geometry Directory Reference


directory  serialization


file  AbstractPoint.h [code]
 A base abstract class for 0-dimensional geometric objects that represents a single location in coordinate space.
file  AffineGT.h [code]
 2D Affine Geometric transformation.
file  AffineGTFactory.h [code]
 2D Affine Geometric transformation factory.
file  CircularString.h [code]
 CircularString is a curve with circular interpolation between points.
file  CompoundCurve.h [code]
 CompoundCurve is a curve that may have circular and linear segments.
file  Config.h [code]
 Configuration flags for the Vector Geometry Model of TerraLib.
file  Coord2D.h [code]
 An utility struct for representing 2D coordinates.
file  Curve.h [code]
 Curve is an abstract class that represents 1-dimensional geometric objects stored as a sequence of coordinates.
file  CurvePolygon.h [code]
 CurvePolygon is a planar surface defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries.
file  Enums.h [code]
 Enumerations related to Geometry module.
file  Envelope.h [code]
 An Envelope defines a 2D rectangular region.
file  Exception.h [code]
 An exception class for the Geometry module.
file  FixGeometries.h [code]
 This class contains attributes and functions necessary to fix and report unconsistencies of geometries.
file  GeometricTransformation.h [code]
 2D Geometric transformation base class.
file  Geometry.h [code]
 Geometry is the root class of the geometries hierarchy, it follows OGC and ISO standards.
file  GeometryCollection.h [code]
 It is a collection of other geometric objects.
file  GeometryConverters.h [code]
 A set of function that convert a Geometry type to other types and vice-versa.
file  GeometryFactory.h [code]
 This is the Geometry factory for TerraLib geometries.
file  GeometryProperty.h [code]
 Geometric property.
file  GEOSGeometryFactory.h [code]
 The global factory used by TerraLib in order to create GEOS geometries.
file  GEOSReader.h [code]
 A class that converts a GEOS geometry to a TerraLib geometry.
file  GEOSWriter.h [code]
 A class that converts a TerraLib geometry to a GEOS geometry.
file  GTFactory.h [code]
 2D Geometric transformation factory.
file  GTFilter.h [code]
 2D Geometric transformation outliers remotion filter.
file  GTModelParameters.h [code]
 2D Geometric transformation model parameters.
file  GTParameters.h [code]
 2D Geometric transformation parameters.
file  Line.h [code]
 A Line is LineString with 2 points.
file  LinearRing.h [code]
 A LinearRing is a LineString that is both closed and simple.
file  LineString.h [code]
 LineString is a curve with linear interpolation between points.
file  Module.h [code]
 This singleton defines the TerraLib Vector Geometry module entry.
file  MultiCurve.h [code]
 MultiCurve is a class that represents a 1-dimensional GeometryCollection whose elements are curves.
file  MultiLineString.h [code]
 MultiLineString is a MultiCurve whose elements are LineStrings.
file  MultiPoint.h [code]
 MultiPoint is a GeometryCollection whose elements are restricted to points.
file  MultiPolygon.h [code]
 MultiPolygon is a MultiSurface whose elements are Polygons.
file  MultiSurface.h [code]
 MultiSurface is a class that represents a 2-dimensional GeometryCollection whose elements are surfaces.
file  Point.h [code]
 A point with x and y coordinate values.
file  PointKd.h [code]
 A k-dimensional point.
file  PointM.h [code]
 A point with an associated measure.
file  PointZ.h [code]
 A point with z-coordinate value.
file  PointZM.h [code]
 A point with a z-coordinate value and an associated measurement.
file  Polygon.h [code]
 Polygon is a subclass of CurvePolygon whose rings are defined by linear rings.
file  PolyhedralSurface.h [code]
 PolyhedralSurface is a contiguous collection of polygons, which share common boundary segments.
file  ProjectiveGT.h [code]
 2D Projective Geometric transformation.
file  ProjectiveGTFactory.h [code]
 2D Projective Geometric transformation factory.
file  RSTGT.h [code]
 2D Rotation/scale/translation (rigid body) Geometric transformation.
file  RSTGTFactory.h [code]
 2D RST Geometric transformation factory.
file  SecondDegreePolynomialGT.h [code]
 Second Degree Polynomial Geometric transformation.
file  SecondDegreePolynomialGTFactory.h [code]
 2D Second Degree Polynomial Geometric transformation factory.
file  Surface.h [code]
 Surface is an abstract class that represents a 2-dimensional geometric objects.
file  ThirdDegreePolynomialGT.h [code]
 Third Degree Polynomial Geometric transformation.
file  ThirdDegreePolynomialGTFactory.h [code]
 2D Third Degree Polynomial Geometric transformation factory.
file  TIN.h [code]
 TIN (triangulated irregular network) is a PolyhedralSurface consisting only of Triangle patches.
file  Triangle.h [code]
 Triangle is a polygon with 3 distinct, non-collinear vertices and no interior boundary.
file  Utils.h [code]
 Utility functions for the Geometry Module.
file  Visitor.h [code]
 A visitor interface for the Geometry hierarchy.
file  WKBReader.h [code]
 A class that deserializes a geometry from a valid WKB.
file  WKBSize.h [code]
 A class that computes the number of bytes necessary to encode a geometry in WKB.
file  WKBWriter.h [code]
 A class that serializes a geometry to the WKB format.
file  WKTActions.h [code]
 A class that implements the semanthic actions to grammar rules for well known text (WKT) format for Geometry. Basically, the class is responsible to generate a geometry element.
file  WKTParser.h [code]
 A class that implements the grammar rules for well known text (WKT) for Geometry. It is based on boost::spirit V2 and WKT BNF definition available in the OGC Simple Features Specification.
file  WKTReader.h [code]
 A class that deserializes a geometry from a valid WKT.
file  WKTWriter.h [code]
 A class that serializes a geometry to the WKT format.