, te::sa::KernelTree &kTree, te::sa::KernelMap &kMap, te::mem::DataSet *ds, int kernelIdx, int geomIdx, double radius) |
Evaluates kernel value using a dataset as output data and a fixed value for radius. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | FirstMoment (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, int attrIdx) |
Function used to calculate mean (first moment) of a specific attribute from a gpm. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | FirstMoment (std::vector< double > vec) |
Function used to calculate mean (first moment) from a vector with double values. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | GetArea (te::gm::Geometry *geom) |
Function used to get area of a geometry. More... | |
TESAEXPORT te::gm::Coord2D | GetCentroidCoord (te::gm::Geometry *geom) |
Function used to get centroid coord of a geometry. More... | |
TESAEXPORT te::color::ColorBar * | GetColorBar (std::string catalog, std::string group, std::string schema) |
TESAEXPORT double | GetDataValue (te::dt::AbstractData *ad) |
Function used to get the numeric value from a gpm property. More... | |
TESAEXPORT bool | GetGraphEdgeAttrIndex (te::graph::AbstractGraph *graph, std::string attrName, int &index) |
Function used to get the edge attribute index in the graph of the gpm. More... | |
TESAEXPORT bool | GetGraphVertexAttrIndex (te::graph::AbstractGraph *graph, std::string attrName, int &index) |
Function used to get the vertex attribute index in the graph of the gpm. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | GlobalMoranSignificance (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, int attrIdx, int permutationsNumber, double moranIndex) |
Function used to calculate the global moran significance. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | GridAdaptRadiusKernel (te::sa::KernelInputParams *params, te::sa::KernelTree &kTree, te::sa::KernelMap &kMap, te::rst::Raster *raster) |
Evaluates kernel value using a raster as output data and a adaptative value for radius. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | GridKernelNormalize (te::sa::KernelInputParams *params, te::sa::KernelMap &kMap, te::rst::Raster *raster, double totKernel) |
Normalizes kernel values based on type of estimation. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | GridRatioKernel (te::sa::KernelOutputParams *params, te::rst::Raster *rasterA, te::rst::Raster *rasterB, te::rst::Raster *rasterOut) |
Evaluates kernel ratio value using a raster as output data. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | GridStatRadiusKernel (te::sa::KernelInputParams *params, te::sa::KernelTree &kTree, te::sa::KernelMap &kMap, te::rst::Raster *raster, double radius) |
Evaluates kernel value using a raster as output data and a fixed value for radius. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | GStatistics (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, int attrIdx) |
The local spatial statistic G is calculated for each zone based on the spatial weights object used. The value returned is a Z-value, and may be used as a diagnostic tool. High positive values indicate the posibility of a local cluster of high values of the variable being analysed, very low relative values a similar cluster of low values. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | KernelGeometricMean (te::sa::KernelMap &kMap) |
Calculates the geometric mean from kernel map (intensity value) using log. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | KernelNegExponential (double tau, double distance, double intensity) |
Kernel functions for Negative Exponential type. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | KernelNormal (double tau, double distance, double intensity) |
Kernel functions for Normal type. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | KernelQuartic (double tau, double distance, double intensity) |
Kernel functions for Quartic type. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | KernelRatioValue (te::sa::KernelOutputParams *params, double area, double kernelA, double kernelB) |
Evaluates kernel ratio value. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | KernelTriangular (double tau, double distance, double intensity) |
Kernel functions for Triangular type. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | KernelUniform (double tau, double distance, double intensity) |
Kernel functions for Uniform type. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | KernelValue (te::sa::KernelInputParams *params, te::sa::KernelMap &kMap, double radius, te::gm::Coord2D &coord, std::vector< int > idxVec) |
Evaluates kernel value of events with intensity. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | LISAMap (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, int permutationsNumber) |
Function used to calculate the lisa map info for a gpm, classifies the objects based in the statistical significance of the moran local indexes (LISA). More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | LisaStatisticalSignificance (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, int permutationsNumber) |
Function used to calculate LISA Statical Significance for each gpm element. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | LocalMean (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, int attrIdx) |
Function used to calculate the local mean of each vertex from gpm graph. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | MoranIndex (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm) |
Function used to calculate the moran index, also calculates the local moran value. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | MoranIndex (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, double mean, double variance, int attrIdx) |
Function used to calculate the moran index to calculate the significance of the global moran index. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | MoranMap (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm) |
Function used to calculate the moran map info for a gpm, classifies the objects based in the scatterplot of Moran index and its statistical significance. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | SecondMoment (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, int attrIdx, double mean) |
Function used to calculate variance (second moment) of a specific attribute from a gpm. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | SetMainDiagonal (boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > &matrix, te::da::DataSet *dataSet, int attrIdx) |
Function used to set new values in the matrix main diagonal. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | Sum (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, int attrIdx) |
Function used to calculate sum of a specific attribute from a gpm. More... | |
TESAEXPORT double | Sum (te::sa::KernelMap &kMap) |
Function used to calculate sum of the intensity value from a kernel map. More... | |
TESAEXPORT void | ZAndWZ (te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix *gpm, int attrIdx) |
Function used to calculate the standard deviation Z and local mean of the desviation Z (WZ). of each vertex from gpm graph. More... | |
Namespace for the TerraLib SA module.
