30 #include "../../geometry/Enums.h"
34 #include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
90 virtual void visit(
const Function& visited);
109 virtual void visit(
const Select& visited);
114 bool hasSpatialRestrictions()
116 const std::vector<te::da::SpatialRestriction*>& getSpatialRestrictions()
120 virtual void initialize();
122 bool isSpatialRestrictionFunction(
const Function& f)
126 bool isFromEnvelope(
const Function& f)
130 std::string getPropertyName(
const Function& f)
132 void addSpatialRestriction(
const Function& f);
A visitor for retrieves spatial restrictions from a Query hierarchy.
te::gm::SpatialRelation m_type
The spatial restriction type.
virtual void visit(const LiteralBool &visited)
An abstract class that models a source of data in a query.
virtual void visit(const LiteralEnvelope &visited)
std::size_t m_index
Internal index of the spatial restriction.
A class that models the name of a dataset used in a From clause.
std::vector< te::da::SpatialRestriction * > m_spatialRestrictions
The set of spatial restrictions.
A class that models the name of any property of an object.
virtual void visit(const JoinConditionUsing &visited)
virtual void visit(const SubSelect &visited)
Default constructor.
virtual void visit(const PropertyName &visited)
virtual void visit(const LiteralString &visited)
virtual void visit(const Literal &visited)
This class models a bool Literal value.
A visitor interface for the Query hierarchy.
Spatial relations between geometric objects.
virtual void visit(const LiteralByteArray &visited)
virtual void visit(const Join &visited)
The Insert object can add the return of a select object.
virtual void visit(const LiteralDouble &visited)
This is an abstract class that models a query expression.
virtual void visit(const JoinConditionOn &visited)
virtual void visit(const JoinCondition &visited)
A class that models a literal for Date and Time values.
const Function * m_function
The function that represents the spatial restriction.
A visitor interface for the Query hierarchy.
This class models a literal value.
A struct that represents a spatial restriction.
virtual void visit(const LiteralDateTime &visited)
A class that models a literal for ByteArray values.
bool m_isFromEnvelope
A flag that indicates if the spatial restriction uses an envelope.
A condition to be used in a Join clause.
std::size_t m_index
An internal visitor index.
virtual void visit(const Query &visited)
A class that models a Function expression.
A Join clause combines two FromItems.
A class that models a literal for double values.
std::string m_pname
The property name of the spatial restriction.
virtual void visit(const FromItem &visited)
Geometry is the root class of the geometries hierarchy, it follows OGC and ISO standards.
A Select models a query to be used when retrieving data from a DataSource.
virtual void visit(const Insert &visited)
virtual void visit(const LiteralInt16 &visited)
virtual void visit(const LiteralInt64 &visited)
virtual void visit(const In &visited)
te::gm::Geometry * m_geometry
The geometry of the spatial restriction.
virtual void visit(const LiteralGeom &visited)
A Select can be used as a source of information in another query.
virtual void visit(const Expression &visited)
virtual void visit(const LiteralInt32 &visited)
JoinConditionUsing class can be used to model a USING clause in a Join.
std::map< std::string, te::gm::SpatialRelation > m_spatialFunctions
A map of spatial restriction functions.
A class that models a literal for Envelope values.
A class that represents the IN operator.
JoinConditionOn is a boolean expression and it specifies which items in a join are considered to matc...
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
A Select can be used as a source of information in another query.
A Query is independent from the data source language/dialect.
virtual void visit(const DataSetName &visited)
A class that models a literal for Geometry values.
virtual void visit(const SelectExpression &visited)
This class models a string Literal value.