Namespace for the TerraLib ST module. More...
Classes | |
class | AbstractCoverageSeriesInterp |
An abstract class for interpolation function or interpolator that estimate coverages at non-observed times of a CoverageSeries. More... | |
class | AbstractPointCoverageInterp |
An abstract class for interpolation function or interpolator that estimate values at non-observaved location within a PointCoverage. More... | |
class | AbstractSTDataSetLayer |
A layer with reference to a dataset that contains spatiotemporal data. More... | |
class | AbstractTimeSeriesInterp |
An abstract class for an interpolation function or interpolator that estimate a value at non-observaved times of a time series. More... | |
class | AbstractTrajectoryInterp |
An abstract class for an interpolation function or interpolator that estimates geometries at non-observed times of a trajectory. More... | |
struct | CompareShrDateTime |
An auxiliary struct to compare two datetime shared pointers. More... | |
class | Coverage |
An abstract class to represent a coverage. More... | |
class | CoverageDataSetInfo |
An abstract class that contains infos about a DataSource and DataSet that contains observations of a coverage. More... | |
class | CoverageSeries |
A class to represent a coverage series. More... | |
class | CoverageSeriesIterator |
A class to traverse the observations of a CoverageSeries. More... | |
class | Event |
A class to represent an event. More... | |
class | Globals |
An static class with global definitions for the TerraLib ST module. More... | |
class | IDWInterpolator |
A class that implements an inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolationan function for PointCoverage. More... | |
class | Module |
This singleton defines the TerraLib ST module entry. More... | |
class | NearestCoverageAtTimeInterp |
It is an interpolation function the estimates the nearest coverage at a given non-observed time. More... | |
class | NearestGeometryAtTimeInterp |
It is an interpolation function the estimates the nearest geometry at a given non-observed time of a trajectory. More... | |
class | NearestValueAtTimeInterp |
It is an interpolation function the estimates the nearest value at a given non-observed time of a time series. More... | |
class | Object |
A class to represent an object. More... | |
class | Observation |
A class to represent an observation. More... | |
class | ObservationDataSet |
A class to represent a DataSet that contains observations. More... | |
class | ObservationDataSetInfo |
A class that contains infos about a DataSet that contains observations. More... | |
class | ObservationDataSetLayer |
A layer with reference to a dataset that contains observations. More... | |
class | ObservationDataSetType |
A class that contains complemental DataSetType information about a DataSet that holds observations. More... | |
class | PointCoverage |
A concrete class to represent a point coverage. More... | |
class | PointCoverageDataSetInfo |
A class that contains infos about a DataSource and DataSet that contains observations of a point coverage. More... | |
class | PointCoverageIterator |
A class to traverse the observations of a PointCoverage. More... | |
class | RasterCoverage |
A concrete class to represent a raster coverage. More... | |
class | RasterCoverageDataSetInfo |
A class that contains infos about a DataSource and DataSet that contains observations of a raster coverage. More... | |
class | STDataLoader |
A class that contains a set of static methods to load spatiotemporal data from data sources. More... | |
class | STDataLoaderFromDS |
A class responsible for loading spatiotemporal data from a DataSource using query capabilities. More... | |
class | STDataLoaderFromDSFactory |
This is the concrete factory for a STDataSourceLoaderFromDS. More... | |
class | STDataLoaderFromMemDS |
A class responsible for loading spatiotemporal data from a ST in-memory DataSource which contains an internal chache of in-memory DataSets indexed by space and time. More... | |
class | STDataLoaderFromMemDSFactory |
This is the concrete factory for a STDataLoaderFromMemDS. More... | |
class | STDataLoaderImpl |
An abstract class responsible for loading spatiotemporal data from data sources. More... | |
class | TimeSeries |
A class to represent time series. More... | |
class | TimeSeriesDataSet |
A class to represent a time series data set. More... | |
class | TimeSeriesDataSetInfo |
A class that contains infos about a DataSet that contains observations of one or more time series. More... | |
class | TimeSeriesDataSetLayer |
A layer with reference to a dataset that contains trajectories. More... | |
class | TimeSeriesIterator |
A class to traverse the observations of a TimeSeries. More... | |
class | TimeSeriesObservation |
A class to represent an observation (time and value) of a time series. More... | |
struct | TimeSeriesPatch |
A struct to represent a patch or a continuous piece of a time series. More... | |
class | Trajectory |
A class to represent trajectory. More... | |
class | TrajectoryDataSet |
A class to represent a trajectory data set. More... | |
class | TrajectoryDataSetInfo |
A class that contains infos about a DataSet that contains observations of one or more trajectories. More... | |
class | TrajectoryDataSetLayer |
A layer with reference to a dataset that contains trajectories. More... | |
class | TrajectoryIterator |
A class to traverse the observations of a trajectory. More... | |
struct | TrajectoryPatch |
A struct to represent a patch or a continuous piece of a trajectory. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | CoverageType { UNKNOWN = 0, POINT_COVERAGE = 1, RASTER_COVERAGE = 2 } |
An enum for the types of coverage. More... | |
enum | SpatioTemporalRelation { ENTERS = 0, EXITS = 1, REACHES = 2, LEAVES = 3 } |
An enum for the types of spatiotemporal relation. More... | |
Functions | |
TESTEXPORT ObservationDataSetType | GetType (const ObservationDataSetInfo &info) |
An auxiliary function that transform ObservationDataSetInfo into ObservationDataSetType. More... | |
Namespace for the TerraLib ST module.