typedef std::vector<te::sa::GeostatisticalDataItem*> te::sa::GeostatisticalData |
Definition at line 66 of file GeostatisticalFunctions.h.
typedef std::map<int, std::pair<te::gm::Geometry*, double> > te::sa::KernelMap |
Definition at line 52 of file KernelFunctions.h.
typedef te::sam::rtree::Index<int> te::sa::KernelTree |
< Tree used to store the dataset geometries MBR and its id value
Map with id, associated with geometry and its attribute (intensity value)
Definition at line 49 of file KernelFunctions.h.
TESAEXPORT int te::sa::AddGraphEdgeAttribute | ( | te::graph::AbstractGraph * | graph, |
std::string | attrName, | ||
int | dataType | ||
) |
Function used to create the edge attribute metadata in the graph of the gpm.
graph | Pointer to the graph associated to the gpm. |
attrName | Attribute name that will be created. |
dataType | The data type of the new attribute. |
TESAEXPORT int te::sa::AddGraphVertexAttribute | ( | te::graph::AbstractGraph * | graph, |
std::string | attrName, | ||
int | dataType, | ||
int | srid = TE_UNKNOWN_SRS , |
int | subType = te::gm::UnknownGeometryType |
) |
Function used to create the vertex attribute metadata in the graph of the gpm.
graph | Pointer to the graph associated to the gpm. |
attrName | Attribute name that will be created. |
dataType | The data type of the new attribute. |
srid | If the new attribute was a geometry type |
TESAEXPORT int te::sa::AssociateGPMVertexAttribute | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
te::da::DataSource * | ds, | ||
std::string | dataSetName, | ||
std::string | attrLink, | ||
std::string | attr, | ||
int | dataType, | ||
int | srid = TE_UNKNOWN_SRS , |
int | subType = te::gm::UnknownGeometryType |
) |
Function used to set a an attribute valeu from a dataset to the vertex objects from a gpm.
gpm | Pointer to gpm that has the graph information. |
ds | DataSource pointer that has the dataset information. |
dataSetName | Dataset name to get the attribute information. |
attrLink | Attribute name used to link the vertex id to dataset. |
attr | Attribute name that will be associated to the graph. |
dataType | The type of the attribute that will be associated. |
srid | If the new attribute was a geometry type |
TESAEXPORT int te::sa::AssociateGPMVertexAttribute | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
te::da::DataSet * | ds, | ||
std::string | attrLink, | ||
std::string | attr, | ||
int | dataType, | ||
int | srid = TE_UNKNOWN_SRS , |
int | subType = te::gm::UnknownGeometryType |
) |
Function used to set a an attribute valeu from a dataset to the vertex objects from a gpm.
gpm | Pointer to gpm that has the graph information. |
ds | DataSet pointer |
attrLink | Attribute name used to link the vertex id to dataset. |
attr | Attribute name that will be associated to the graph. |
dataType | The type of the attribute that will be associated. |
srid | If the new attribute was a geometry type |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::BoxMap | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
double | mean | ||
) |
Function used to calculate the box map info for a gpm, classifies the objects in quadrants based in the scatterplot of moran index.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm. |
mean | Mean value |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::CalculateDistance | ( | te::gm::Geometry * | geom, |
te::gm::Coord2D & | coord | ||
) |
Function used to calculate the distance from a coord to the center of a geometry.
geom | Pointer to a geometry |
coord | Reference to a coord |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::CalculateMoments | ( | const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > & | matrix, |
double & | mean, | ||
double & | variance | ||
) |
Function used to calculate mean and variance from a matrix.
