34 #include "../Config.h"
108 virtual void saveData(
GraphData* data) = 0;
116 virtual void removeEdge(
int id) = 0;
124 virtual void removeVertex(
int id) = 0;
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
This class implements the main functions necessary to save and load the graph data and metadata infor...
BottomUpLoaderStrategy(te::graph::GraphMetadata *metadata)
Default constructor.
Abstract class used to define the main functions of graph struct. All graph implementations must used...
This class define the main functions necessary to save and load the graph data and metadata informati...
Class used to manager the graph data elements. This class uses a cache policy to control the elements...
This class define a important struct used to group a map of vertex and edges. A flag is used to indic...
This class define the main functions necessary to save and load the graph data and metadata informati...
virtual ~BottomUpLoaderStrategy()
Default destructor.