30 #include "../../../plugin/Plugin.h"
53 class CreateLayerAction;
54 class GeoPackageBuilderAction;
55 class GeoPackagePublisherAction;
56 class GeoPackageSynchronizerAction;
QMenu * m_menu
thirdParty Main Menu registered.
te::qt::plugins::terramobile::CreateLayerAction * m_createLayer
Used to create a new layer.
te::qt::plugins::terramobile::GeoPackagePublisherAction * m_gpPublisher
GeoPackage Publisher Operation Process Action.
te::qt::plugins::terramobile::GeoPackageBuilderAction * m_gpBuider
GeoPackage Builder Operation Process Action.
QAction * m_popupAction
thirdParty pop up action registered.
Plugin(const te::plugin::PluginInfo &pluginInfo)
This file defines the Create Layer Action class.
A base class for application events.
void triggered(te::qt::af::evt::Event *e)
This file defines the GeoPackage Publisher Action class.
void unRegisterActions()
Function used to unregister all terra mobile actions.
void shutdown()
Do nothing! Just set plugin as stopped.
This file defines the GeoPackage Builder Action class.
This file defines the GeoPackage Synchronizer Action class.
A base class for plugin types.
void registerActions()
Function used to register all terra mobile actions.
void startup()
Do nothing! Just set plugin as started.
te::qt::plugins::terramobile::GeoPackageSynchronizerAction * m_gpSync
GeoPackage Synchronizer Operation Process Action.
The basic information about a plugin.
Virtual destructor.