matrix | Reference to a valid matrix. |
mean | Reference to set the mean value. |
variance | Reference to set the variance value. |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::CreateBayesGrouping | ( | te::map::AbstractLayerPtr | layer | ) |
TESAEXPORT te::da::DataSourcePtr te::sa::CreateGDALDataSource | ( | std::string | path, |
std::string | dataSetName | ||
) |
TESAEXPORT te::sa::GeostatisticalData te::sa::CreateGeostatisticalData | ( | te::da::DataSet * | dataSet, |
int | attrIdx, | ||
int | geomIdx | ||
) |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::CreateKernelColorMaping | ( | te::map::AbstractLayerPtr | layer | ) |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::CreateKernelGrouping | ( | te::map::AbstractLayerPtr | layer, |
std::string | kernelAttr | ||
) |
TESAEXPORT te::map::AbstractLayerPtr te::sa::CreateLayer | ( | te::da::DataSourcePtr | ds, |
std::string | dataSetName | ||
) |
TESAEXPORT boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> te::sa::CreateMatrixFromDataSet | ( | te::da::DataSet * | dataSet, |
int | attrIdx, | ||
int | geomIdx | ||
) |
Function used to create a matrix with values, distance and angle for each element from dataset.
dataSet | Pointer to input data. |
attrIdx | Attribute index used to create the matrix. |
geomIdx | Attribute index used to identify the geometric attribute. |
TESAEXPORT te::da::DataSourcePtr te::sa::CreateOGRDataSource | ( | std::string | repository | ) |
TESAEXPORT te::da::DataSourcePtr te::sa::CreateOGRDataSource | ( | std::string | path, |
std::string | dataSetName | ||
) |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::CreateSampleGeneratorStratifiedGrouping | ( | te::map::AbstractLayerPtr | layer, |
std::vector< std::string > | strVec | ||
) |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::CreateSkaterGrouping | ( | te::map::AbstractLayerPtr | layer, |
int | nClasses | ||
) |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::DataSetAdaptRadiusKernel | ( | te::sa::KernelInputParams * | params, |
te::sa::KernelTree & | kTree, | ||
te::sa::KernelMap & | kMap, | ||
te::mem::DataSet * | ds, | ||
int | kernelIdx, | ||
int | geomIdx | ||
) |
Evaluates kernel value using a dataset as output data and a adaptative value for radius.
params | Pointer to a Kernel Params |
kTree | Reference to tree with all geometries from input data |
kMap | Reference to the kernel Map |
ds | Pointer to dataset to set the kernel values |
kernelIdx | Attribute index to save the kernel information |
geomIdx | Attribute index with geometry information |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::DataSetKernelNormalize | ( | te::sa::KernelInputParams * | params, |
te::sa::KernelMap & | kMap, | ||
te::mem::DataSet * | ds, | ||
int | kernelIdx, | ||
int | geomIdx, | ||
double | totKernel | ||
) |
Normalizes kernel values based on type of estimation.
params | Pointer to a Kernel Params (used to get the estimation type) |
kMap | Reference to the kernel Map |
ds | Pointer to dataset to set the kernel values |
kernelIdx | Attribute index to save the kernel information |
geomIdx | Attribute index with geometry information |
totKernel | Sum of all kernel values from each raster pixel |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::DataSetRatioKernel | ( | te::sa::KernelOutputParams * | params, |
te::mem::DataSet * | dsA, | ||
te::mem::DataSet * | dsB, | ||
te::mem::DataSet * | dsOut, | ||
int | kernelIdx, | ||
int | geomIdx | ||
) |
Evaluates kernel ratio value using a dataset as output data.
params | Pointer to a Kernel Params |
dsA | Pointer to a dataset A with kernel information |
dsB | Pointer to a dataset B with kernel information |
dsOut | Pointer to dataset to set the kernel ratio values |
kernelIdx | Attribute index to save the kernel information |
geomIdx | Attribute index with geometry information |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::DataSetStatRadiusKernel | ( | te::sa::KernelInputParams * | params, |
te::sa::KernelTree & | kTree, | ||
te::sa::KernelMap & | kMap, | ||
te::mem::DataSet * | ds, | ||
int | kernelIdx, | ||
int | geomIdx, | ||
double | radius | ||
) |
Evaluates kernel value using a dataset as output data and a fixed value for radius.
params | Pointer to a Kernel Params |
kTree | Reference to tree with all geometries from input data |
kMap | Reference to the kernel Map |
ds | Pointer to dataset to set the kernel values |
kernelIdx | Attribute index to save the kernel information |
geomIdx | Attribute index with geometry information |
radius | Radius used to calculate the kernel |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::FirstMoment | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
int | attrIdx | ||
) |
Function used to calculate mean (first moment) of a specific attribute from a gpm.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm |
attrIdx | Attribute index used to calculate the mean. |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::FirstMoment | ( | std::vector< double > | vec | ) |
Function used to calculate mean (first moment) from a vector with double values.
