30 #include "../common/Enums.h"
104 void visit(
const Point& visited);
105 void visit(
const PointM& visited);
106 void visit(
const PointZ& visited);
107 void visit(
const PointZM& visited);
109 void visit(
const Polygon& visited);
112 void visit(
const TIN& visited);
113 void visit(
const Triangle& visited);
PolyhedralSurface is a contiguous collection of polygons, which share common boundary segments...
MultiPolygon is a MultiSurface whose elements are Polygons.
void visit(const CircularString &)
void visit(const AbstractPoint &)
void visit(const CurvePolygon &)
Curve is an abstract class that represents 1-dimensional geometric objects stored as a sequence of co...
void visit(const CompoundCurve &)
A point with a z-coordinate value and an associated measurement.
A point with an associated measure.
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
TIN (triangulated irregular network) is a PolyhedralSurface consisting only of Triangle patches...
A LinearRing is a LineString that is both closed and simple.
MultiPoint is a GeometryCollection whose elements are restricted to points.
A point with z-coordinate value.
LineString is a curve with linear interpolation between points.
Triangle is a polygon with 3 distinct, non-collinear vertices and no interior boundary.
A point with x and y coordinate values.
void visit(const Surface &)
CompoundCurve is a curve that may have circular and linear segments.
void visit(const PointKd &)
void visit(const MultiCurve &)
void visit(const MultiSurface &)
CurvePolygon is a planar surface defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries...
Geometry is the root class of the geometries hierarchy, it follows OGC and ISO standards.
te::common::MachineByteOrder m_byteOrder
The byte order used to encode the WKB.
MultiLineString is a MultiCurve whose elements are LineStrings.
A class that serializes a geometry to the WKB format.
Polygon is a subclass of CurvePolygon whose rings are defined by linear rings.
MultiSurface is a class that represents a 2-dimensional GeometryCollection whose elements are surface...
void visit(const Curve &)
MultiCurve is a class that represents a 1-dimensional GeometryCollection whose elements are curves...
void visit(const Geometry &)
It is a collection of other geometric objects.
char * m_wkb
A pointer that marks the current position in a buffer to be write when parsing the geometry...
A base abstract class for 0-dimensional geometric objects that represents a single location in coordi...
A visitor interface for the Geometry hierarchy.
CircularString is a curve with circular interpolation between points.
Surface is an abstract class that represents a 2-dimensional geometric objects.
A visitor interface for the Geometry hierarchy.