30 #include "../common/Static.h"
static const std::string sm_moduleIdentifier
The GRAPH module identifier.
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
static const std::string sm_tableVertexModelAttrId
Attribute id.
static const std::string sm_factoryLoaderStrategyTypeBox
Box Loader Strategy Factory Name.
static const std::string sm_tableAttributeAttrId
Attribute Id.
static const std::string sm_tableGraphAttrName
Attribute Name.
static const std::string sm_graphFactoryDefaultObject
This definition is used to set the default graph type.
static const std::string sm_factoryGraphTypeUndirectedGraph
Undirected Graph Factory Name.
static const std::string sm_tableGraphName
Database Model Table Graph Name.
static const std::string sm_factoryGraphTypeGraph
Graph Factory Name.
static const std::string sm_tableAttributeAttrGraphId
Attribute Graph Id.
static const std::string sm_factoryCachePolicyTypeLFU
LFU Cache Policy Factory Name.
static const std::string sm_cachePolicyFactoryDefaultObject
This definition is used to set the default cache policy.
static const std::string sm_tableGraphAttrType
Attribute Type.
static const int sm_graphCacheDefaultMaxSize
This definition is used to set the max graph cache size.
static const std::string sm_tableEdgeModelAttrId
Attribute Id.
static const std::string sm_tableAttributeAttrColumn
Attribute Column.
static const std::string sm_tableGraphAttrTableName
Attribute Table Name.
static const std::string sm_tableGraphAttrId
Attribute Id.
static const std::string sm_vertexStorageMode
This definition is used to set the vertex storage mode.
static const std::string sm_tableAttributeAttrLink
Attribute Link.
static const std::string sm_tableGraphAttrDesc
Attribute Description.
static const std::string sm_factoryGraphTypeDirectedGraph
Directed Graph Factory Name.
static const std::string sm_tableAttributeName
Database Model Table Attribute Name.
static const int sm_boxLoaderStrategyDefaultSize
This definition is used to set the default box strategy loader box size.
static const std::string sm_factoryLoaderStrategyTypeSequence
Sequence Loader Strategy Factory Name.
static const std::string sm_factoryGraphTypeBidirectionalGraph
Bidirectional Graph Factory Name.
static const std::string sm_factoryCachePolicyTypeFIFO
FIFO Cache Policy Factory Name.
static const std::string sm_loaderStrategyFactoryDefaultObject
This definition is used to set the default graph loader strategy.
static const int sm_graphVecCacheDefaultMaxSize
This definition is used to set the max graph cache vector size.
static const std::string sm_tableEdgeAttributeModelSufixName
Database Model Edge Attribute Model Table Name.
static const std::string sm_tableEdgeModelAttrVFrom
Attribute Vertex From.
static const std::string sm_tableVertexAttributeModelSufixName
Database Model Vertex Attribute Model Table Name.
A base type for static classes.
static const std::string sm_tableEdgeModelAttrVTo
Attribute Vertex To.
static const std::string sm_tableAttributeAttrTable
Attribute Table.
An static class with global definitions for the TerraLib Graph Module.
static const std::string sm_tableEdgeModelSufixName
Database Model Edge Model Table Name.
static const std::string sm_edgeStorageMode
This definition is used to set the edge storage mode.
static const std::string sm_tableVertexModelSufixName
Database Model Vertex Model Table Name.
static const std::string sm_tableAttributeAttrType
Attribute Type.