vec | Vector with double values |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::GetArea | ( | te::gm::Geometry * | geom | ) |
Function used to get area of a geometry.
geom | Pointer to a geometry |
TESAEXPORT te::gm::Coord2D te::sa::GetCentroidCoord | ( | te::gm::Geometry * | geom | ) |
Function used to get centroid coord of a geometry.
geom | Pointer to a geometry |
TESAEXPORT te::color::ColorBar* te::sa::GetColorBar | ( | std::string | catalog, |
std::string | group, | ||
std::string | schema | ||
) |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::GetDataValue | ( | te::dt::AbstractData * | ad | ) |
Function used to get the numeric value from a gpm property.
ad | Pointer to a abstract data that represents a property value from a gpm. |
TESAEXPORT bool te::sa::GetGraphEdgeAttrIndex | ( | te::graph::AbstractGraph * | graph, |
std::string | attrName, | ||
int & | index | ||
) |
Function used to get the edge attribute index in the graph of the gpm.
graph | Pointer to the graph associated to the gpm. |
attrName | Attribute name to be searched. |
index | The index of the attribute searched. |
TESAEXPORT bool te::sa::GetGraphVertexAttrIndex | ( | te::graph::AbstractGraph * | graph, |
std::string | attrName, | ||
int & | index | ||
) |
Function used to get the vertex attribute index in the graph of the gpm.
graph | Pointer to the graph associated to the gpm. |
attrName | Attribute name to be searched. |
index | The index of the attribute searched. |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::GlobalMoranSignificance | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
int | attrIdx, | ||
int | permutationsNumber, | ||
double | moranIndex | ||
) |
Function used to calculate the global moran significance.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm. |
attrIdx | Attribute index used to calculate the global moran significance. |
permutationsNumber | Value of pertumations. |
moranIndex | The global moran index value. |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::GridAdaptRadiusKernel | ( | te::sa::KernelInputParams * | params, |
te::sa::KernelTree & | kTree, | ||
te::sa::KernelMap & | kMap, | ||
te::rst::Raster * | raster | ||
) |
Evaluates kernel value using a raster as output data and a adaptative value for radius.
params | Pointer to a Kernel Params |
kTree | Reference to tree with all geometries from input data |
kMap | Reference to the kernel Map |
raster | Pointer to raster to set the kernel values |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::GridKernelNormalize | ( | te::sa::KernelInputParams * | params, |
te::sa::KernelMap & | kMap, | ||
te::rst::Raster * | raster, | ||
double | totKernel | ||
) |
Normalizes kernel values based on type of estimation.
params | Pointer to a Kernel Params (used to get the estimation type) |
kMap | Reference to the kernel Map |
raster | Pointer to raster with the kernel values |
totKernel | Sum of all kernel values from each raster pixel |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::GridRatioKernel | ( | te::sa::KernelOutputParams * | params, |
te::rst::Raster * | rasterA, | ||
te::rst::Raster * | rasterB, | ||
te::rst::Raster * | rasterOut | ||
) |
Evaluates kernel ratio value using a raster as output data.
params | Pointer to a Kernel Params |
rasterA | Pointer to a raster A with kernel information |
rasterB | Pointer to a raster B with kernel information |
raster | Pointer to raster to set the kernel ratio values |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::GridStatRadiusKernel | ( | te::sa::KernelInputParams * | params, |
te::sa::KernelTree & | kTree, | ||
te::sa::KernelMap & | kMap, | ||
te::rst::Raster * | raster, | ||
double | radius | ||
) |
Evaluates kernel value using a raster as output data and a fixed value for radius.
params | Pointer to a Kernel Params |
kTree | Reference to tree with all geometries from input data |
kMap | Reference to the kernel Map |
raster | Pointer to raster to set the kernel values |
radius | Radius used to calculate the kernel |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::GStatistics | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
int | attrIdx | ||
) |
The local spatial statistic G is calculated for each zone based on the spatial weights object used. The value returned is a Z-value, and may be used as a diagnostic tool. High positive values indicate the posibility of a local cluster of high values of the variable being analysed, very low relative values a similar cluster of low values.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm |
attrIdx | Attribute index used to calculate the GStatistics. |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::KernelGeometricMean | ( | te::sa::KernelMap & | kMap | ) |
Calculates the geometric mean from kernel map (intensity value) using log.
kMap | Reference to the kernel Map |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::KernelNegExponential | ( | double | tau, |
double | distance, | ||
double | intensity | ||
) |
Kernel functions for Negative Exponential type.
