30 #include "../common/UnitOfMeasure.h"
40 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
85 BandProperty(std::size_t idx,
int t,
const std::string& desc = std::string(
128 bool isComplex()
135 std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >
const te::common::UnitOfMeasurePtr & getUnitOfMeasure() const
It returns the unit of measure of the values.
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
std::size_t m_idx
The band index.
std::vector< ColorEntry > m_palette
The color palette.
std::vector< std::string > m_categoryNames
Set of categoric names for the values contained in a dimension.
Color model component use.
A raster band description.
int m_nblocksx
The number of blocks in x.
int m_nblocksy
The number of blocks in y.
void setUnitOfMeasure(te::common::UnitOfMeasurePtr u)
Sets the unit of measure of the values;.
short c4
alpha or blackband.
int m_type
The data type of the elements in the band.
double m_noDataValue
Value to indicate elements where there is no data, default is std::numeric_limits::max().
Enumerations for the Raster module.
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > m_metadata
A list of metadata where each element consists of a (key, value).
std::complex< double > m_valuesScale
Scale is the values (real and imaginary) which is multiplied to grid values for this sample dimension...
int m_blkw
Block width (pixels).
boost::shared_ptr< UnitOfMeasure > UnitOfMeasurePtr
short c1
gray, red, cyan or hue.
short c3
blue, yellow, or saturation.
An structure to represent a color tuple.
std::complex< double > m_valuesOffset
Offset is the values (real and imaginary) to add to grid values for this sample dimension, default is 0.
int getType() const
It returns the data type of the elements in the band.
std::string m_description
A description.
te::common::UnitOfMeasurePtr m_unit
The unit of values.
Configuration flags for the Raster module of TerraLib.
int m_blkh
Block height (pixels).
Palette interpratation types.
ColorInterp m_colorInterp
The color interpretation.
short c2
green, magenta, or lightness.
PaletteInterpretation m_paletteInterp
Pallete interpretation.
boost::shared_ptr< BandProperty > BandPropertyPtr