This is the complete list of members for te::mnt::Slope, including all inherited members.
BreakNodeClosestPoints(int32_t nid, int32_t *rClstNids, int32_t *lClstNids) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
BreakNodeFirstDeriv() | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
BreakNodeSecondDeriv() | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
BreakTriangleSecondDeriv() | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
CalcGradientRst(std::auto_ptr< te::rst::Raster > &raster, unsigned l, unsigned c, double &dzdx, double &dzdy) | te::mnt::Slope | private |
CalcNodeFirstDeriv(int32_t nodeId, int32_t clstNodes[CLNODES]) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
CalcNodeSecondDeriv(int32_t nodeId, int32_t clstNIds[CLNODES]) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
CalcTriangleSecondDeriv(std::vector< int32_t > &triangles, std::vector< te::gm::PointZ > &fderiv) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
CalcZvalueAkima(int32_t triid, te::gm::PointZ &pt1, te::gm::PointZ &pt2) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
CheckLines(int32_t trid) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
CheckTopology() | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
ContainsPoint(int32_t triangId, te::gm::PointZ &pt) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
DefineAkimaCoeficients(int32_t triid, double *coef) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
DefineAkimaCoeficients(int32_t triid, int32_t *nodesid, te::gm::PointZ *p3d, double *coef) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
DefineInterLinesColumns(int32_t *nodesid, int32_t &flin, int32_t &llin, int32_t &fcol, int32_t &lcol) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
FillGridValue(int32_t triid, int32_t flin, int32_t llin, int32_t fcol, int32_t lcol, double zvalue) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
FindLine(int32_t nid) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
FindLine(int32_t fnid, int32_t snid) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
FindTriangle(te::gm::PointZ &ptr1) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
GetDataSetType(std::string &outDsetName) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
LoadTin(te::da::DataSourcePtr &inDsrc, std::string &inDsetName, double zmin=std::numeric_limits< double >::min(), double zmax=std::numeric_limits< double >::max()) | te::mnt::Tin | |
m_dsinfo | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_dummy | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_dx | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_dy | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_env | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_fbnode | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_gradtype | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_inDsetName | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_inDsetType | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_inDsrc | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_inputType | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_line | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_linesize | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_lline | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_lnode | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_ltriang | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_max | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_min | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_nblfderiv | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_nblsderiv | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_nbrfderiv | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_nbrsderiv | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_nfderiv | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_nodatavalue | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_node | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_nodesize | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_nsderiv | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_resx | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_resy | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_rst | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_slopetype | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_srid | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_tfderiv | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_tol | te::mnt::Slope | protected |
m_triang | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_triangsize | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
m_tsderiv | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NeighborsId(int32_t triangId, int32_t *neighsId) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NextNode(int32_t nodeId) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeClosestPoints(int32_t nid, int32_t *clstNids, bool useBrNode=true) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeDerivatives() | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeFirstDeriv() | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeId(int32_t triangId, short vertex) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeLines(int32_t v, std::vector< int32_t > &linids) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeNodes(int32_t v, std::vector< int32_t > &nodids) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeOppositeLines(int32_t v, std::vector< int32_t > &linids) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeSecondDeriv() | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodesId(int32_t triangId, int32_t *nodeIds) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeTriangle(int32_t v) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeTriangles(int32_t v, std::vector< int32_t > &triangles) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
NodeTriangles(int32_t nodeid, std::vector< int32_t > &rightri, std::vector< int32_t > &leftri) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
OppositeEdge(int32_t triangId, int32_t nodeId) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
OppositeNode(int32_t triangId, int32_t linId) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
PreviousNode(int32_t nodeId) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
ReallocateVectors(size_t nSize) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
run() | te::mnt::Slope | |
SaveTin(te::da::DataSourcePtr &outDsrc, std::string &outDsetName) | te::mnt::Tin | |
setEnvelope(te::gm::Envelope &env) | te::mnt::Tin | |
setInput(te::da::DataSourcePtr inDsrc, std::string inDsetName, std::auto_ptr< te::da::DataSetType > inDsetType) | te::mnt::Slope | |
setOutput(std::map< std::string, std::string > &dsinfo) | te::mnt::Slope | |
setParams(double resx, double resy, char gradtype, char slopetype, int srid, double dummy) | te::mnt::Slope | |
setSRID(int srid) | te::mnt::Tin | |
Slope() | te::mnt::Slope | |
Tin() | te::mnt::Tin | inline |
TriangleFirstDeriv() | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
TriangleGradient(int32_t *nodesid, char gradtype, char slopetype) | te::mnt::Slope | private |
TrianglePoints(int32_t triangId, te::gm::PointZ *vertex) | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
TriangleSecondDeriv() | te::mnt::Tin | protected |
~Slope() | te::mnt::Slope |