Utils.h File Reference
#include "../../common/CharEncodingConv.h"
#include "../../color/RGBAColor.h"
#include "../../geometry/Enums.h"
#include "../../maptools/Enums.h"
#include "../../maptools/AbstractLayer.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "Globals.h"
#include <QColor>
#include <QModelIndex>
#include <QObject>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QString>
#include <string>

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 URI C++ Library.
 Namespace for the Map Tools module of TerraLib.
 Namespace for the Qt module of TerraLib.
 Namespace for the Qt Widgets module of TerraLib.


TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void te::qt::widgets::AddFilePathToSettings (const QString &path, const QString &typeFile)
 Save last used path in QSettings. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void te::qt::widgets::Config2DrawLayerSelection (te::map::Canvas *canvas, const QColor &selectionColor, const te::gm::GeomType &type)
 It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw a layer selection. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void te::qt::widgets::Config2DrawLines (te::map::Canvas *canvas, const QColor &color, const std::size_t &width=1)
 It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw lines. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void te::qt::widgets::Config2DrawPoints (te::map::Canvas *canvas, const QColor &color, const std::size_t &width=1)
 It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw points. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void te::qt::widgets::Config2DrawPoints (te::map::Canvas *canvas, const QString &markName, const std::size_t &size, const QColor &fillColor, const QColor &contourColor, const std::size_t &contourWidth=1)
 It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw points. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void te::qt::widgets::Config2DrawPolygons (te::map::Canvas *canvas, const QColor &fillColor, const QColor &contourColor, const std::size_t &contourWidth=1)
 It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw polygons. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QColor te::qt::widgets::Convert2Qt (const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It converts a TerraLib Color to Qt Color. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QString te::qt::widgets::Convert2Qt (const std::string &text, const te::common::CharEncoding &encoding)
 It converts the given string to an appropriate character encoding. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor te::qt::widgets::Convert2TerraLib (const QColor &color)
 It converts a Qt Color to TerraLib Color. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QPixmap te::qt::widgets::CreatePixmapIcon (const int &size, const QColor &penColor, const QColor &brushColor, const int &contourSize)
 It creates a pixmap to use as icon (to be used as legend icon). More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QAction * te::qt::widgets::FindAction (const QString &actText, QMenu *mnu)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QAction * te::qt::widgets::FindAction (const QString &actText, QMenuBar *mnuBar)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QActionGroup * te::qt::widgets::FindActionGroup (const QString &actGroupText, QMenu *mnu)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QActionGroup * te::qt::widgets::FindActionGroup (const QString &actText, QMenuBar *mnuBar)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QMenu * te::qt::widgets::FindMenu (const QString &mnuText, QMenu *mnu)
 Finds a menu item in the mnu object. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QMenu * te::qt::widgets::FindMenu (const QString &mnuText, QMenuBar *bar)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void te::qt::widgets::GetChangedAndVisibleLayers (const QModelIndexList &idxs, std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &layers)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QString te::qt::widgets::GetDiskRasterFileSelFilter ()
 Returns a disk raster file selection filter base on current supported formats. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QString te::qt::widgets::GetFilePathFromSettings (const QString &typeFile)
 Returns the value of the last saved file path for the typeFile required. More...
const char * te::qt::widgets::GetFormat (te::map::ImageType t)
 It returns the file format as a NULL terminated string. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QImage * te::qt::widgets::GetImage (te::color::RGBAColor **img, int width, int height)
 It creates a QImage from an RGBA color array. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** te::qt::widgets::GetImage (QImage *img)
 It creates a RGBA color array from a QImage. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QMenu * te::qt::widgets::GetMenu (const QString &mnuText, QMenu *mnu)
 Gets a menu or submenu contained in the mnu object. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QMenu * te::qt::widgets::GetMenu (const QString &mnuText, QMenuBar *bar)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtrte::qt::widgets::GetSelectedLayersOnly (te::qt::widgets::LayerItemView *view)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void te::qt::widgets::GetValidLayers (QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &parent, std::vector< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &layers)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void te::qt::widgets::GetValidLayers (QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &parent, std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &layers)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT bool te::qt::widgets::isValidSRIDs (const int &firstSRID, const int &secondSRID, std::string &msg)
 Verify if the SRID from informed Layers are valids to execute the operation. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void te::qt::widgets::SetChildrenCheckState (QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column, Qt::CheckState state)
 It sets the check state for the children of a item. More...