75 bool init(std::string dstype, std::string connstr);
This file contains include headers for the Data Type module of TerraLib.
A base class for plugin types.
Struct that stores information about a index using the most common data types.
bool init(std::string dstype, std::string connstr)
Init the application.
std::vector< std::string > porperties
Foreign Key Properties in a string vector.
std::vector< UKInfo > vecUkInfo
Unique Key struct vector.
std::string m_connStr
The Data Source Connection String.
An utility class to control the startup and cleanup of the TerraLib Platform and its resources...
std::vector< std::string > porperties
Unique Key Properties in a string vector.
DataSetStruct getDataSetInfo(std::string dataSetName)
Get specific Data Set information.
std::map< std::string, std::string > getCapabilities()
Get the Data Source Capabilities.
std::vector< std::string > porperties
Primary Key Properties in a string vector.
Struct that stores information about a check constraint using the most common data types...
std::vector< std::string > porperties
Index Properties in a string vector.
std::vector< IdxInfo > vecIdxInfo
Index struct vector.
An abstract class for data providers like a DBMS, Web Services or a regular file. ...
std::string type
Index Type.
std::string name
Index Name.
std::vector< UKInfo > getUniqueKeyInfo(std::string dataSetName)
Get unique keys information.
Struct that stores information about a primary key using the most common data types.
std::string name
Primary Key Name.
std::vector< CCInfo > getCheckConstraintInfo(std::string dataSetName)
Get check constraint information.
Class with methods to manage the application.
std::string m_dataSourceType
The Data Source Type.
DataSourceHeader getDataSourceHeader()
Get the Data Source Header.
std::string expression
Check Constraint Expression.
A class that defines the interface of an abstract factory.
std::vector< CCInfo > vecCcInfo
Check Constraint struct vector.
std::vector< std::string * > getDataSetNameList()
Get all Data Sets names.
Struct that stores information about a data set using the most common data types. ...
std::string name
Check Constraint Name.
Struct that stores information about a unique key using the most common data types.
std::vector< FKInfo > getForeignKeyInfo(std::string dataSetName)
Get foreign keys information.
std::vector< IdxInfo > getIndexesKeyInfo(std::string dataSetName)
Get indexes information.
std::string name
Foreign Key Name.
A factory for data sources.
PKInfo getPrimaryKeyInfo(std::string dataSetName)
Get primary key information.
A singleton for managing plugins.
te::da::DataSource * m_dataSource
The Data Source.
std::vector< FKInfo > vecFkInfo
Foreign Key struct vector.
This file contains include headers for the TerraLib Common Runtime module.
Class Constructor.
Struct that stores information about a foreign key using the most common data types.
bool hasPk
If has Primary key.
This file contains include headers for the Data Access module of TerraLib.
std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > getDataSourceParameters(std::string dataSourceType)
Get Data Source Types connection parameters.
std::string name
Unique Key Name.
std::vector< DataSetStruct > getDataSetsInfo()
Get all Data Sets informations.
std::string name
Data Set Name.
PKInfo pkInfo
Primary Key struct.