tau | spatial threshold to define neighboorhood |
distance | distance between event and region centroid |
intensity | attribute value for event |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::KernelNormal | ( | double | tau, |
double | distance, | ||
double | intensity | ||
) |
Kernel functions for Normal type.
tau | spatial threshold to define neighboorhood |
distance | distance between event and region centroid |
intensity | attribute value for event |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::KernelQuartic | ( | double | tau, |
double | distance, | ||
double | intensity | ||
) |
Kernel functions for Quartic type.
tau | spatial threshold to define neighboorhood |
distance | distance between event and region centroid |
intensity | attribute value for event |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::KernelRatioValue | ( | te::sa::KernelOutputParams * | params, |
double | area, | ||
double | kernelA, | ||
double | kernelB | ||
) |
Evaluates kernel ratio value.
params | Pointer to a Kernel Params |
area | Value to represent the area of the element |
kernelA | Double value with kernel value from A element |
kernelB | Double value with kernel value from B element |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::KernelTriangular | ( | double | tau, |
double | distance, | ||
double | intensity | ||
) |
Kernel functions for Triangular type.
tau | spatial threshold to define neighboorhood |
distance | distance between event and region centroid |
intensity | attribute value for event |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::KernelUniform | ( | double | tau, |
double | distance, | ||
double | intensity | ||
) |
Kernel functions for Uniform type.
tau | spatial threshold to define neighboorhood |
distance | distance between event and region centroid |
intensity | attribute value for event |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::KernelValue | ( | te::sa::KernelInputParams * | params, |
te::sa::KernelMap & | kMap, | ||
double | radius, | ||
te::gm::Coord2D & | coord, | ||
std::vector< int > | idxVec | ||
) |
Evaluates kernel value of events with intensity.
params | Pointer to a Kernel Params |
kMap | Reference to the kernel Map |
radius | Double value with radius information |
coord | Coord of the element to calculate the kernel value |
idxVec | Index of all elements that interects the box created by coord with radius value |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::LISAMap | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
int | permutationsNumber | ||
) |
Function used to calculate the lisa map info for a gpm, classifies the objects based in the statistical significance of the moran local indexes (LISA).
gpm | Pointer to the gpm. |
int | The number of permutations. |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::LisaStatisticalSignificance | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
int | permutationsNumber | ||
) |
Function used to calculate LISA Statical Significance for each gpm element.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm. |
int | The number of permutations. |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::LocalMean | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
int | attrIdx | ||
) |
Function used to calculate the local mean of each vertex from gpm graph.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm. |
attrIdx | Attribute index used to calculate the local mean. |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::MoranIndex | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm | ) |
Function used to calculate the moran index, also calculates the local moran value.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm. |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::MoranIndex | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
double | mean, | ||
double | variance, | ||
int | attrIdx | ||
) |
Function used to calculate the moran index to calculate the significance of the global moran index.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm. |
mean | The mean of the original gpm of the attrIdx. |
variance | The variance of the original gpm of the attrIdx. |
attrIdx | Attribute selected to calculate the moran index. |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::MoranMap | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm | ) |
Function used to calculate the moran map info for a gpm, classifies the objects based in the scatterplot of Moran index and its statistical significance.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm. |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::SecondMoment | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
int | attrIdx, | ||
double | mean | ||
) |
Function used to calculate variance (second moment) of a specific attribute from a gpm.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm |
attrIdx | Attribute index used to calculate the variance. |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::SetMainDiagonal | ( | boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > & | matrix, |
te::da::DataSet * | dataSet, | ||
int | attrIdx | ||
) |
Function used to set new values in the matrix main diagonal.
matrix | Reference to a valid matrix. |
dataSet | Pointer to input data. |
attrIdx | Attribute index used to reset the diagonal values. |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::Sum | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
int | attrIdx | ||
) |
Function used to calculate sum of a specific attribute from a gpm.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm |
attrIdx | Attribute index used to calculate the sum. |
TESAEXPORT double te::sa::Sum | ( | te::sa::KernelMap & | kMap | ) |
Function used to calculate sum of the intensity value from a kernel map.
kMap | Referente to a kernel map. |
TESAEXPORT void te::sa::ZAndWZ | ( | te::sa::GeneralizedProximityMatrix * | gpm, |
int | attrIdx | ||
) |
Function used to calculate the standard deviation Z and local mean of the desviation Z (WZ). of each vertex from gpm graph.
gpm | Pointer to the gpm. |
attrIdx | Attribute index used to calculate the Z and WZ. |