31 #include "../geometry/GeometricTransformation.h"
35 #include <boost/thread.hpp>
80 AbstractParameters* clone() const;
86 void getSubSampledSpecStrategyParams(
87 const
double subSampleOptimizationRescaleFactor,
92 void getDefaultSpecStrategyParams(
175 bool getMatchedInterestPoints(
177 const double raster1ToRaster2TransfDMapError,
181 unsigned int getAutoMaxTiePointsNumber()
194 static bool applyMeanFilter(
197 const unsigned int iterationsNumber );
214 bool locateMoravecInterestPoints(
215 const unsigned int maxInterestPoints,
242 static bool generateCorrelationFeatures(
244 const unsigned int correlationWindowWidth,
268 bool executeMatchingByCorrelation(
274 const double raster1ToRaster2TransfDMapError,
282 static void executeMatchingByCorrelationThreadEntry(
te::rp::TiePointsLocatorInputParameters m_inputParameters
Input parameters.
std::vector< InterestPointsSetT > * m_interestPointsSubSectorsPtr
A pointer to a valid interest points container (one element by subsector)..
Tie Points Locator strategy parameters.
Base exception class for plugin module.
FloatsMatrix const * m_featuresSet2Ptr
unsigned int * m_nextFeatureIdx1ToProcessPtr
FloatsMatrix const * m_rasterDataPtr
The loaded raster data.
Tie-points locator Moravec strategy.
unsigned int m_moravecWindowWidth
Thread return value pointer.
unsigned int m_moravecWindowWidth
The Moravec window width used to locate canditate tie-points (minimum 3, default: 21...
Raster tie points locator strategy factory base class.
Moravec tie-points locator strategy factory.
Tie-Pointsr locator strategy.
FloatsMatrix const * m_featuresSet1Ptr
te::gm::GeometricTransformation const * m_raster1ToRaster2TransfPtr
A pointer to a transformation direct mapping raster 1 indexed coords into raster 2 indexed coords...
InterestPointT const * m_interestPointsSet1Ptr
unsigned int m_processingBlocksNumber
The raster data will be splitted into this number of blocks for processing.
TiePointsLocator strategy parameters.
InterestPointT const * m_interestPointsSet2Ptr
TiePointsLocator Moravec strategy parameters.
std::multiset< InterestPointT > InterestPointsSetT
You can use this macro in order to export/import classes and functions from this module.
bool m_isInitialized
true if this instance is initialized.
unsigned int m_moravecCorrelationWindowWidth
The correlation window width used to correlate points between the images (minimum 3...
unsigned int m_maxInterestPointsBySubSector
The maximum number of interest points by sub-sector.
The parameters passed to the matchCorrelationEuclideanThreadEntry method.
Tie-points locator strategy.
unsigned int m_moravecNoiseFilterIterations
The number of noise filter iterations, when applicable (used to remove image noise, zero will disable the noise Filter, default:1).
The parameters passed to the moravecLocatorThreadEntry method.
unsigned int m_tiePointsSubSectorsSplitFactor
The number of sectors along each direction.
A generic template matrix.
boost::mutex * m_interestPointsAccessMutexPtr
A pointer to a valid mutex to control the output interest points container access.
boost::mutex * m_syncMutexPtr
double m_searchOptTreeSearchRadius
Optimization tree search radius (pixels).
UCharsMatrix const * m_maskRasterDataPtr
The loaded mask raster data pointer (or zero if no mask is avaliable).
Raster tie-points locator strategy factory base class.
unsigned int * m_nextRasterLinesBlockToProcessValuePtr
A pointer to a valid counter to control the blocks processing sequence.
std::multiset< MatchedInterestPointsT > MatchedInterestPointsSetT
double m_moravecMinAbsCorrelation
The minimum acceptable absolute correlation value when matching features (when applicable), default:0.25, valid range: [0,1].
FloatsMatrix * m_corrMatrixPtr
boost::mutex * m_rastaDataAccessMutexPtr
A pointer to a valid mutex to controle raster data access.