30 #include "../common/progress/TaskProgress.h"
33 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
34 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
90 AbstractParameters* clone() const;
101 bool execute(const
te::rst::Raster& inputRaster, const std::vector<
unsigned int>& inputRasterBands,
102 const std::vector<
te::gm::Polygon*>& inputPolygons,
te::rst::Raster& outputRaster,
103 const
unsigned int outputRasterBand, const
bool enableProgressInterface) throw(
106 std::vector<
int > getOutputDataTypes() const;
108 unsigned int getOutputNumberBands(
112 bool m_isInitialized;
118 std::vector< std::vector<
double > > m_classesMeans;
120 std::vector< boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<
double > > m_classesCovarianceMatrixes;
122 std::vector< boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<
double > > m_classesCovarianceInvMatrixes;
124 std::vector<
double > m_classesOptizedMAPDiscriminantTerm;
134 bool getPrioriProbabilities(
135 const
te::rst::Raster& inputRaster,
136 const std::vector<
unsigned int>& inputRasterBands,
137 te::common::TaskProgress * const progressPtr,
138 std::vector<
double >& prioriProbabilities ) const;
MClassesSamplesCTPtr m_trainSamplesPtr
A shared pointer to a always-valid structure where trainning samples are stored.
Maximum a posteriori probability strategy factory.
boost::shared_ptr< MClassesSamplesCT > MClassesSamplesCTPtr
A shared pointer to a multi classes samples container type definition.
unsigned int m_prioriCalcSampleStep
A positive non-zero sample step used when calculating piori probabilities (default:2 - half of sample...
Base exception class for plugin module.
unsigned int ClassIDT
Class ID type definition (zero means invalid ID).
std::vector< double > m_prioriProbs
Priori probabilities, one for each class. Values from 0 to 1 (use an empty vector to allow internal c...
Raster classifier strategy factory base class.
std::map< ClassIDT, ClassSamplesContainerT > MClassesSamplesCT
Multi-classes samples container type definition.
std::vector< double > ClassSampleT
Class sample type definition.
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
Maximum a posteriori probability strategy.
Raster classifier strategy factory base class.
Configuration flags for the Raster Processing module of TerraLib.
Classifier Strategy Parameters.
Raster classifier strategy base class.
Raster classifier strategy base class.
std::vector< ClassSampleT > ClassSamplesContainerT
Class samples container type definition.