typedef std::pair<te::dt::DateTimeShrPtr, CoverageShrPtr> te::st::CoverageSeriesObservation |
Definition at line 46 of file CoverageSeriesObservation.h.
typedef std::map<te::dt::DateTimeShrPtr, CoverageShrPtr, CompareShrDateTime> te::st::CoverageSeriesObservationSet |
Definition at line 47 of file CoverageSeriesObservation.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<te::st::Coverage> te::st::CoverageShrPtr |
Definition at line 318 of file Coverage.h.
Definition at line 40 of file ObservationDataSetLayer.h.
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<ObservationDataSetLayer> te::st::ObservationDataSetLayerPtr |
Definition at line 197 of file ObservationDataSetLayer.h.
typedef std::auto_ptr<ObservationDataSet> te::st::ObservationDataSetPtr |
Definition at line 290 of file ObservationDataSet.h.
typedef std::pair<te::gm::Point, boost::ptr_vector<te::dt::AbstractData> > te::st::PointCoverageItem |
Definition at line 52 of file PointCoverageObservation.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PointCoverageItem > te::st::PointCoverageObservation |
Definition at line 53 of file PointCoverageObservation.h.
typedef std::vector< PointCoverageObservation > te::st::PointCoverageObservationSet |
Definition at line 54 of file PointCoverageObservation.h.
typedef std::vector<PointCoverageDataSetInfo> te::st::PointCoverageSeriesDataSetInfo |
Definition at line 39 of file CoverageSeriesDataSetInfo.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<te::sam::rtree::Index<std::size_t> > te::st::PointCvRTreeShrPtr |
Definition at line 52 of file PointCoverage.h.
typedef std::vector<RasterCoverageDataSetInfo> te::st::RasterCoverageSeriesDataSetInfo |
Definition at line 40 of file CoverageSeriesDataSetInfo.h.
typedef TimeSeriesObservationSet::nth_index<0>::type te::st::TimeSeriesByTime |
Definition at line 137 of file TimeSeriesObservation.h.
typedef TimeSeriesObservationSet::nth_index<1>::type te::st::TimeSeriesByValue |
Definition at line 139 of file TimeSeriesObservation.h.
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<TimeSeriesDataSetLayer> te::st::TimeSeriesDataSetLayerPtr |
Definition at line 209 of file TimeSeriesDataSetLayer.h.
typedef boost::multi_index_container< TimeSeriesObservation, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< boost::multi_index::ordered_unique< boost::multi_index::identity<TimeSeriesObservation> >, boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun<TimeSeriesObservation, double, &TimeSeriesObservation::getDouble> >, boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun<TimeSeriesObservation, std::string, &TimeSeriesObservation::getString> > > > te::st::TimeSeriesObservationSet |
Definition at line 135 of file TimeSeriesObservation.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<te::sam::rtree::Index<te::dt::DateTime*> > te::st::TjRTreeShrPtr |
Definition at line 56 of file Trajectory.h.
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<TrajectoryDataSetLayer> te::st::TrajectoryDataSetLayerPtr |
Definition at line 217 of file TrajectoryDataSetLayer.h.
typedef std::pair<te::dt::DateTimeShrPtr, te::gm::GeometryShrPtr> te::st::TrajectoryObservation |
Definition at line 53 of file TrajectoryObservation.h.
typedef std::map<te::dt::DateTimeShrPtr, te::gm::GeometryShrPtr, CompareShrDateTime> te::st::TrajectoryObservationSet |
Definition at line 54 of file TrajectoryObservation.h.
enum te::st::CoverageType |
TESTEXPORT ObservationDataSetType te::st::GetType | ( | const ObservationDataSetInfo & | info | ) |
An auxiliary function that transform ObservationDataSetInfo into ObservationDataSetType.