30 #include "../../Config.h"
31 #include "../../Utils.h"
38 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
41 namespace te {
namespace dt {
class DateTime; } }
42 namespace te {
namespace gm {
class Geometry; } }
163 TrajectoryObservationSet::const_iterator
This file contains a typedef that defines observations of trajectory.
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
A struct to represent a patch or a continuous piece of a trajectory.
TrajectoryIterator end() const
TrajectoryPatch(TrajectoryIterator b, TrajectoryIterator e)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT te::da::Expression * operator==(const te::da::Expression &e1, const te::da::Expression &e2)
TEDATAACCESSEXPORT te::da::Expression * operator!=(const te::da::Expression &e1, const te::da::Expression &e2)
std::pair< te::dt::DateTimeShrPtr, te::gm::GeometryShrPtr > TrajectoryObservation
TrajectoryIterator m_begin
Geometry is the root class of the geometries hierarchy, it follows OGC and ISO standards.
TrajectoryIterator begin() const
A class to traverse the observations of a trajectory.
TrajectoryObservationSet::const_iterator m_it
The internal cursor.