30 #include "../raster/Raster.h"
60 virtual bool initialize(
StrategyParameters const*
const strategyParams)
throw(te::rp::Exception) = 0;
73 virtual bool execute(
const te::rst::Raster& inputRaster,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& inputRasterBands,
74 const std::vector<std::string>& inputSensorBands,
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> >& components,
75 te::rst::Raster& outputRaster,
const bool enableProgressInterface)
throw(te::rp::Exception) = 0;
Raster mixture model strategy base class.
An abstract class for raster data strucutures.
Raster strategy parameters base class.
Raster strategy parameters base class.
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
Configuration flags for the Raster Processing module of TerraLib.